PAD General Meeting Wednesday, June 22nd 2022 at the Plymouth Senior Center at 5:30pm.
Join PAD at the Senior Center! Our potluck will start at 5:30 and the zoom portion of the meeting will start at 6:00 pm.

Please join us, bring a friend, and bring a dish to share. If you aren't able to bring a dish, come anyway. 

Potluck dinner breakdown by last name:  

A-I Side dish or salad
J-R  Entree
S-W Dessert or wine

Ongoing Candidate Support: PAD is delighted to continue to support our talented and highly-qualified slate of candidates running for office! The June meeting will allocate time for candidates to share their strategies for success.

Join our remote zoom meeting at 6pm: Click Here
Bill Nesheim - PAD Chair

Dear PAD Members,

Well the filing period has closed and the new districts are all finalized, so let the campaigns begin!  In the towns that make up the PAD community we have 3 executive council, 5 state senate campaigns and 12 house campaigns, not to mention races for county offices and federal campaigns. Once again several candidates have agreed to join us for our June meeting - please plan to attend and get to know them! With the new districts several individuals who have been working hard for many years to represent their constituents in other areas of the state now are covering our towns. I am looking forward to getting to know these dedicated individuals.

We also have a number of exciting opportunities coming up over the summer to showcase our democratic ideals in area parades, fairs and other events.  I’m excited to be part of such a vibrant organization and am looking forward to working with all of you to elect democrats this fall!


PAD Keynote
At June's PAD meeting, State Representative Joyce Weston will discuss the state and national legislative attacks on the LGBTQ+ community. She will discuss the most recent bill that was narrowly defeated in the New Hampshire House and the role allies can take protecting LGBTQ+ rights.

Read more about the recent legislative attack deceptively labeled "Parental Rights Bill."
Get Involved

New Volunteers Welcome!
If you have interest in participating on any of the following committees please email Bill Nesheim.

  • Visibility - Chair, Joyce Weston
  • Fundraising
  • Bylaws Committee

PAD needs volunteers to fill the following roles for the upcoming elections:

  • Office Manager(coordinated campaign) 
  • Volunteer Manager(coordinated campaign) 
  • Visibility, Canvasing and Phone Banking
  • Volunteer Coordinator(coordinated campaign) 
  • Yard Sign Captain (coordinated campaign)
Juneteenth, June 19th Freedom Day
June 19th is Juneteenth! Today marks a sacred day in our history. Juneteenth is the commemoration of the official end of slavery in the United States. It specifically recognizes the day the last community of enslaved people learned they were free. The announcement came on June 19, 1865, in Galveston, Texas informing the enslaved population of the end of the war and their freedom. This comes two years and five months after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.

We know that Abraham Lincoln's goal was to keep the union together, whether that meant sustaining slavery or abolishing it. We know that many including revisionist historians still make light of chattel slavery and its impact, and many vehemently oppose reparations of any sort. We are well aware that Black and other oppressed people still don’t have full access to human rights in this imperialist state. As abolitionists and socially conscious Black people we are not content, nor do we see this new national holiday as restorative or transformational.

We do, however, love our community and chose to also rejoice and reflect on our ancestors and their humanity and will for survival. We also remember and celebrate the lives of those ancestors who got us to this point, be they popular or lesser-known individuals. These heroes were resilient, they were creative and they live on within us. We choose to continue to pursue Black Liberation as our ancestors aspired and that we have always deserved.

-BLM Boston

Take Action to End Gun Violence
Congress, we are watching and want to know: what are you going to do?

Everyone should be able to send their children to school knowing they will be safe and taken care of. But, it happened again.

Another day of horror and grief. Another school turned from a center of safety and learning to a place of violence. Another community forced to accept the loss of their children, siblings, and friends.

How many more mass shootings need to happen before these lawmakers finally take responsibility?
Please join us on Thursday, June 23rd
Bring a friend!
Spread the word!
Political Irony
Plymouth Area Democrats