From President Frank H. Wu:

We are looking forward to celebrating the 100th Queens College Commencement on Thursday, May 30 at 9 am on the Quad. For our graduating students, Commencement provides the opportunity to look back and appreciate all their hard work that has led to this remarkable achievement. Many graduates will be celebrating with family and friends, who will be visiting our campus for the festivities. Faculty and staff, who have supported students on their academic journey, will participate as well. Out of respect for the accomplishment of our outstanding graduates, we are sharing this message to ensure that Queens College’s Commencement ceremony can be enjoyed in a safe and secure manner by all in attendance.


Graduates and attendees should please take note of the Commencement schedule and related details:


  • Bring your QCard so you can enter campus on Commencement day. Guests must bring their Eventbrite RSVP confirmation barcode (in print or on their phone) to present to a Public Safety officer. 
  • Graduating students who you have not yet RSVPed to attend Commencement and/or registered guests may do so here:
  • The ceremony starts promptly at 9 am.
  • Students should be prompt to get to the appropriate line-up location:
  • Follow instructions from faculty marshals and Public Safety officers.
  • Please make sure you are wearing proper regalia.
  • Avoid bringing large bags/backpacks, folding chairs, or other large items.
  • Please march up the Quad quickly. You may not hold seats next to you for friends or family.

I would like to remind you that while Queens College is a public institution with a strong commitment to upholding the rights of free speech, expression, and assembly, the rights of free speech are not limitless. The college will not tolerate conduct that violates the law or CUNY policy (Rules and Regulations for the Maintenance of Public Order [“Henderson Rules”]; Statement on the Freedom of Student Expression). It is essential that all members of our community familiarize themselves with and abide by the rules that are designed to uphold civility and maintain a safe environment, both in and out of the classroom. Members of our campus community are expected to show respect to one another at all times and are reminded that intentionally obstructing and/or forcibly preventing others from exercising their rights is prohibited. We wish for all members of our academic community, including invited guests, to enjoy the right to advocate their position without fear of abuse from those with other points of view. Additionally, and critically, discrimination and harassment based on protected characteristics, including, but not limited to, race, religion, and national origin, is prohibited. As a reminder, violations of the law, rules, and policies will be taken seriously and may result in the initiation of disciplinary charges which can lead to penalties, including suspension, ejection from the campus, and/or referral to law enforcement.


I look forward to celebrating with you on Commencement Day. If you have any questions, please email the Office of Campus Events and Commencement at

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