November 2023

    "Promoting German culture, language, customs, traditions, and interests

for the benefit of all Saskatchewan people." 

Your Monthly News & Updates

Welcome to SGC's electronic update! This e-newsletter includes information on activities, events, services, programs, and projects from the German community in Saskatchewan. Readers will also find information and events from SGC member groups.

Please help us to spread the news by re-posting, sharing or forwarding our monthly update.

We will have a different look coming soon.

Office & News

Autumn Postillion

Check out our latest Postillion featuring stories such as New Hope - the way to Saskatchewan, an immigration story, news from our member groups, and more. Find the online Postillion on our website here.

In case you would like to subscribe to the quarterly Postillion Newsletter in paper or as a e-subscription click here.

Alternatively, take out a Membership and receive the Postillion four times a year, along with other benefits. Join us, support us and stay connected. Get your membership today.

Culture in the Kitchen - Germany meets Ecuador

Our multicultural cooking series is all about sharing food & culture! As host, the SGC invites other cultural groups to cook with us. Cooking instructors from both cultures introduce regional dishes of their country and speak about the food history and cultural traditions.

Join us for German and Ecuadorian food and culture on November 17th in Saskatoon.

Space is limited, please register at the SGC office.

Traditions & Food

Celebrate Traditions - St. Martin Day

St. Martin celebrations are very common in some parts of Germany and Austria. On the night of November 11th, children walk in processions carrying lanterns, which they made in school, and sing St. Martin songs. Events include music, bonfires, and often cookies in the shape of geese.

Not only is this holiday steeped in tradition and rich culture, but it also provides a fun opportunity for kids to get creative and craft their very own lanterns. In our video, we'll take you through a step-by-step tutorial on how to make your own lantern. So grab your scissors, glue, and let's get ready to light up the night!

To learn how to make a lantern check out our YouTube video.

Potato Soup with European Wieners - Kartoffelsuppe

Are you ready to warm up with a delicious bowl of soup? Our German Potato Soup with European Wieners recipe is here! Don't miss out on this mouthwatering dish - it's perfect for a cozy night in or a quick and easy meal.

So what are you waiting for?

Try out our recipe


Until January 24th, 2024

Exhibit - Resurfacing: Mennonite Floor Patterns, Diefenbaker Canada Center in Saskatoon.

November 4, 2023

Karnevallsgesellschaft Harmonie - The Crowning of Princess Kris I and Joel I, in celebration of carnival.

5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

November 4, 2023

Das Schulhaus - St. Martin's Lantern Walk in Regina.

4:30 pm - 6:00 pm

November 5, 12, 19, 26, 2023

Klangfabrik - CFCR 90.5 - Listen to a mixture of German music, featuring mostly contemporary tunes, with some traditional sounds added on Sunday afternoons.

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

November 13, 2023

International Cooking Series: Recipes from Switzerland, Confederation Park Community Association Saskatoon.

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

November 17, 2023

Das Schulhaus - Deutschtreff: German speaking club, open to first language speakers and adults of any level.

5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

For more events

Click here.



Want to become a member?

Join now!

Member Funding Follow Up

Follow up forms for member events must be submitted after the completion of the program, including relevant documentation.

Forms for download can be found below.

Member Follow Up Forms

Submit Your Event

Please submit your member group event to be posted on SGC's social media and in the e-newsletter.

Submit your Event

American Historical Society of Germans from

Russia, Regina

Austrian Canadian Edelweiss Club, Regina

Austrian Edelweiss Dance Association, Regina

Austrian Hunting and Fishing Club

CFCR Community Radio Society of Saskatoon Inc.

Concordia Alpenrose Schuhplattler Verein

Concordia Brass Band

Concordia Junior Alpenrose Dancers

Das Schulhaus - Regina German Language School Inc.

Department of International Language, U of R

German Canadian Club Concordia, Saskatoon

German Canadian Society Harmonie, Regina

German Language School Saskatoon Inc.

Hansel & Gretel Preschool Inc.

Imhoff Heritage Society, St. Walburg

Jagd- und Fischverein “Waidmann’s Lust”, Regina

Karnevalsgesellschaft Harmonie, Regina

Kochlöffel & Nudelholz: German-Canadian

Koch- und Backstudio

Kulturgarten Saskatoon

Lloydminster German Heritage Society Inc.

Melville & District German Heritage Club

Mennonite Heritage Village, Swift Current

Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Regina German Film Club

Saskatchewan Association of Teachers

of German, Saskatoon

Saskatchewan German Culture Assistance

Fund Inc.

Saskatoon German Heritage Society

Skat Club Saskatoon

Spiritwood German Canadian Club

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Regina

Village of Edenwold

Volksliederchor Harmonie Inc., Regina

Zichydorf Village Association

To learn about each member organization, click here:

SGC Member Groups

Saskatchewan German Council Inc. | Phone 1-306-975-0845 |


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