Welcome to our weekly e-newsletter - What's Up in Wake Forest. Here you'll find information about Town programs, services, activities, projects, special events, and more! If you haven't already, tell your friends and neighbors to visit our E-Notifier page to learn about our full array of free email offerings.
Friday Night on White returns to downtown this evening (Friday, Aug. 12), at 6 p.m. with The Brickhouse Band.
Food and dessert trucks onsite for tonight's concert will include Crispy Gyoza, Crumbstruction, Fishin' Shrimp, Goodberry's Frozen Custard, Kona Ice, Lawrence & Perry BBQ, Lumpy's Ice Cream, MexiArepa Grill, Stavi's Sandwiches, Tacos Las Gringas, the VFW Chuck Wagon, and Virgil's Jamaica.
This year's final FNOW concert will feature Crush on September 9.
The entry fee is $45 per player, plus $10 for each additional event. No registrations will be accepted on the day of the tournament. The registration deadline is Friday, Sept 30.
Potential projects include a multipurpose outdoor sports complex (to include Pickleball courts), restroom installations at local parks, road connections and street resurfacing, bus shelter installations, Smith Creek Greenway phases 2 and 3, Dunn Creek Greenway phases 3 and 4, and the downtown parking facility.
Nominees are sought in two divisions: adult (ages 19 and older) and youth (ages 10-18). To qualify, a nominee must be a Wake Forest resident who has made a significant contribution to the community between Sept. 1, 2021, and Aug. 31, 2022.
The Wake Forest Citizen’s Academy is a seven-week course designed to offer participants an educational and interactive experience on the workings of Town government. The curriculum will cover current Town programs, services, and procedures, and offer an inside look at several departments, including Public Works, Police, Fire, Communications, Finance, Planning, Engineering, Wake Forest Power, IT, Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources, the Renaissance Centre, and Downtown Development.
Led by Town staff, each weekly session will take place at a different Town facility. The final session will include a graduation ceremony and reception.
The Wake Forest Renaissance Centre will honor Suzanne Hetzel, Karen Penney, and Maureen Seltzer as featured artists for the month of August and display their work during a special Art Exhibit & Reception Wednesday, Aug 24, from 5-7 p.m. in the RC Arts Annex, 405 S. Brooks St.
The event is free and open to the public.
Anyone who is unable to attend, but would like to view the art exhibit, is invited to make an appointment.
The Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources (PRCR) Advisory Board will host an Art in the Park Painting Class for people of all ages and skill levels on Saturday, Aug. 27, at E. Carroll Joyner Park, 701 Harris Road.
Two classes will be offered according to the following schedule:
9:30-11:30 am - Children, ages 6-11 (This class is full)
1:30-3:30 pm - Youth/Adults, ages 12 and older
Online registration is open to the first 30 people to register for each class via RecDesk (search Art in the Park).
The Town of Wake Forest is in the process of updating its Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), and we need your input. As a follow-up to the UDO Open House sessions on June 9, Wake Forest residents, business owners, and stakeholders are invited to visit Engage Wake Forest and complete the online survey on additional types of development standards. Available through Friday, Sept. 2, the survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete.
Spend an evening with family and friends while enjoying some foot-tapping, finger snapping good times during our 2022 Concerts in the Park.
The Nigel Experience Band will perform Sunday, Sept. 4, while Heads Up Penny will take the stage Sunday, Sept. 11. These free performances are scheduled from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the E. Carroll Joyner Park Amphitheater, 701 Harris Road.
Also, on September 11, the PRCR Advisory Board will host Wake Forest Unplugged in Joyner Park from 5-7 p.m.
The PRCR Department is accepting team registrations for Adult Co-Rec Fall Kickball throughout August.
The entry fee is $225 per team, and the league is limited to participants ages 18 and older. League games will be played primarily on weeknights and Sunday afternoons from mid-September through late October.
Anyone interested in participating who does not have a team can sign up as a free agent, then be assigned to a team in need of players.
You can make a difference in our community by applying to fill one of two vacancies on the Urban Forestry Board (UFB) and one vacancy on the Technology Advisory Board (TAB). Residents of Wake Forest and its extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) are eligible to apply.
The online advisory board application is available through Monday, Aug. 15. Anyone without computer access is invited to complete the application by using a computer kiosk in the lobby of Town Hall, 301 S. Brooks St.
The Public Art Commission, Wake Forest PRCR Department, and ARTS Wake Forest are inviting all Wake Forest residents to a special Community Celebration of the Arts on Saturday, Oct. 1, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Alston-Massenburg Center and Taylor Street Park, 416 N. Taylor St.
Open free to the public, this family-friendly event will include food, music, and a variety of indoor and outdoor arts activities for children of all ages, including rock painting, chalk art, and “do it yourself” kits to assemble on-site or take home.
The Town of Wake Forest and several local veterans’ organizations will continue their monthly flag-raising ceremonies in Town Hall’s Centennial Plaza on Monday, Sept. 12, at 11 a.m.
The 43rd Wake Forest Memorial Flag-Raising Ceremony will honor Bruce Keith, Sr. who served our nation in the US Marine Corps.
Members of Keith's family have been invited to participate in the service, which will include patriotic songs, special remarks, a memorial wreath laying, and the ceremonial flag-raising by the Wake Forest Fire Department Honor Guard.
The Northeast Community Coalition, Faith Tabernacle Church, and Garner 5th Avenue Pharmacy are partnering to offer flu vaccine shots on Tuesday, Oct. 11, at 10 a.m. at Faith Tabernacle Church, 741 E. Juniper Ave.
The cost is free for anyone who has insurance, and $24 for those without insurance.
The Wake Forest Area Chamber of Commerce is inviting the community to its third Wake Forest Works Job Fair on Wednesday, Aug. 17, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. inside the Fellowship Hall at Wake Forest Baptist Church, 107 South Ave.
The job fair is free and tables will be set up so applicants can learn about the various hiring opportunities. Private rooms will also be available for on-the-spot interviews.
The PRCR Department is offering residents the opportunity to reserve rental facilities both in person and online.
Please note the following online rental procedure:
- Call the facility you wish to rent to confirm availability.
Following confirmation, complete the online rental agreement;
- Once the agreement has been submitted, reviewed, and accepted, you will receive confirmation via email or telephone, followed by an invoice for the rental deposit or full rental fee.
Pay rental deposit or full fee via RecDesk. If you do not already have a RecDesk account, set up an account.
Please Note: Submitting a rental request does not guarantee approval. All requests are considered “tentative” until the entire process has been completed, including payment of the rental deposit or full rental fee.
Provided below are announcements about projects that will impact Wake Forest motorists over the next several weeks. Please use the information to help plan your route and move safely through the affected areas.
Tuesday, Aug. 16
Weather-permitting, the Town of Wake Forest will temporarily close the northbound lane of North Main Street from East Juniper Avenue to East Cedar Avenue Tuesday, Aug. 16, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. The temporary lane closure is necessary to allow Wake Forest Power tree crews to prune tree limbs and branches around overhead power lines.
A signed detour will be in place directing traffic around the work area. Delays are expected, so motorists are encouraged to avoid the area and use an alternate route.
Wednesday-Thursday, Aug. 17-18
Weather permitting, Brinley’s Grading Service, Inc., a contractor working on the future Radford Glen subdivision, will reduce to one lane with intermittent two-way traffic the portion of Wait Avenue/NC 98 from Mackie Park Drive to Shenandoah Farm Road Wednesday-Thursday, Aug. 17-18, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. each day The lane closure is necessary to allow crews to apply pavement markings on the roadway.
Signage and flaggers will be in place to manage traffic flow and safely direct motorists through the work area. Delays are expected, so drivers are encouraged to take an alternate route if possible. For more information, email Matt Jarzynkowski.
Through August 19
Signage and flaggers will be in place to manage traffic flow and safely direct motorists through the work area. Delays are expected, so drivers are encouraged to take an alternate route if possible. For more information, email Jim Stafford.
Visit our website or view/download our program guide for information on upcoming shows, including You're a Good Man Charlie Brown, A Fall Evening Motown Cabaret (SOLD OUT), Party to a Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre (SOLD OUT), The Chairmen of the Board, Plaid Tidings, One Christmas Night in Memphis, Comedian Jen Kober, Shana Tucker, Croce Plays Croce (SOLD OUT) & more!
New RecConnect is now available, registration is open
The September 2022-February 2023 issue of RecConnect, the Wake Forest PRCR Department's fall and winter program guide, is now available. Click on the image above to view the latest edition in digital format. RecConnect is also available in Adobe Acrobat Format (PDF).
RecConnect includes information about all programs, classes, special events, sports programs and registrations offered by the Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Department. Registration opened August 1. To learn more, call 919-435-9560 or visit us online.
The UDO combines into a single document the Town's zoning, subdivision, land use, grading, storm water management, and historic preservation regulations. It outlines the requirements for all development activity.
The UDO was first adopted in 2013, along with the Manual of Specifications, Standards and Design (MSSD). With the update and adoption of several comprehensive plans, including the 2022 Community Plan and 2021 Northeast Community Plan, as well as several other comprehensive plans that are underway, the UDO and MSSD must be updated to implement the policies and recommendations of the plans.
In addition to reflecting the goals and actions of the comprehensive plans, the UDO needs to maintain compliance with state, federal and case law, which are constantly evolving. Finally, the update will exam best practices and trending topics.
The update process will involve multiple steps and take approximately two years. The updated UDO and MSSD will set the development rules for Wake Forest.
Despite our best efforts, there are still some who complain about not knowing what is happening in our community. That's why we thought it might be useful for Talbot the Town Crier to again offer his "olde school" overview of all the ways you can stay informed.
WFTV 10 is off the air - except during live meeting broadcasts
WFTV 10 is off the air (except during live meeting broadcasts) due to malfunctioning equipment that controls scheduled video playback.
Officials are in the process of ordering a replacement but experiencing significant delays due to supply chain issues.
Until the new equipment is received and installed, Channel 10 broadcasts will continue to be limited to live meetings.
Holding Park Aquatic Center (HPAC) is open for the 2022 season. To help ensure an enjoyable experience for everyone, patrons must register and pay online in advance. No walk-ins will be allowed. Pre-registration opens 14 days in advance, and closes when full, or within one hour of the session. For example, a patron must register by 7:59 a.m. for a 9 a.m. session.
Free and open to the public, the sprayground now operates according to the following schedule:
- Monday-Saturday, 10 am-8 p.m.
- Sunday, 1-8 p.m.
To view the full 2022 schedule, visit our website.
The Town of Wake Forest is inviting individuals, families, churches and civic clubs to join the “Show Some Love, #KeepWFclean” campaign by picking up trash in their neighborhoods and along local streets and roadways. The initiative allows volunteers to pick up litter on a one-time or ongoing basis. Participants may also choose the area they wish to clean or request direction to high need areas around town.
To aid the effort, volunteers may reserve litter kits at no charge by completing the online reservation form. Each litter kit includes reflective vests, gloves, buckets, grabbers, trash bags, data collection sheets, hand sanitizer and litter education materials. A special thanks to B&W Hardware for donating the litter kits.
Loose trash in trucks creates litter along Wake Forest roadways.
Help keep Wake Forest roadways clean by securing any trash in your truck bed. When you throw trash in the back of your truck, it inevitably blows out and becomes litter on the roadside. In fact, half of all litter is blown, not thrown! Roadside litter costs millions of dollars to remove, decreases property values and has a negative impact on tourism.
The NC Department of Public Safety reports that an even bigger problem is unsecured loads in the back of trucks. At high speeds, even large items can fly out and hurt or startle other drivers causing accidents. Put trash into built-in containers. Use tarps, cargo nets and tie-downs to secure any loads. #KeepWFclean
The following monthly meeting schedule is now in effect:
Board of Commissioners Work Session
First Tuesday/month - 6 p.m.
Joint Public Hearings
First Tuesday/month (as needed) - 7:30 p.m.
Planning Board Meeting
Second Tuesday/month - 6 p.m.
Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting
Third Tuesday/month - 6 p.m.
The Town of Wake Forest has launched a comprehensive public education campaign on proper recycling behaviors.
#RecycleRightWF introduces and emphasizes a series of easy-to-understand messages aimed at simplifying the recycling process and improving the quality of materials residents place in their rollout recycling carts.
The Northern Wake Senior Center, 235 E. Holding Ave., offers adults age 55 and older a full schedule of recreational activities. Programming at the center is provided by Resources for Seniors, Inc. The organization serves senior and disabled adults in Wake County by providing home and community-based services and information, thereby allowing them to maximize their choices for independence, comfort, safety, security and well-being.
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If you have questions or comments about the Town of Wake Forest website or E-News, please contact Bill Crabtree by email or call 919-435-9421.