Calendar of Events

July 27, 2023

Vol. 23 Issue 31

COVID Policy as of 10/25/2022

In This Issue

-COVID Policy

-Upcoming Service

-Nursery Care 

-Letter from Rev. Jaimie

-RE News

-YH Fund Event

-Office Hours

-Chalice Lighters Needed

-Worship Arts is Back

-Faith in Action

-ARE Survey

-Calendar of Events

-Little Food Pantry

-In Case You Missed It

-Donate Online or

by Text

-Submit to the Newsletter

-Minister Info

-UUCH Board Members

-Church Info

Upcoming Service

"The Transient and Permanent in Unitarian Universalism"

Rev. Andrew Millard

10:45 AM, Sunday, July 30, 2023

While Unitarian minister Theodore Parker is best known (at least amongst UUs) for originating the concept of the arc of the moral universe, as well as for keeping a loaded pistol on his sermon-writing desk in case he needed to assist someone escaping slavery, Parker’s greatest influence on our living tradition is found in his 1841 sermon “The Transient and Permanent in Christianity.” He preached that certain elements of religion may be regarded as permanent and essential, while others are transient and accidental, subject to transformation with the passage of time. Let’s consider how Parker’s nineteenth-century insight applies to twenty-first-century Unitarian Universalism.

The Rev. Andrew Millard (he/they/A) has served the Mission of the UU Fellowship of the Peninsula in Newport News since 2010. Born and raised in England, he came to the United States for graduate school in physics; some years later he joined the Sierra Club, the Institute on Religion in an Age of Science, the World Pantheist Movement, and the Unitarian Society of Hartford (in that order). He went back to school at Hartford Seminary before transferring to the Iliff School of Theology in Denver. Andrew lives in Gloucester, VA with his spouse, Allison, their pre-teen daughter, and their furry family.

Worship Zoom Link

This Sunday Events Following Service

Coffee Hour

Fellowship Hall

Choir News

A Note of Thanks

Dear UUCH,

As many of you know, I recently spent time in Baltimore, MD, attending the Annual Conference of the Association of Unitarian Universalist Music Ministries (AUUMM). It was lovely to meet and sing with UU music ministers from all over the US. There were worship services every day, and sessions on composing and arranging music, writing song lyrics, conducting, accessibility, and so much more. I learned about the history and theology of the UU hymnals, and participated in a community conversation about what will be included in a new, virtual hymnal. Did you know that that the AUUMM sponsors a hymn competition? You will be hearing more about the new hymnal as well as the competition in the coming months.

And of course, there was lots of singing. Singing in worship services, in meetings and sessions, with piano, a cappella, with guitar, with really cool drums, by a hip hop artist…LOTS OF SINGING!

It is not common for a part-time music director to be afforded this kind of opportunity, so I thank you, all of you in this beloved community that is the UUCH. This wonderful experience has opened doors, created new friendships and partnerships, and was a priceless learning experience. THANK YOU!

Lori Larson, UUCH Music Director

Nursery Care

Nursery care will be available during the service
from 10:30-12:15.

Little ones can be signed in and out upon arrival and departure in the RE wing.

Rev. Jaimie's Summer Schedule And Note on HSV Pagan Community


Vacation: August 2-6th

*Study Leave: August 14-18th

*As a reminder Study Leave is time away from congregational responsibilities for rest, learning and spiritual practice. Rev. Jaimie is will not be in the office, available for pastoral meetings, or present at committee meetings during these weeks. In case of emergency, contact the Ryan in the Office!

Dear UUCH,

In an effort to live our mission that we "let people know that we are here and we welcome diversity," I have been building relationships with progressive organizations in town. One of those organizations is Sacred Moon Grove, a brand-new Earth Centered Pagan community. The leaders at Sacred Moon Grove share our commitment to LGBTQ Inclusion and antiracism work. As a way to build our Interfaith friendship with them, they are hosting several community events at UUCH in the coming month. I am looking for UUCH members, particularly anyone who would like to explore earth centered spirituality, to volunteer as building hosts to attend these events and share a big UUCH welcome with this community.

Here are their first few events:

  • Potluck Gathering, Sunday August 6th 3-7pm.
  • Workshops August 12th 1-3pm; August 15th 6-8pm; & September 2nd 1-3pm.

If you are interested in being a building host for these events please contact Rev. Jaimie at


Pre-School – Fifth & Sixth – Twelfth Grade

This summer our YoUUth group has been learning about Soul Care. What is that really? Well, here at UUCH we have gotten tired of hearing the term “self-care” and simply replaced the term. Our youth have been hearing about the ways they can nurture and repair themselves in all dimensions, and why this is such a vital and necessary resource. This week we will be learning about mindfulness around media consumption and ways we can balance today’s technology-driven world in ways that promote well-being.

UUCH and the Yellowhammer Fund

We made the news! View the segment here, speaking on the reproductive health event this weekend

We're Looking for Chalice Lighters!

We want YOU to have an opportunity to view the sanctuary from the chancel! Would you or your kiddo like to come up and light our chalice for our services one Sunday?

Are you itchin’ to try out ringin’ the Singin’ Bowl? Looking for a quick, easy, and non-speaking way to participate in worship service leadership? We’d be delighted to have you.

Contact Suzey DeLacey at or catch her in person Sunday mornings for access to the “mighty flame.” No experience necessary. Matches provided.

Sponsored by the Worship Arts Committee

Worship Arts Committee is Back!

Do you have ideas on creating inclusive and inspiring elements of our worship services? Do you wish our altar looked a certain way? Are you curious how worship services are put together? Wanna see “behind the curtain” of worship service planning? Do you have a designer’s eye? Are you driven to decorate for seasonal events in the sanctuary? Do you have a knack for flower arrangements?

The Worship Arts Committee will support UUCH worship services by collaborating with and assisting the minister and staff in planning and implementing worship services.

This can include supporting aesthetics in the sanctuary to build an environment of invitation and inspiration, if that appeals to you. This can also include Pulpit Hosting if you’re into it, but only if that’s right for you. You do not have to be on the committee to be a Pulpit Host.

On this committee, you can participate as little or as much as you want. You can be a background helper (e.g. gather seasonal decor, take home an altar cloth and launder it, or wash out the rock bowl some week). Or, you can go all out and assist with planning and leading an entire worship service. Your ideas will be right at home on the Worship Arts Committee.

We would be delighted for you to be part of the Worship Arts team (or at least be on the email list). Contact Suzey DeLacey at for more information.

Sponsored by the Worship Arts Committee

Adult Religious Education Survey

Here is the survey we’ve been talking about! This survey is to gauge your interest level in all things ADULT! Looking to enhance your lifespan development, we want to know what YOU need. Questions? Contact Teri Thomas at

Sponsored by the Social Justice Committee

Rocket City Trash Pandas

It's time for UUs to visit your Rocket City Trash Pandas! The UUCH Fellowship Team hopes you will join us for a fun evening.

When: Saturday, August 12, 2023; game starts at 6:35pm

Where: Toyota Field, 500 Trash Panda Way, Madison, AL 35758

Please sign up so we know how many to expect. SignUp Genius link here.

Money will never be a barrier to participating in Fellowship at UUCH. If you need financial assistance to participate, please contact Rev. Jaimie at


Option 1: Seating in the berm is $8 - BYO picnic blanket.

Option 2: Meet at the Box Office by 6:15 to purchase seats as a group. Price varies depending on section.

Other info:

  • Drive-up parking is $10. Save by purchasing ahead of time using the Clutch! app.
  • Toyota Field has a clear bag policy and is cashless.

For more information, see

Contact Sarah Rody at or Steve Rittenberg at if you have questions.

Sponsored by the Fellowship Committee

Circle of Candles

Nancy Pettus lit a candle of Sorrow: "Please pray for the Bevis family for peace during this difficult time."

Kim Estelle lit a candle of Joy: "My daughter, Lydia, celebrates her 30th birthday and my parents celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary this week!"

Upcoming Events
Click the calendar to see all of our upcoming events!
Little Food Pantry

The food pantry is a huge success, being utilized by numerous people!
If you are able to pick a day to re-stock the pantry, please do so, using the Sign-Up Genius link below.

There are also baskets in the Fellowship Hall and Sanctuary entry foyer for food collection. The collected food will ultimately be used to fill the pantry on days not chosen on the sign-up genius.

Canned meats, soups, veggies, mac-and-cheese, bread, fruit, fresh veggies--all kinds of foods are welcome.

Thank you for being so generous. We are making a difference!
Sign-Up Genius
Submitted by the Social Justice Committee

In Case You Missed It

We love when you can join us at Service but we know that life can throw curveballs! Click below to view the past 4 services:





Donate Online

via CDM+ Engage


Like our other online and mobile giving options, this option is through CDM+ Engage, is secure, and has a good option for "plate" donations as well as "pledge".


Submit to the Newsletter

Do you have news to include in the newsletter next week? Please submit your article to the newsletter through our request form no later than 10:00 am each Wednesday. Please make sure to complete a new request form each time you make a submission to the newsletter.

Rev. Jaimie Dingus

Office Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday by appointment.
Make an Appointment with the Minister

UUCH 2023-24

Board Members



Susan Coddington


 Vice President:

Bryan Walls


Nancy Finley


David Bollinger


Will Garrison

Darlene Patten

Cam Scales


Rev. Jaimie Dingus

Do you have an agenda item for the Board? 

The Board respectfully requests that all agenda items for the meeting be submitted to Board President Susan Coddington via email no later than one week prior to the meeting (i.e. the Tuesday before). The next board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 25th, 2023, at 6:30 pm.

Office Administrator

Ryan Vidal Gonzales

Main Office Hours:

​ Mondays 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM

Tuesdays through Thursdays 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM

or by appointment.

*Please call/email the office in advance if you need building access.




For more info on any event, contact the church office or visit our website.

Contact the Office
Visit the UUCH Website

UUCH News is a publication of The Unitarian Universalist Church,

3921 Broadmor Rd., Huntsville, AL 35810


Laurel Bollinger

Copy Editor:

Ryan Vidal Gonzales

Subscribe to Our Newsletter
PO Box 5545
Huntsville, AL 35814
(256) 534-0508
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