Weekly Programming
- This Sunday: St. David's Safety Plan
- Children and Youth Ministry
Community Events
- Book Club Update
- Wonder Women Happy Hour
- Evensong
- Blessing of the Animals
- Justice Collaborative
- University Episcopal Community
- ICA Update
- Racial Justice and Healing Summit
- Loaves and Fishes
Announcements and Reports
- Benefit Drawing Winners
- Calling All Mah Jongg Players
- Upcoming Community Forums
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Have an announcement you would like to share in this weekly email?
Send it to office@stdavidsparish.org before 9:00am on Tuesday to be featured.
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Instructed Eucharist
This Sunday, October 1
8:00 and 9:30
Why do we do what we do when we come together in worship? This Sunday's worship will include brief descriptions and teachings about our liturgy (liturgy, meaning "the work of the people"). Please join us, as you are able, either in person or online!
And, please remember that we collect donations for ICA on the first Sunday of each month (see details below).
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This Sunday's Community Forum: St. David's Safety Plan
Blessed to be a vibrant parish, there is a lot happening at St David's. Usually all that happens is good. We participate in a sacred service every week, we hang out at coffee hours/forums, and we show up for activities at church during the week.
Yet, life happens and sometimes "things" may not go so well. Those "things", and how we respond to them, are what we would like to talk about at this week's forum. Whether it be medical emergencies, accidents, disturbances of all kinds, dangerous weather, or building emergencies.....St David's New Safety Plan has it covered.
We promise lots of opportunities for questions, and will even end with a safety tour of the building if you are so inclined. Come on down and hear all about it: All Things Safety.
Celebrating with St. Francis and Blessing the Animals
This Sunday October 1st we are doing a service project for the Humane Society and then touring the Golden Valley facility at 1:00pm! All children and youth ages 6 and up can come on the tour. Children under grade 5, we ask for an adult to accompany them.
We are opening up the tour to the whole parish if anyone else would like to join us!
Spots are limited, but we have several left! Please sign up by emailing abrock@stdavidsparish.org
You can also bless the animals at the humane society by donating an item off their wish list! Just follow the link and purchase an item online and it will be sent straight to the Humane Society. https://www.animalhumanesociety.org/donate/donate-our-wish-list
If you would like an electronic copy of this year's Ministry Guide, click here
Click Here to view Sunday's Bulletin.
We continue to Facebook Livestream the Sunday 9:30 service and upload to YouTube.
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Children and Youth Ministry | |
Children’s Ministry
This Sunday we will have Children’s Time during the 9:30 service. We will be making snuffle mats for dogs and cats at the Humane Society! The service project will continue into the forum time after the 9:30 service.
After a pizza lunch, we will bring our toys and donations to the Golden Valley facility and have a tour! Please see more info above under Celebrating with St. Francis and blessing the animals, and RSVP!
Youth Ministry
Wednesday, October 4th, the St. David’s youth group is having a fall bonfire hosted by Anne and Mari!
We will gather from 6:45pm-8:30pm at their house.
15150 Woodruff Road
Minnetonka, MN 55391-2434
Some deadlines approaching:
October 1st: Registration due for TEC (Teens Encounter Christ for Grades 10-12 at St. Stephen’s in Edina, from November 17-19)
October 6th: Registration due for DYE (Diocesan Youth Event for Grades 9-12 at St. Paul’s in Duluth, from October 20-22)
October 20th: Submit interest for 'These are our Bodies' course.
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St David’s Book Club News
by Cathy Schwichtenberg
The St. David’s Book Club will be discussing Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus on Tuesday, October 3 from 6:30 pm – 7:55 pm.
Meeting Link: October Book Club
"Set in 1960s California, this blockbuster debut is the hilarious, idiosyncratic and uplifting story of a female scientist whose career is constantly derailed by the idea that a woman's place is in the home, only to find herself starring as the host of America's most beloved TV cooking show. Elizabeth Zott is not your average woman. In fact Elizabeth Zott would be the first to point out that there is no such thing as an average woman. But it's the 1960s and despite the fact that she is a scientist, her peers are very unscientific when it comes to equality. The only good thing to happen to her on the road to professional fulfillment is a run-in with her super-star colleague Calvin Evans (well, she stole his beakers.) The only man who ever treated her-and her ideas-as equal, Calvin is already a legend and Nobel nominee. He's also awkward, kind and tenacious. Theirs is true chemistry. But as events are never as predictable as chemical reactions, three years later Elizabeth Zott is an unwed, single mother (did we mention it's the early 60s??) and the star of America's most beloved cooking show Supper at Six. Elizabeth's singular approach to cooking ('take one pint of H2O and add a pinch of sodium chloride') and independent example are proving revolutionary. Because Elizabeth isn't just teaching women how to cook, she's teaching them how to change the status quo. Laugh-out-loud funny, shrewdly observant, and studded with a dazzling cast of supporting characters, Lessons in Chemistry is as original and vibrant as its protagonist"-- Provided by publisher. ~hclib.org
We have an interesting line-up of selections this year and invite all St. David’s parishioners to participate. We usually meet via Zoom on the first Tuesday of every other month from 6:30 – 7:55. Here is this year’s schedule – please join us!
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Wonder Women Happy Hour Today!
Thursday, September 28th
5 to 7 pm
Please join us for drinks, appetizers and a casual evening of fun socializing. Plan to bring an appetizer or snack to share and if you have a favorite drink, bring that too. Some beer/wine/non-alcoholic beverage options will also be provided.
Can also promise a fire in the fire pit with s'more fixings, and a Jacuzzi hot tub....so pack your suit if you wish! If you happen to have a fold-up chair already in your car, bring it to the backyard as I do not have a ton of chairs (can provide 9 at my last count).
Hope you can make it:
Diane Curley's home
8016 Ridgeway Road
Golden Valley, MN 55426
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Evensong for the feast of St. Francis of Assisi
Wednesday, October 4 at 7:30pm
Join the St. David’s choir for joyful musical meditations in the tradition of this mystic, preacher, church reformer, monastic founder, lover of nature, and advocate for the poor and marginalized.
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The Blessing of the Animals will take place at 1:00pm on Sunday, October 8th in the Peace Garden. All pets and their humans welcome! | |
On Sunday, October 15 at 10:45AM in the Undercroft, the Justice Collaborative is hosting a presentation by Daniel Romero and Priscilla Hagerman called, "Asylees, Refugees and the Undocumented: developing a compassionate and just welcome for our neighbors." Rev. Daniel Romero, an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), is First Nation Pueblo, indigenous Aztec, and Spanish. Daniel currently serves as the Immigration Legal Services Consortium Coordinator for the Minnesota Council of Churches and as a Community Minister who works with refugees, asylees and with undocumented communities. Priscilla Hagerman is a recent graduate of the University of Minnesota and serves as an AmeriCorps Legal Services Navigator with Minnesota Council of Churches – Refugee Services. She works on the Immigration Legal Services team at MCC and assists with applications for work permits, green cards, and citizenship.
Huldah Niles, Chair, Justice Collaborative
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University Episcopal Community (UEC) | |
Christian Community at College
Is someone in your family, parish or community at college in the Twin Cities this fall? If so, you can give them the gift of connection to a ready-made community. We wish it wasn’t true, but loneliness and social isolation are “epidemic”, in the words of the US Surgeon General in May of this year.
The University Episcopal Community (UEC) offers Christian fellowship through Sunday evening dinner, worship and learning and now a drop-in center at Riverside Lounge. Other special events are scheduled and all are welcome to show up and belong. The most important thing for us at UEC is how we welcome everyone–with unconditional love. We hope that this can be a space for students to grow closer to themselves, each other, and God.
Let us know who your young people are and how to get in touch by emailing Steve Mullaney, Executive Director at the UEC at steve@universityepiscopalcommunity.org.
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ICA Sunday is this Sunday, 10/1
Have you noticed, now that fall and cooler weather are upon us, that breakfast just seems to taste better (compared to during the hot summer)? I’m sure you have heard the following statements or something similar: “Breakfast is the foundation for a successful day” or “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”
The theme for this ICA Sunday is Wake Up! ICA needs following this theme include:
- Oatmeal
- Cereal
- Dried fruit
- Peanut butter
- Jelly/jam
- Tea/coffee
These are suggestions. Anything you wish to donate is always appreciated. If you prefer, you can drop off your donations in one of the ICA baskets at each church entrance. While food donations help bring in immediate supplies, a financial donation to ICA ensures the food shelves can be well stocked. For every dollar donated, ICA can purchase up to $10 of food from food banks! You can simply drop a check made out to ICA in the Sunday collection plate. You can choose to go online at www.icafoodshelf.org, choose Donate from the menu and follow the prompts. Another option is using the QR code below or on the ICA posters at the church entrances. Thanks so much for your ongoing support of ICA.
The Great Taste Only Two Weeks Away
This celebration of ICA’s 52nd birthday as well as the community, generosity and neighbors served is coming up on Thursday, October 12th at Oak Ridge Country Club. If you are interested in attending this fun evening, tickets are still available at www.icafoodshelf.org/taste.
All are welcome.
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Racial Justice and Healing Summit | |
The ECMN Racial Justice and Healing Commission invites you to a series of events open to any member of the Episcopal community in Minnesota this September. We know that all God's people have been affected and shaped by racism and are all in need of healing—wherever you live, however you grew up, whatever your racial identity.
Please join us for one or all of the following events this fall at the ECCN Racial Justice and Healing Summit:
Thursday, September 28, 7:00 pm | St. John the Evangelist in St. Paul
Friday, September 29, 5:30 pm–Saturday, September 30, 5:30 pm |
St. John the Evangelist
Register HERE.
- Racial Justice Holy Eucharist, Dr. Catherine Meeks, preacher
Sunday, October 1, 10:00 am | St. John the Evangelist
Free. No registration necessary.
Learn more here.
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Four Volunteers are needed for each date. Two for cooking with the L&F coordinator from 3:00-5:00 and two to package and serve from 4:30 to 6:30.
Upcoming dates
- October 10
- October 23
- October 31
- November 14
Please contact Sue or Basil Owen to sign up. Sue’s cell is 612-716-1945. Basil’s cell is 612-716-0683 or email at bowen3@fastmail.com
See the May 25th weekly news for full update.
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Announcements and Reports | |
St. David’s Benefit Drawing Winners
Thank you to all who contributed to make our 2023 fundraising benefit a success and congratulations to this year’s winners!
$1,000 – Holley Drake-Strathy
$500 – Dan Meyer and Patti Jurkovich
$100 – Randy Schwichtenberg, Gretchen Lord, Dustin Eichten, Debbie Eichten Griffin, Jeff Ronbeck, Patti Jurkovich, Paul Smejkal, Kimberle Lopac, Judy Bouts and Jack Taylor.
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Calling All Mah Jong Players | |
The St. David’s Mah Jongg group will be starting up soon. We play American MahJongg two afternoons a month. The dates and times are yet to be determined. If you are interested in joining the group, please email Susan Taylor at ss2taylor@comcast.net.
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Upcoming Community Forums | |
What else is going on at St. David's? | |
Want to view the full calendar for the week? Click here to view the St. David's website complete with a calendar to keep you updated on events and offerings! Scroll all the way to the bottom to view it. | |
Pastoral Care Line: 952-767-0891 | |
COVID-19 Resources Available
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