Weekly eNews
August 11, 2023
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Creative Arts Festival
This Sunday, August 13
The Creative Arts Festival is here! Please plan to join for this special Sunday morning of activities which will not only involve parishioners sharing their creative endeavors after each service but also will include the use of an alternate liturgy for the services and special music featuring a jazz pianist.
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Blessing of the Backpacks
This Sunday, August 13
Ready or not the new school year is upon us! Students, teachers, and all involved with education, please bring your backpacks, briefcases and/or notebooks to one of our services this Sunday, August 13 for a special blessing and prayer for the year ahead. You will also receive a small token to remind you how much your spiritual home loves you!
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Saturday, Aug. 19, 5:00 - 9:00 PM
The BBQ Ministry's annual Rib-a-Palooza for the men of the parish is only about a week away! Let us knowing you are coming by clicking below. Don't forget to invite a friend.
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Outside Parish Work Days
8/25 & 8/26, 8:00 - 11:00 AM
Please help us get ready for the fall with several small and large outdoor projects, such as moving rock, raking straw, pulling weeds, and removing trees and shrubs. There's a task suited for all! Just bring work gloves and a water bottle.
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Altar Flower Donations
Six Signups Available in 2023
Sponsoring the Sunday altar flowers with a $50 donation is a lovely way to honor a family member or friend or to mark a special occasion. We currently have six available Sundays for the remainder of the year, so please consider signing up.
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The start of our new programming year is right around the corner, and we have many new and exciting things happening. The next Archangel Newsletter (arriving in early September) and the Weekly eNews will be providing comprehensive details, so be sure to read those. In the meantime, please save these important dates.
September 10: Fall Kickoff Sunday 8:00 & 10:30 AM with Breakfast!
September 17: Education for All Begins
September 29: Saint John's Bible Dedication at 6:00 PM
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Youth Fundraiser & Silent Auction
September 15, 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Come support our Youth Program while enjoying dinner, entertainment, and a silent auction! A $25 ticket will provide you the opportunity to hear our young people share stories and experiences from youth events as well as their musical and artistic talents. You will also be well fed and have the opportunity to bid on awesome silent auction items!
Our youth program has experienced significant growth in recent years. Proceeds raised from this event will go toward supporting the various ministries of the youth program with a special focus on scholarships for retreats and trips to ensure that cost is never a barrier to participation for our young people.
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Seeking SJB Docents
Training September 16, 9:00 - 1:00
Next month St. Michael's will become the permanent home for the full seven-volume set of The Saint John's Bible Heritage Edition. We need your help in sharing and caring for The Saint John's Bible as a docent. Click below to learn more about what is required in order to serve in this distinguished and vital role.
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Birth Announcement
Wrenley Gail Lerena
Congratulations! The Rev. Angela & Rico Lerena are proud parents of a beautiful baby girl. Wrenley Gail Lerena was born at 6:01 AM on August 9, 2023, at Castle Rock Adventist Hospital. Mom, Dad, and baby are all doing well and have been released from the hospital.
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Fall Small Group Offerings | |
We have added another small group to this fall's offerings, so we now have five thought provoking opportunities for education and enrichment this fall. The small group experience offers a seasonal way to grow in faith. We encourage you to read the more detailed descriptions and prayerfully consider committing to one. | |
Sacred Air: Climate & Energy
Beginning Tuesday, September 26
The Creation Justice (formerly Creation Care) team has chosen to offer Sacred Air: Climate & Energy to help parishioners learn about the causes and effects of the climate crisis and discern how they can respond to help restore the health of our planet. This small group program limited to 15 participants will run for ten weeks beginning Tuesday evening, September 26 from 6:30 - 8:30 PM.
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Sacred Ground: Race & Racism Small Group
Beginning Wednesday, September 27
Sacred Ground is part of the Episcopal Church's long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation, and justice. This eleven-part series follows a powerful online curriculum of documentary films and readings and will meet every other Wednesday, beginning September 27 from 6:30 - 8:30 PM.
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Spirituality of Aging
Beginning Thursday, October 5
This small group experience, facilitated by Spiritual Directors, Margie Arms, PhD, and Sue Caruthers, PhD, will take you on a spiritual journey and cover the myths and stages of aging, dealing with grief and loss, celebrating and sharing wisdom, and drawing closer to God while aging. This group is limited to 10 participants over the age of 60 and will meet for six consecutive Thursdays, beginning October 5 from 1:00 - 2:30 PM.
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The Space Between Us
Beginning Monday, October 9
The Space Between Us is a workshop of up to 15 participants that dives into the foundational communication topics of empathetic listening and conflict resolution, and provides strategies to better understand ourselves and others. This class is for all ages and will meet for six weeks on Mondays, beginning October 9 from 6:00-8:00 PM.
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Being With (COMING SOON)
Being With, a ten week course exploring Christian faith and life, is an invitation to be with yourself, each other, and the created world to ultimately discover that God is with you and to learn how to be with God. Reflection on everyday experiences and stories with corresponding theology and practices about God in a sacred and safe space is the primary aim of time spent together. Stay tuned! More details to come.
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This Sunday, August 13
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
Nursery Care Available for Children 5 and under 10:15 - 12:00 PM.
Join us for coffee hour and fellowship after each service.
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Worship with Us
Creative Arts Festival Sunday
Blessing of the Backpacks 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist
10:30 AM Holy Eucharist
- Watch on YouTube
- Watch on Facebook
- Worship Bulletin
Worship Volunteers Needed
Can you be an usher, greeter, lay reader, or help with coffee hour?
Click below to sign up today & thank you!
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Scheduling Notes
Archangel, Choir, & Yoga
- Archangel deadline: Today, August 11
- No Summer Choir August 13
- Summer Yoga/Lunch Resumes for August 15, 22, 29
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Handbell Choir Training
Sunday, August 13, 12:00 PM
There will be a training session for all new ringers (and experienced ringers who will be helping out) at 12:00 PM downstairs in the room across from the Choir room. All are invited to join! Rehearsals will begin next Sunday, August 20, from 12:00-1:30 p.m. in the same room. Contact Mary Dee Weigel at jmandmdweigel@aol.com with any questions.
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Widows Support Group
Saturday, August 19, 11:30 AM
The Widows Support Group's next gathering will be at Chicken Salad Chick (5660 Barnes Road). Contact Mary Dee Weigel at jmandmdweigel@aol.com if you plan to attend.
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Newcomers Class
Sunday, August 20, 9:15 AM
Our three rotating "Get Connected" Newcomers classes will resume in August on the third Sunday of each month. The first class, "Who We Are - About St. Michael's and a Tour of the Campus," will meet in the Chapel downstairs from 9:15 - 10:00 AM on Sunday, August 20. This class is designed for newcomers, but all are welcome to attend and no RSVP is needed. Contact Linda at Linda@stmikeschurch.com with any questions.
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Acolytes & Donuts (Calling all Kids)
Sunday, August 20, 9:15 AM, in the Sanctuary
All ages are invited, but we'd particularly like to see a strong showing from our younger members to learn more about serving in this instrumental role in the church. No RSVP needed. Contact Elena at elena.zarecky@gmail.com or Sarah at sarah.kay.wettemann@gmail.com with any questions.
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Colorado Rockies Faith Day
Sunday, August 20. 1:10 PM Game
Limited tickets are still available for the 18th Annual Rockies "Faith Day." Your $25 ticket includes the Rockies - White Sox game as well as a special post-game concert featuring Hillsong UNITED! Tickets will be sent via mobile delivery to your email on August 16 & 17. Contact Amalia at amalia@stmikeschurch.com with any questions.
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St. Mike's Golf Outing
Sunday, September 17
There are still a few open tee times for the 5th annual St. Mike's Golf Outing to be held at Patty Jewett Golf Course on Sunday, September 17, so reserve your spot now if you're interested. Registration deadline is September 5.
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This week at a glance... (All blue links are clickable)
Friday, August 11
1:00 PM - Friday Book Group in Prayer Room
7:30 PM - Virtual Evening Prayer
Saturday, August 12
No events currently on calendar
Sunday, August 13
10:15AM - 12:00 PM Nursery is Open for children 5 and under.
8:00 AM - Holy Eucharist
9:00 AM - Coffee Hour
10:30 AM - Holy Eucharist
11:45 AM - Coffee Hour
12:00 PM - Handbell Choir Training Downstairs
5:00 PM - Lord's Dinner Offsite
Monday, August 14
9:00 AM - Laundry Love Offsite
6:00 PM - Outreach Meeting in Parish Hall
Tuesday, August 15
8:00 AM - Virtual Men's Fellowship
9:15 AM - Staff Meeting
11:15 AM - Summer Yoga in Multi-Purpose Room
12:00 PM - The Well Team Meeting in Chapel
3:00 PM - Girl Scout Meeting in Multi-Purpose Room
7:00 PM - Boy Scouts Meeting in Various Rooms
8:00 PM - Virtual Compline
Wednesday, August 16
12:00 PM - Healing Service and Eucharist in Chapel
12:30 PM - Bible Study in Chapel
2:30 PM - Virtual Contemplative Prayer
6:00 PM - People Who Read in Parish Hall
7:00 PM - Virtual Pilgrimage Bible Study
Thursday, August 17
5:30 PM - Cub Scout Meeting in Multi-Purpose Room
6:30 PM - Vestry Meeting in Parish Hall
8:00 PM - Virtual Compline
Friday, August 18
7:30 PM - Virtual Evening Prayer
Saturday, August 19
9:00 AM - DOK in Conference Room & Virtual
10:30 AM - St. Clare's Guild in Chapel
2:00 PM - Caregivers Support Group in Chapel
5:00 PM - Rib-a-Palooza in Multi-Purpose Room
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Birthdays This Week:
August 13 - Ruth Morrison
August 15 - Gale Banda
August 15 - Cecilia Hyland
August 15 - Sandie Willey
August 16 - Cindy Carr
August 16 - Kaelin Donald
August 16 - Nita Huelf
August 16 - Debbie Kaiser
August 17 - Kelsey Mason
August 18 - MollyThomas
August 19 - David Draves
Anniversaries This Week:
August 13 - Kenny & Liz Tompkins
August 16 - Judy & Justin Morrill
August 16 - Bev & Denis Pirio
August 16 - Eillene & Ron Wiley
August 18 - Melinda & Steve Hoyt
August 18 - Emily & Perry Keller
August 19 - Brad & Pam Kellen
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St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
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