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August 2022



"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, a conviction of things not seen." - Hebrews 11:1

Here are the latest opportunities to strengthen
your faith and connect with the community.

A Message From Synod Moderator Leslie Latham

From the 12th chapter of the Gospel of Luke, part of this week’s lection:

 “Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division! From now on five in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three; they will be divided:

father against son and son against father,

mother against daughter and daughter against mother,

mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law

and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”

On Friday morning, August 12, as controversial author Salman Rushdie was preparing to take the stage in the Amphitheater at Chautauqua Institution in western New York State, he was stabbed by an assailant who was quickly apprehended and taken into custody. Hundreds, including many from the nearby Presbyterian House, watched in horror and were immediately evacuated from the Amphitheater.

As for many of you, Chautauqua for me has been a place of refuge, learning, entertainment, and yes, sometimes controversy. But it has always been a haven of safety, a place where people could disagree convivially over a picnic or a glass of wine. Today, that safety was shattered.

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Synod Assembly and the Mathew 25 Pre-Assembly Event Are Coming!

Oct. 20-22, 2022

Where: Crowne Plaza Albany – The Desmond Hotel 660 Shaker Road, Albany NY

Pre-Assembly Matthew 25 Event

When: October 20. 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Keynote from David Anderson Hooker

Two Workshops on each of the Matthew 25 Foci

--Details to follow.

Synod Assembly

When: October 21-22, 2022

Registration opens at 10:00 a.m. Assembly begins with lunch at 12:00 noon. Assembly ends at 2:00 p.m. October 22nd at the conclusion of lunch.

Who: Synod Assembly Commissioners and YAADs, Corresponding Members – Mid Council Leaders, and Observers

What: The docket and details will follow.

How: All who plan to attend must register. The Synod creates all room and meal reservations based on your registration. Synod commissioners and YAADs must keep travel receipts for reimbursement. If you drive, you will be reimbursed at 38 cents a mile. If you are traveling by train or bus, please let us know in your registration when you will arrive.

We are working hard to make this pre-assembly event and synod assembly worth your time and engagement. If you have any questions, please contact Synod Stated Clerk Rev. Nancy Talbot at 315-480-3553 or We look forward to seeing you there.

For More Information and Registration 

Upcoming Events

Sept 20, 2022

Equipping Your Mission w/Legacy 

September 16-17

Synod Mission & Ministries Commission

October 20-22

Synod Assembly

View All Events

Around the Synod

Check out the latest events & job postings from ministries across the Synod.


The Synod has compiled a Gun Violence Prevention Toolkit. Please take a few moments to look over these resources and share them with your community..


Mathew 25 In Action: ESL Classes at Wolff Memorial Presbyterian Church

Wolff Memorial Presbyterian Church of the Presbytery of the Northeast New Jersey has been hosting English as a Second Language (ESL) classes and they have been very beneficial to the community. Outside of teaching English, they also are able to provide clothing to help students and their families who are in need. Wolff Memorial Presbyterian Church even received assistance from a community partner to help one of the ESL students receive glasses.

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Emerging Gospel Communities Grant

Apply By 8/20

Applications for the Synod's Emerging Gospel Community Grant are due August 20th, 2022.

The Synod of the Northeast is committed to supporting new expressions of community formed around a commitment to Christian faith and the teachings of Jesus. Emerging Gospel Community grants are available to new and developing gatherings of people seeking to strengthen their connections to one another and follow in Jesus' way of truth, love, and justice. Synod Commissioners will look forward to reviewing applications to this fund at the September 16-17, 2022 Mission and Ministries Commission Meeting. For more information or to apply visit the  Emerging Gospel Communities Grant page.  Questions regarding the on-line application process can be directed to Sarah Henkel, Grants Coordinator for the Synod, at

Part Time Is Plenty -- A Message from PneuMatrix and Synod of the Pacific

Got churches with part-time (or no) clergy leadership and pastors with part-time calls? Part Time Is Plenty is a webinar designed especially for these folks—and for you and/or your COM folks who want to learn more. The webinar will also explore many different creative options for small, struggling congregations.

PneuMatrix and the Synod of the Pacific invite you all on Thursday, Sept 22, to a 90-minute webinar, featuring author and bi-vocational UCC pastor G. Jeffrey McDonald. This is the first of several opportunities for your folks who are ready to dive deep into the many common issues and emerging models of sustainability for our smaller churches.

The webinar is free but requires registration for each attendee. This is but the first of several to come. Together we will begin creating our own villages of mutual learning and support for this growing faithful ministry in the PC(USA).

Click Here For More Information and the Register.

Synod Communications Survey

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