COVID-19 Response Update
June 16, 2022

The Crown of Glory COVID-19 Task Force continues to monitor the impact of COVID-19 in Carver County. Currently, the county is seeing a decline in positive cases per 10,000. As of today, Carver County is at 21.4 cases per 10,000 people. The CDC has continued to provide a COVID-19 County Check which reports current risk levels with categories of low, medium, or high. In Carver County, the current community level is low.
The levels are currently within a range that does not require any reinstatement of mitigation protocols.
The Task Force recognizes that COVID-19 still exists in our community and will be a part of our annual illnesses. The Task Force will continue to monitor cases in Carver County, make recommendations for protocols, and will send an update once a month (unless cases require more frequent updates) as we continue into the summer season. 

Thank you for your support!

In Christ,

The COVID-19 Task Force
Pastor Reggie Klindworth  
Pastor Laura Laughlin   
Sherri Eriksrud  
Jeni Stifter
Grant Taylor
Debbie Trebiatowski