17: CMS Teacher Workday; Chalk the Walk
17-21: Staff Appreciation Week
19: BCE vs Winget Park Basketball Game (5:30pm) at Winget Park
20: PTA Ladies Night, 6 - 8pm at Tipsy Burro
21: 2nd and 5th Grade Clubs
25: Career Day at Billingsville; SIT Meeting; BCE vs. Rea Farms Basketball Game (5:30pm) at Cotswold
26: Early Release Day; Billingsville 11:30am, Cotswold 11:45am
27: African American Living Museum, 9:30am Cotswold; BCE vs Olde Providence Basketball Game (5:30pm) at Cotswold
28: Career Day at Cotswold; African American Living Museum, 9:30am Billingsville; Dress as your Future Self