Debbie Reed

Retirement Announcement

Dear Agents,


On August 19th, longtime Farm & Commercial underwriter Debbie Reed will be retiring ending a wonderful 20-year career with our company. In the early 2000’s when our Farmowners program was coming together, Debbie played a leading role in underwriting that new book of business. Over the next several years, and right up until her retirement date, she has been passionate about wisely growing Farm & Commercial business. And her diligence has provided Loudoun Mutual with a wonderful asset – all Farm & Commercial lines of business have a consistent history of strong profitability.


Though Debbie is retiring on August 19th, she will continue in a part-time underwriting consulting role. Therefore, there may be occasions where Debbie reaches out to our agents while working part-time. All her agents though, are being assigned new underwriters. Separate email notifications to the affected agents of those re-assignments will follow shortly.


We are all so sad to see Debbie go but are also extremely thankful for the legacy she has left our company and we wish her all the best in the coming years. 


Thank you.


Tim Koppenhaver

Executive Vice President

Loudoun Mutual Insurance Company

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