We came, saw and conquered at Dressage at Lexington, and I feel like I'm still recovering almost a month later. Here are a few of the highlights:
Beth Zielinski & BSF Ducati
2nd Place Second Level 1, 66.216
2nd Place Second Level 1, 64.595
3rd Place Second Level SHAC
Bronze Medal 2/3rds done! Onto changes, thank god
Heather Richards & Halcyon
3rd Place Third Level 3, 64.5
3rd Place Third Level 3, 61.625
2nd Place Third Level 3, 60.75
5th Place Third Level SHAC
Peggy Minnich & Westbrook
1st Place Intermediate I, 63.382
Intermediate I SHAC Champion!
Sam Laurel & Jodie Harney's Sullivan
2nd Place Third Level 1, 62.027
5th Place Third Level 1, 63.108
Abe Pugh & Elaine Warner's Rintse van de Marne
4th Place PSG Challenge, 60.735
2nd Place Intermediate I, 62.206
2nd Place Intermediate I Challenge, 63.088
Abe Pugh & Alice Drayer's Elfenperfekt
1st Place FEI Freestyle Challenge, 72.738
Rachel Pugh & Lynn Phillips' Willow ISF
1st Place First 3, 67.222
1st Place First 3, 65.833
3rd Place Second 3, 62.857
2nd Place Second 3, 62.857
Quite the recognized show debut for Rachel!
Lauren Sprieser & Mary Ewing's Coilldermad Rowan
3rd Place Training 3, 70.517
2nd Place Training 3, 72.759
And QUITE the dressage debut for this superstar!
Lauren Sprieser & Madiene
1st Place Training 3, 73.793
3rd Place Training 3, 70.862
Lauren Sprieser & The Elvis Syndicate's Guernsey Elvis
2nd Place FEI Freestyle Challenge, 71.25
1st Place Grand Prix "Maestro Cup", 69.239
And I was honored to win the Trainer's Award for the whole show!
A HUGE thank you to VADA for an excellent show and their support of the Challenge classes, and to Peta Jean Wylie for her generous sponsorship of the Maestro Cup! And as ever, thank you to photographer extraordinaire Heather for being our team shutterbug.
Abe and Elfenperfekt are off to the Festival of Champions in a few weeks, and after one more outing to Morven Park, we head to the USDF Regional and National Championships. Email me if you'd like to join our wildly successful show team!