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Alexandra Garcia is a standout Psychosocial Rehabilitation Specialist at PBS. She has been with us for approximately 3 months and has quickly grown to a full-time client caseload. Alexandra provides exceptional care, services and communication with clients, caregivers, and referral sources. PBS is so glad Alexandra has joined team PBS!

Ashley Dean is a Mental Health Therapist who specializes in working with teens and adults with anxiety, trauma, stress, ADHD, and depression. Ashley is a MATCH-ADTC certified counselor and enjoys MATCH because there are helpful tools to assist families with their needs. Ashley serves the Students of Orange County Public Schools through our SEDNET partnership and we are grateful to have her as part of team PBS!

What's Coming Up In May?

PBS April Community Highlights:

Positive Behavioral Solutions was a participating and representing agency at the OCPS Wellness Fair at

Arbor Ridge K-8 School on April 9th.


Positive Behavioral Solutions is a proud participant and sponsoring partner with the National Alliance on Mental Illness on April 27th at the Annual NAMI WALK at Crane's Roost. This is one of PBS favorite events each year!

Positive Behavioral Solutions was honored to take part in the National Child Abuse Prevention Family Resource Fair at the Altamonte Mall on Saturday April 13th

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