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17: CMS Teacher Workday; Chalk the Walk

17-21: Staff Appreciation Week

19: BCE vs Winget Park Basketball Game (5:30pm) at Winget Park

20: PTA Ladies Night, 6 - 8pm at Tipsy Burro

21: 2nd and 5th Grade Clubs

25: Career Day at Billingsville; SIT Meeting; BCE vs. Rea Farms Basketball Game (5:30pm) at Cotswold

26: Early Release Day; Billingsville 11:30am, Cotswold 11:45am

27: African American Living Museum, 9:30am Cotswold; BCE vs Olde Providence Basketball Game (5:30pm) at Cotswold

28: Career Day at Cotswold; African American Living Museum, 9:30am Billingsville; Dress as your Future Self

PTA Calendar

Principal's Pen

We look forward to a great week of teaching and learning in Cougar Country! 

Calendar Reminder - As a reminder school will not be in session on Monday, February 17th due to a teacher workday.

Cougars Rock - Congratulations to our Mathapalooza team! We are so proud of your accomplishments! You represented our school well at the District competition. Thank you Mrs. Schwartz for coaching our third grade math team this school year.

Lunch Visitors - When visitors report to the school, please sign-in in the front office in order to receive a visitor's badge. We have a system that is in place in CMS schools that will require each visitor to sign into the Lobby Guard system with a valid ID when entering the school. This procedure will ensure your child's safety at all times. As a reminder, we ask that we limit it to 3 guests per student.

Dr. Alicia Hash


Billingsville Elementary-Primary Campus

Cotswold IB World School-Intermediate Campus



GAME ON! Staff Appreciation Week is HERE!

Help us show our love for our teachers, staff and administrators this week! 

TUESDAY TRIVIA: Write a note to your teacher with your favorite things about him or her.

WEDNESDAY CANDY LAND: Send in your teacher's favorite treat.

THURSDAY JACKPOT: Send in a school supply or a wishlist item.

FRIDAY HUNGRY, HUNGRY HIPPO: Refill the classroom snack stash.

Thank you for making our teachers and staff feel like winners!

Chalk the Walk

Let’s show our teachers and staff how much we appreciate them by decorating our sidewalks into school! Please join us on Monday, February 17th 1 - 3pm at the front entrances of BOTH Billingsville and Cotswold Campuses.

Dads on Duty Carpool Volunteers

Help us lighten the load of teachers during Staff Appreciation Week by volunteering to open car doors at each campus. This is a great way to give back to our staff! Click HERE to sign up!

BCE Ladies Night Out This Thursday

We are so excited to get connected with the ladies of BCE! Please RSVP via this link! 

Light apps will be provided. Adult beverages for purchase.

Lunch Monitors for Staff Appreciation Week

Let's give the teachers a break during lunch this Friday! Please consider volunteering to be a lunch monitor.

If your time permits, sign up here!

February Staff Members of the Month

It’s time to recognize the February staff members of the month! Do you know of any Billingsville-Cotswold staff members that have done an outstanding job over the past month? Please SUBMIT nominations to Angela Perry or complete the nomination form. Please submit nominations by February 25th.

Yearbook Pics wanted! 

Parents and Teachers: Yearbook would love to see your pictures from the 100th day of school! Please upload them to this google folder or email them to Amy Murray. Pictures of students AND teachers welcome! (And be on the lookout for another call-for-pictures after Dress-As-Your-Future-Self Day on 2/28!)

Raku Pottery Volunteers Needed

Ms. McDonald, art teacher on the Cotswold Campus, is seeking volunteers to help with cutting clay slabs for the 4th Grade Raku Pottery event. Ms. McDonald will be onsite to assist volunteers and provide supplies; no prior experience is needed. Sign-up HERE to volunteer. For questions, please contact Katie Sontag, PTA Volunteer Coordinator. As a reminder, all volunteers must register with CMS volunteers.


Ms. Murphy, music teacher on the Billingsville Campus, is seeking volunteers to help with set design and prop creation for the 2nd Grade Spring Concert. This is a great opportunity to flex your artistic muscle! All supplies, project planning, and further information will be provided. The concert will take place in May, and the set decor will be completed in April. It’ll be a work-in-progress during the next couple months. For questions, please contact Katie Sontag, PTA Volunteer Coordinator. Click HERE to sign up! As a reminder, all volunteers must register with CMS Volunteers

Support BCE Basketball and Cheer

Basketball and Cheer season is underway! Join our Cougars for the next game AWAY at Winget Park Wednesday, February 19th

After School Activities Signups are Open

Chess Club, Science and more! Registration is now open. 

Girls on the Run: Only 5 spots remaining for Girls on the Run! We have enough coach volunteers.

Let me Run: Please consider coaching for Let Me Run. We still need 2 coaches to help volunteer. NO running experience needed! Details below.

Cougars Night at the Hive

Get your tickets now for BCE's annual "Cougars' Night at the Hive". Come support the Charlotte Hornets as they play the Brooklyn Nets on Saturday, March 8 @ 6:00. Our families will receive special pricing, early access to the arena to watch the pre-game shootaround, and those who purchase tickets early enough will be invited to go on the court before the game for a special "Fan Experience" (e.g., High Five Players). Tickets are available HERE. Contact Mr. Clutts with questions. 

Let Me Run - 2 More Coaches Needed!

Do you want to help mentor boys in our community while getting some exercise and having fun? Join Let Me Run as a volunteer coach at BCE! We are looking for volunteer coaches to lead a team of 3rd-5th grade boys for the spring season, which begins in mid-March. Let Me Run is a 7-week program that uses the power of running and a comprehensive wellness curriculum to help prepare boys for the long run. It’s a great program for our boys, and we need volunteers like you to make it happen at BCE. 

Thank You to our Community Sponsors

Visit our Website
Visit our Website

Announcement Requests

Announcements for ALL Cougar PTA communication tools should be submitted here.

Quick Links

Business Partners Wanted: Rebecca Howe

Cafeteria Menu

Membership Toolkit Registration

Paint the Spirit Rock

Dads on Duty

Cougar Night at the Hive

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