November 2023

The Pennsylvania Key Coaching Team welcomes you to another edition of Coaching: Window with a View. We invite you to engage and respond to questions posed as well as sharing exciting and insightful resources that facilitate reflection and critical thinking.

Embracing Courage:

The Essence of Coaching 

Coaching has often been misconstrued as a fluffy or soft approach to personal development. However, this perception couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, coaching requires immense courage from both the coach and the individual being coached. We want to shed light on the misconception surrounding coaching and highlight the transformative power it holds. Let’s explore how coaching thrives on courage and why it is anything but soft.

  1. Challenging Comfort Zones: Coaching pushes individuals beyond their comfort zones, encouraging them to confront their fears and limitations. It takes courage to step outside familiar territory and explore new possibilities. Coaches can help to create a safe space where individuals can embrace discomfort and investigate different options. By doing so, they can unlock hidden talents and abilities that may have otherwise remained unrecognized. 
  2. Vulnerability and Growth: Coaching encourages vulnerability, which is an act of immense courage. Opening up, sharing experiences, and expressing emotions can be daunting. However, coaching fosters a trusting environment where individuals feel safe to be vulnerable. This enables personal growth by addressing deep-rooted beliefs, challenging self-imposed limitations, and embracing change.
  3. Accountability and Ownership: Coaching instills a sense of accountability and ownership within individuals. It takes courage to take responsibility for one’s actions, choices, and outcomes. Coaches can provide guidance, motivation, and insights while challenging individuals to be accountable for their progress. Through accountability, individuals gain the courage to take charge of their lives and actively work towards their desired goals.
  4.  Overcoming Resistance: Resistance often arises when individuals face obstacles or encounter setbacks. Coaching helps individuals develop resilience and navigate through these challenges. It takes courage to push through resistance, learn from failures, and adapt strategies. Coaches provide support and encouragement, helping individuals build the confidence necessary to tackle obstacles head-on.
  5. Finding Purpose: Courage plays a vital role in discovering and pursuing one’s purpose. Coaching helps individuals align their actions with their values and aspirations. By exploring their passions, strengths, and desires, individuals gain the courage to pursue meaningful paths. Coaches serve as catalysts, inspiring individuals to take bold steps towards living a purpose-driven life.


So, the next time someone suggests coaching is fluffy, remember it is anything but. It is a courageous journey of self-discovery, growth, and transformation.


What acts of courage can you identify from your coaching journey? We’d love to hear from you, send me an email at

Submitted by,

Rasheeda Coston, Director of Coaching (

Barb Willier, Coaching Coordinator  (   

The Pennsylvania Key  

Coaching values the knowledge, skills and desired goals of the early childhood education
professional and supports them in moving towards sustainable change.
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning is committed to
supporting professional development opportunities, based on the latest
research regarding adult learning and practice development.

The title of this newsletter, Coaching: Window with a View, reflects how only a small slice--or window-- of a perspective or viewpoint is necessary to make an impact in the process of coaching. This monthly newsletter is where you can find information, research, articles and perspectives to support engagement and continued development of the coaching mindset. 

For additional information about coaching, visit the Pennsylvania Keys website.
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