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This Week at Plymouth

Along the Way

Contemplative spirituality is a fidelity to beholding the divine in all things. In the field, on the walk home, sitting under the oak tree that hugs my house. A sacred attention.—Cole Arthur Riley, This Here Flesh

A Sacred Attention

Rev. Dr. DeWayne L. Davis

It has been a long time since someone wielded Scripture against me like a weapon. Early in my life, I rejected the church of my youth because it relied on a rigid fundamentalist reading of the Bible that did not tolerate questions, recognize the dignity of the LGBTQ people, or honor the traditions and expressions of other religions. When I returned to a faith community, I was intentional about visiting a place with progressive theology that intentionally welcomed and celebrated nonbelievers and LGBTQ people. And I haven’t looked back. But I discovered recently that the mind and body do not forget the pain of toxic theology and intolerant Scripture readings.


My friends and I recently went to see the Tony Award-winning musical, A Strange Loop, which tells the story of an aspiring self-described “Black queer” writer struggling with his self-esteem and a religious family unable to accept his sexuality or his aspiration to write secular musicals. He resists, challenges, and wrestles them so he can live fully and confidently. The lyrics in several of the songs sung by his family members in the show were verbatim recitations of the worst kind of religious rhetoric and condemnations I heard growing up. Those words transported me to a time when nothing about God felt safe or loving. I could feel the sting of those familiar abusive religious words in my body. Then my spouse took my hand.


He took my hand, and the image of God as safe, loving, easy, and merciful came flooding back. Our friends sitting next to us looked at us. We all looked at each other. It was an intentional act of nonverbal reassurance that we were safe and not alone. After the show, sitting around a table, sharing drinks and conversation, we talked about the show. Still, our conversation moved quickly to what others may have considered the mundane minutia of home and work life. However, there was something subversively spiritual about coming together, living our truth, and loving each other unconditionally despite all those who tried to stop us from being. There was a sacred communion between our friends and us. Then, my mind and body remembered that the sacred is not always found in church or ancient texts. Instead, as the writer Cole Arthur Riley suggests, we may behold the divine through sacred attention to all things. Maybe in the audience of a Broadway musical or sitting with friends in a lobby hotel being loved and accepted.

DeWayne L. Davis

Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. Molly T. Marshall preaches,

"Reshaping Identities"

September 4, 2022

Outdoor Worship at 9 a.m.

Masking is not required outdoors.

11 a.m. Worship in the Sanctuary

Masking in the church building is strongly recommended.

There is a "Mask Only" Section available in the Sanctuary and marked for those wishing for extra security.


9 a.m. Worship

"Under the Big Top"

Outdoor Worship

9 a.m. worship will not be offered virtually

Masking is not required outdoors.

Features music from the Jazz Trio


Musical Response


Trad. Guatemalan

Sundays at 10

Coffee and Social Time

in Jones Commons 

11 a.m. Worship

In the sanctuary

and online

Masking in the church building is strongly recommended.

There is a "Mask Only" Section available in the Sanctuary and marked for those wishing for extra security.

Watch @
Watch on YouTube

Features music from Maria Jette, Lisa Drew, Kahryn Rupp, Anders Eckman, and James Bohn, soloists, and Philip Brunelle




Bohemian melody, Janika Vandervelde


 George Frideric Handel

Worship in the Sanctuary this Sunday; the congregation is welcome in person or to watch via Livestream on Facebook, YouTube, or

Chancel Flowers are given in loving memory of Lynnanne Warren by her husband, Jim Leslie.

In Memoriam

Howard Dixon (September 1, 2022)

Covid-19 Updates

Contemplative Prayer is offered:

Thursdays at 9 a.m. - online

Guest Preacher, September 4

Rev. Dr. Molly T. Marshall

President of United Theological Seminary

Serving in theological education for nearly forty years, Rev. Dr. Molly T. Marshall believes she was put on the earth to love students, teach theology, guide spiritual formation, and challenge patriarchal structures that would hinder women from full acceptance in all forms of ministry. She has worked as a youth minister, campus minister, pastor, scholar, and theological educator, seeking to dismantle all forms of oppression.

Her great passion in life is spiritual midwifery, as she encourages what she sees struggling to be born in the lives of those with whom she serves.

Rally & Renew 2022

It’s time to Gather Home, Return, Rebuild, and Renew within our beloved community.

Sunday, September 11.

Worship at 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. will be held in the sanctuary. Rally and Renew festivities between services at 10 a.m.

Full Details

The Plymouth Church Choir returns!               


If you have thought about singing in the Plymouth Church Choir get in touch with Philip Brunelle!

Rehearsals begin Wednesday, September 7 (7–9 p.m.), and the Choir sings every Sunday for the 11 a.m. worship service. The Choir has always been an important part of Plymouth’s music program, singing anthems from the Renaissance to 2022—a wonderful experience for all choral enthusiasts!

Contact Philip: 612-547-1450 or

Intro to the Enneagram: Waking Up To Your True Self

(an online workshop with Mary Nobel Garcia)

Tues, Sept 6, 7- 8:30 p.m.

Sat, Sept 10, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Tues, Sept 13, 7-8:30 p.m.

The Enneagram is a spiritual and psychological map offering a path to wake up to our true selves. It is a tool that helps us identify unhealthy patterns and discover new ways of responding to life’s challenges. Working with the Enneagram creates an opportunity to deepen understanding, acceptance, and compassion for ourselves and others.

Register Here
Full Details

Midweek Medley!

Wednesday night programming returns on September 14, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Grab dinner with your Plymouth community and join in the offerings of the evening. Young Voices, Cherub Choir, Chapel Singers, or the Plymouth Choir.

More information to come on additional opportunities. We're looking for volunteers to lead 100 hands volunteer activities and exploring more classes.

Learn More

Habitat for Humanity Build Week

Please join with other Plymouth members and friends in our Habitat For Humanity Build Week, September 26–30. We will be working on a new house located at 917 31st Ave. N. in Minneapolis. We will mainly do interior finish work and need 12 to 15 volunteers daily. To volunteer, click on the Habitat volunteer website at:

Should you have questions or if you would be interested in helping by assisting in providing lunch at the site for the volunteers, please contact Jim Christenson ( or 651-895-0644, phone or text).


Would You Help Our Children & Youth Programs?

We need volunteers! Please take a moment to complete this survey and see how you can help support our children and youth programming throughout the summer and fall. Our events and programs cannot continue to grow, expand, and welcome in new families without widespread support!

Sign up to help!

Children, Youth, & Families

and Church School

Updates Here!

One More Chair

One More Chair is a Plymouth-sponsored fellowship group that is always open to new members. The OMC planning committee offers 3-4 social events annually that provide fun, enrichment, and opportunities to meet new people. Six interest groups offer a smaller group setting for people to get to know each other without an expectation to participate regularly. Duplicate Bridge, Hiking, Women’s Book Group, Men’s Book Group, Women’s Breakfast Group, and Men’s Breakfast Group. If you would like to be on the events mailing list or have an interest in groups, please find the brochure here.

One More Chair Brochure


Two types of volunteers are needed to help advance Plymouth’s marketing efforts:

Committee Members

As the committee is formalized, we’ll need help from members experienced in marketing, design, advertising, and data sciences to help bring campaigns to fruition and educate leadership and the congregation about how our goals and how our campaigns are functioning.


We need 5 more people willing to participate in a new training curriculum and serve as a physical manifestation of our campaign—noticing, welcoming, coaching, and nurturing connections with church prospects. We'll provide training.

Please contact Elizabeth Blanchette if you’re interested in either opportunity.

Want to encourage voting in November?

Please join us to write personalized, non-partisan letters urging sometime voters to vote this November. Work with others at our table in Jones Commons 9:45–11:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 18 and 25, and October 2, 16, and 23. We will provide names, addresses, examples, and stamps.

Sponsored by the Racial Justice Initiative

Meaning A Podcast

Like many people, Plymouth member Kareem Murphy kept his distance from organized religion in his twenties. Then, in the midst of a successful career as an equity partner at a Washington DC lobbying firm, he found the right moment to re-engage with his spirituality. Now, as the Director of Intergovernmental Affairs for Hennepin County, Kareem integrates his spiritual self into all aspects of his life. We talked about his religious history, and about the opportunities that have presented themselves to him as a direct result of his strongly held spiritual ethics.

Listen to the Podcast

An Imaginary House Concert at Downton Abbey

a Command Repeat Performance

**The August 13 performance was SOLD OUT! Reserve your spot promptly**

Friday, September 2,

5:30-7:30 p.m.

Step into a musical time machine with Dame Maria and Sir Philip, and travel back 100 years to the golden age of British song! Escape 2022’s cares and strife with just the sort of musical variety Lady Mary would have presented to her guests in Downton Abbey’s music room—in the modern comfort of Crooners’ Dunsmore Room.

Get Your Ticket

A Vision for Home: A Conversation on Housing with Minnesota Gubernatorial Candidates

September 13 @ 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Minnesota is in a housing crisis that needs immediate and impactful action. The state of Minnesota and the Governor have a crucial leadership role in setting a bold vision forward.

Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative is one of the sponsors of the event, and we look forward to talking with candidates for Governor about their vision for home. We will discuss multiple issues around housing like homelessness, housing instability and home ownership.

Event Information

Donations for Third Wednesday Drop-in Bingo

Plymouth Drop-in for low-income adults who live with mental illness happens every Wednesday and Thursday, but third Wednesday is always bingo. Donations of practical prizes like toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant, and soap are much appreciated and can be left in the Bingo Box in Jones Commons. Adult coloring and puzzle books are also great, as is almost anything "gently used" as they say at the thrift stores.

Ongoing Tuesday Vigils for Justice

Racial Justice Initiative justice vigils are now being held from noon to 12:30 p.m. every Tuesday. Please join us when you are able. We always meet by Door 1 near Jones Commons.

The Bulletin Board - What's Going On at Plymouth

Plymouth Church Building COVID-19 Updates

Wearing a mask is strongly recommended for everyone.


The health, safety, and well-being of all who use Plymouth Congregational Church is our top priority.

Thank You For Your Support

The clergy and staff at Plymouth are continuing to work to care for and support you—our congregation—and, as mentioned above, our essential building tenants. Our need for your support continues. Please consider making a gift online (click here), texting your gift to 612/999-2874 or sending in a check (1900 Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis 55403). Mail is being collected securely and safely each day. We are so grateful for you!

Visit our Website

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and ask to be removed from this distribution list.

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