The RNA Transcript, December 19, 2022 | |
U-M RNA Innovation Seminar | |
The Science Behind mRNA Medicines: COVID-19 Vaccines and Beyond
Melissa Moore, Moderna Therapeutics, Emerita
Dr. Moore will be awarded an honorary degree at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor campus’ 2022 Winter Commencement and give this scientific talk to our RNA community.
Reception to follow after seminar.
TODAY, December 19, 2022
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
BSRB, Kahn Auditorium, Zoom
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U-M RNA Innovation Seminar | |
Antisense oligonucleotides for Ataxia
Hayley McLoughlin, University of Michigan
Assistant Professor of Neurology & Human Genetics
TODAY, December 19, 2022
4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
BSRB, ABC Seminar Rooms, Zoom
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POSTPONED Bay Area RNA Club Meeting | |
Out of respect of our valued trainees and staff on the strike line, the Bay Area RNA Meeting will be postponed until the new year. We are hopeful that a fair negotiation will happen soon, and look forward to a meeting where everyone can participate fully.
For over two decades the BARC has facilitated our ability to come together as a community. We are really looking forward to connecting with you and learning more about your exciting RNA science.
Hoping everyone has a safe and relaxing holidays. Once the strike is resolved, we will send an announcement with a new date in 2023.
Liana, Andy, Michael, Joshua, and Stephen
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U-M RNA Innovation Seminar | |
Genetic Variant Effects on Adipose Gene Expression and Their Role in Cardiometabloic Traits.
Karen Mohlke, UNC, Chapel Hill
Professor of Genetics & Associate Chair for Research
Oliver Smithies Investigator
Monday, January 9, 2023
4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
BSRB, ABC Seminar Rooms, Zoom
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Speaker: Rachel Niederer
Uncovering Novel Translational Control Elements within 5'-UTRs.
Speaker: Jay Querido
The Structural Basis of Translational Initiation and its Regulation by the RNA Helicase eIF4A
Moderator: Mats Ljungman
Wednesday, January 18, 2023.
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7th Nucleic Acids Conference: 09-12 February 2023 | |
In case you are interested in escaping the Michigan winter for a few days and want to help me boost the UM representation at the 7th Nucleic Acids conference. There are some speaker slots still open, and you can bring family and book extra nights.
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Medical School Research Annual Report 2022 | |
Congratulations to Sundeep Kalantry, Ph.D. Professor, Human Genetics & Marissa Cloutier, Ph.D. Student. For their research and story being published in the Medical School Research Annual Report 2022.
The Why of the Silent X, Sundeep Kalantry & Marissa Cloutier.
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The Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS) Fellowship Application | |
The Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS) is seeking applications for a new AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellowship Program at the University of Michigan (the Schmidt AI in Science program). Funding for the program comes from the Eric & Wendy Schmidt Postdoctoral Fellowship, a program of Schmidt Futures. This program provides outstanding early-career researchers with intensive training & research experience as they ready themselves for independent research in academic & other sectors. We aim to enable the substantive us of AI for breakthroughs in science & engineering, & cultivate global science leaders. Specifically, we will:
1) Catalyze creative & transformative applications of AI with the potential to lead to major scientific breakthroughs carried out by the Fellows and their mentors.
2) Enable a broader U-M research community to adopt AI in imagining, planning, executing, & supporting research applications across a range of science & engineering domains.
3) Provide outstanding traing to the Fellows.
4) Collaborate with other sites to maximize the impact of the program.
Submit Application: here.
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Our members' publications are available through Altmetrics. Queries are currently available: CRISPR, microRNA, molecule, RNA, RNA therapeutics, transcriptome, and translation.
Below are recent highlights.
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Watts, J. A., Grunseich, C., Rodriguez, Y., Liu, Y., Li, D., Burdick, J. T., Bruzel, A., Crouch, R. J., Mahley, R. W., Wilson, S. H., & Cheung, V. G. (2022). A common transcriptional mechanism involving R-loop and RNA abasic site regulates an enhancer RNA of APOE. Nucleic acids research, gkac1107. Advance online publication. | |
Liu, Y., Munsayac, A., Hall, I., & Keane, S. C. (2022). Solution Structure of NPSL2, A Regulatory Element in the oncomiR-1 RNA. Journal of molecular biology, 167688. Advance online publication. | |
Riella, C. V., McNulty, M., Ribas, G. T., Tattersfield, C. F., Perez-Gill, C., Eichinger, F., Kelly, J., Chun, J., Subramanian, B., Guizelini, D., Nephrotic Syndrome Study Network (NEPTUNE), Alper, S. L., Pollak, M. R., Sampson, M. G., & Friedman, D. J. (2022). ADAR regulates APOL1 via A-to-I RNA editing by inhibition of MDA5 activation in a paradoxical biological circuit. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(44), e2210150119. | | | | |