This email is to give you a review of what your child learned at church today as well as some important info for you. Please, use this email as you talk with your child this week about the Bible story and how it applies to life. For more information about what we do on Sunday, please feel free to contact us.
What your preschooler learned at church today!

Bible Story: Peter performed miracles. Acts 9

Bible Key Passage: For just as the body is one and has many parts … so also is Christ.1 Corinthians 12:12

Bible Point: The church is all Christians everywhere.

God gave power to Peter and to Jesus’ other disciples to heal people and to tell others about Jesus. Peter healed a man who could not walk. Peter also prayed for a woman named Dorcas who had died, and she became alive again! People heard about these miracles, and many believed in the Lord. The Holy Spirit gave Peter power to do miracles. People saw what happened and believed in Jesus. These miracles remind us of Jesus. Jesus’ miracles proved that He is the Son of God.

VBS Registration Open for

Participants and Volunteers!

Join us for VBS, June 10-14! Use the QR code above to register your kids (Entering 1st-6th Grade) and to register yourself as a Volunteer!

We do offer Preschool VBS (Birth-PreK) for all children of parents who are volunteering. Registration for Preschool VBS happens at our VBS Trainings after you have registered as a volunteer!

Volunteer Opportunities include:

Crew Leaders for our preschoolers (Birth-PreK)

Crew Leaders for our Children's VBS (Entering 1st - 5th Grade)

Crew Leaders for our kids entering 6th Grade

Curriculum Big Ideas
Our curriculum is designed to not only teach your child a weekly Bible Story, but also to give them some foundational aspects of the Gospel. Each week, you will receive weekly reviews of what your preschooler learned in this email. You will also receive take home cards to help you review what your child is learning. These cards will have a full color picture of the Bible Story for that week with family discussion starters that you can use with your preschoolers to help them make connections between the Bible story and the world around them. You can complete the activities during the week as a tool for family discipleship. As you collect the cards you can also help your preschooler understand the Bible chronologically. Listed below you will find the foundational aspects that the curriculum is designed to teach your preschooler:

God is King. God made everything! He is King over everything, and He is in charge.

We sinned. Everyone sins, or disobeys God. Our sin makes God sad.

God sent Jesus. God must punish sin. He loves us and He sent His Son, Jesus, to take away the punishment for sin.

Jesus loves. Jesus gives us the best present. He never did anything wrong, but was punished in our place, Jesus want to take away our sin because He loves us.
Preschool Information
For more information about Preschool Ministry and to access our updated well child policies, please click on the link below:

Contact Information
Church Office: (205)995-9752

Cindy Barksdale: (205)966-7346
Preschool Minister - Mt. Laurel Campus
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