A Unitarian Universalist Church | 1800 Bell Ave. Des Moines, IA 50315
P: 515-244-8603
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This Sunday, November 5, 2023 | |
with Rev. Garmon
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Kicking off our theme for November: how do we value interdependence, and why should we?
Zoom may not be available for this event. Please consider forming a volunteer Team.
Join the live service on Zoom!
Zoom Passcode: Safford
(Please mute your mic before the service begins!)
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Forum: Public Health in Polk County: Lessons from the Pandemic | |
Helen Eddy, Director of Public Health for Polk County, will reflect on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. The Health Department conducted a comprehensive analysis of the COVID-19 response through surveys and interviews. The analysis captured strengths and opportunities for growth which will be used to influence future planning and preparedness efforts and build community resiliency. | |
Joys & Sorrows for Sunday should be submitted by noon on Wednesday.
Visit the Caring Community Webpage for the following options:
Caring Ministry – for temporary assistance, such as meals or rides, or to volunteer (515-244-8603 ext. 108)
- Pastoral care - for support through a difficult time
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Pastoral Care: November 5 | |
Ellen Taylor is the Pastoral Care Associate available for this service time. Please email pastoralcareteam@ucdsm.org for assistance during the week. | |
Children & Youth Programming
Every Sunday!
Children and Youth programs happen on Sundays!
- Elementary-aged (Kindergarten-4th Grade) children of visitors, friends, and members are welcome to go to the One Room SchUUlhouse during services after the Story for All Ages.
- High-school aged youth of visitors, friends, and members are welcome to join our youth group on Sunday nights 6:00-7:30PM.
- Have a middle-schooler (5th-8th Grade)? Our Faith Formation Coordinator wants to talk with you about we can nurture their spiritual and ethical growth.
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The Celebrant Team created a Google Form to streamline the process of getting Spotlight requests scheduled. Check it out! | |
First Unitarian Music & Art Festival
Saturday, November 4th starting at 5:00 p.m.
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Fun Fall Festival: This Weekend!
Time: Saturday, November 4th. Festivities begin at 5:00 p.m.
Location: First Unitarian Church at 1800 Bell Ave.
Come to the First Unitarian Music & Art Festival (FUMAF)
This year's event will include:
- Potluck meal
- Music throughout the evening
- Art Items available for silent and live auction
- Activities for children
We will have a variety of artwork and creative pieces. You are welcome to donate up to three items - paintings, photographs, mixed media, ceramic sculpture, handmade jewelry, weavings, embroidery and other handwork, knit items, woodworking, and everything else you do creatively! The more items we have, the more fun everyone will have. Proceeds support our church!
New this year!
We plan to include children's and youth's artwork in the auction. If you have children or know children in the church, please encourage their parents to consider participating.
We could love to have you join us in planning & hosting this fun evening. Please email fumaf@ucdsm.org with questions and offers to assist! You may also reach out to Liz Bredeson or Heidi Lackmann directly.
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Get cUUrious About Our Congregation
Sunday, November 5
Bring your coffee and snacks back into the Mary Safford Room of the Auditorium after service on 11/05. We will start hosting “cUUriosity Conversations” after service on the first Sunday of every month. These are a new first step on the Pathway of Membership, where visitors, friends, and members can learn more about Unitarian Universalism and this congregation in a conversational, Q-&-A format.
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First Unitarian Humanist Update |
** Book Group **
The Humanist book group meets on the first and third Sunday of each month at 12:00 noon right after the forum. You can join in person at the church or via Zoom at https://humanistsocietyofiowa.org/bookclubzoom/. We will be discussing chapters 20 and 21 of The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself by Sean Carroll this Sunday, Nov. 5th.
** Iowa City Humanist Group **
The Iowa City UU Secular Humanists are meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday Nov. 14th via Zoom for a discussion of Why We Believe in God(s): a concise guide to the science of faith. The book discusses both the physiology and psychology of the development of religious ideas. Join via Zoom.
** Secular Student Alliance Program **
You can Join the Secular Student Alliance for a Webinar at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 8th. The Webinar will discuss the link between Christian nationalism, a belief in biblical literalism, and conspiracy theories. Go to https://secularstudents.org/webinars/ to find more information or to register for the webinar.
Women's Wednesdays
Wednesday, November 8 from 12:30-3:00 p.m.
Topics chosen by women, about women, discussed by women.
Join us on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 12:30 – 3:00 p.m. in the Peace Library.
- 12:30 - 1:00 p.m. General meet and greet, catch-up.
- 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Discussion
Our next meeting will be November 22nd.
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Celebration of Life
Saturday, November 11th at 1:00 p.m.
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- Join us as we celebrate the life of Michael Lauer.
- Location: First Unitarian Church
Details: Saturday, November 11 at 1:00 p.m.
In lieu of flowers, please donate to Knock and Drop Iowa.
Please find the obituary here.
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Mean Mary:
Progressive Voices Concert
Saturday, November 11th at 7:30 p.m.
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Music Video: "Another Barefoot Day"
- Single Tickets: $22 Advance, $27 Door
- Season Tickets: 4 Shows for $78, 6 Shows for $117
Available online at Eventbrite (https://pvconcerts.eventbrite.com/) or Sunday at church after services the 4 Sundays before each show.
Nashville-based “Mean Mary” James has been performing since she was a small child, even learning to read music before she learned to read books. Now her decades multi-genre music spanning 18 albums showcases an incredible vocal range and mastery of 11 instruments that will be sure wow you. More about Mean Mary at https://www.meanmary.com/
A limited number of complimentary tickets for this concert are available for those otherwise unable to afford to attend. Please speak confidentially with our minister, Meredith Garmon, to obtain them.
Unity Circle
Thursday, November 16th at 12:00 p.m.
We will be meeting at noon on Thursday, November 16th for lunch and program.
Phil Roeder, Director of Communications and Public Affairs at Des Moines Public Schools, will talk about changes in the Des Moines School system, the new superintendent, and future expectations.
Please bring a dish to share, your own table service, and a cup for your beverage.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Fall Grounds Cleanup and Work Day
Saturday, November 18th from 9:00-1:00 p.m.
(Weather Permitting)
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When: Saturday, November 18, 2023, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. (WEATHER PERMITTING)
Please join us to work on getting the church grounds ready for winter. We'll be concentrating on several main projects:
- Removing invasive vines and brush on the church property bordering Cassady Drive.
- Clearing leaves from the parking lots, walkways, and certain landscaped areas. (Leaves will be left until spring on some planted areas to provide winter cover for pollinators.)
- Clearing leaves, twigs, and acorns from the church roof.
- Mulching flower beds and the trail in the woods.
What to bring: Loppers, hand saws, hand clippers, leaf blowers, wheelbarrows
Wear: Work clothes including work gloves and sturdy boots or shoes.
Note: If the weather is not conducive, we will post an announcement on the church Facebook group that morning about cancelling the event. However, if temperatures will be above freezing and there is no precipitation, we will likely proceed.
Questions: Email grounds@ucdsm.org
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Submissions to the Intercom Weekly are due on Wednesday at 12 noon.
Two ways to get your message across:
- Submit your Intercom Weekly article to communications@ucdsm.org.
- Want more of a "boost?" Select from an entire menu of communications using Our Events form! Staff LOVES to receive these forms!
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Kitchen, Kitchen, Who's Got the Kitchen?
Inquiring Minds Would Like to Know!
Our renovated kitchen is popular and that’s a good thing. As some of you know, the kitchen, like other rooms in our building, needs to be reserved by calling or emailing Hannah Notch, ext. 107, hnotch@ucdsm.org. The person making the reservation will be responsible for ensuring that the kitchen is left clean, neat, and ready for use. We do not have a custodial service, nor do the Saturday morning cleaning volunteers clean the kitchen. So it’s up to each user to clean up, neaten up and take out the garbage too!
If you have any questions or need help with knowing what to do, just ask one of the Kitchen Care Team: Kay Scott, Elaine Imlau, Fern Stewart, Kerry George, Jan Knock, Terry Meek, Shelly Kaldenberg, or Ann Mowery. You can contact us at kitchencommittee@ucdsm.org.
We are looking for 3-4 people to co-host Sunday services via Zoom. It would be best to have computer skills and a laptop with HDMI.
Please contact Bill Paxson if you have an interest in getting trained.
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Do you appreciate having a clean church?
If so, your help is needed in keeping the building clean. Every Saturday a crew of volunteers cleans the church. We will continue to clean the church until funds are available to hire cleaning staff.
Please sign up to help!
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Progressive Voices Concerts
Starting October 14, 2023
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The Progressive Voices Concert Series is returning for its 13th season at First Unitarian Church!
This season's lineup of nationally and internationally-touring singer-songwriters includes both some past favorites and new faces to our stage:
Jack Williams -- October 14, 2023, http://www.jackwilliamsmusic.com/
Mean Mary -- November 11, 2023, http://www.meanmary.com/
Rupert Wates -- December 16, 2023, http://rupertwatesmusic.com/
Triflemore -- February 17, 2024, http://www.triflemore.com/
The Honey Dewdrops -- April 13, 2024, http://www.thehoneydewdrops.com/
Annie Mack -- May 18, 2024, https://anniemackmusic.com/home
Where/When: All shows start at 7:30 p.m. in the First Unitarian Church auditorium.
- Single Tickets: $22 Advance /$27 Door
- Season Tickets:4 Shows: $78, 6 Shows $117
Tickets available soon online at www.eventbrite.com. Tickets are also available in person at church after services the four Sundays before each concert.
More information is also available online at www.ucdsm.org/concerts.
Email questions to concerts@ucdsm.org.
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Thanksgiving Potluck
Sunday, November 26 from 10:30-12:30 p.m.
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For a full list of upcoming meetings and events, please visit our church calendar. | |
Please give to the Mary Campos Fund For Latinx student scholarships
Donations Due November 14th
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Fellow UUs: It is once again time for First Unitarian to lead the way in supporting the Mary Campos Scholarships for hard-working Latinx students.
Our Immigration Justice Committee and several individual congregation members are asking you to contribute, preferably now, but for sure before Nov. 14. To chip in, please go online to our designated First Unitarian page, using this link: https://mary-e-campos-scholarship-program-2023-cv-199.causevox.com/first-unitarian.
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First Unitarian Church of Des Moines
Bad Weather Closing Policy
Revised November 26, 2019
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Church Offices – The church offices will be officially closed when the Des Moines Public Schools cancel classes at all schools or dismisses schools 90 minutes early. Watch for local news media reports of DMPS closings.
If the office is not officially closed but you are uncomfortable with driving or unable to report to work due to the weather conditions, notify your supervisor by phone before your regular start time.
Church members will be notified through the Intercom Weekly of the office bad weather closing policy. A reminder will also be posted on the home page of the website from December 1 through March 31.
Read More
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Community Ministry and Minister at Our Congregation
One Earth Conservation
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| | Community Ministers are Unitarian Universalist ministers whose primary ministry is outside of the congregation, although they are affiliated with a congregation. It’s a two-way street where the minister supports the congregation’s mission and the congregation supports the minister’s specific work in the community. This work can be chaplaincy, counseling, community organizing, or work with nonprofits, (to name just a few). Our congregation now has a community minister, the Rev. Dr. LoraKim Joyner. She is a wildlife veterinarian, Unitarian Universalist minister, Certified Trainer in Nonviolent Communication, and Co-director of One Earth Conservation. She travels a great deal to the many projects her organization oversees currently in 7 Central and South American countries, and spends time writing and fulfilling leadership rolls wherever parrots and people interconnect. Currently the Board is refining a covenant with her and we hope to develop a formal policy for Community Ministry in the future. As the spouse of our Interim Ministers, Rev. Meredith Garmon, her time with us is limited to under two years, so she and UCDSM hope to make the best of our time together.
Read More
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Faith in Action Partners
Freestore | Iowa Trans Mutual Aid Fund
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Our Faith In Action partners are Iowa Trans Mutual Aid Fund and The Freestore. If you would like to donate to Faith in Action partners, please donate directly to them through the links provided.
If you would like to donate to the Freestore, click here.
If you would like to donate to the Iowa Trans Mutual Aid Fund, click here.
In addition to providing monetary donations for our Faith in Action partners, one of the goals of this committee is to improve relationships through volunteer events that support the organizations. We will announce events that church members can be involved with in the coming months.
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Staff Office Hours & Contact Info | |
Rev. Meredith Garmon, Interim Minister
515-244-8603 ext. 102
cell: 352-682-8492
Alice J. Stewart, Director of Finance & Administration
515-244-8603 ext. 101
Mondays: by appointment
Tuesdays – Thursdays: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Fridays: by appointment
Zoom meetings available upon request
Birch Spick, Faith Formation Coordinator
& Congregational Life Coordinator
515-244-8603 ext. 103
Off Mondays
Tuesday - Friday: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Hannah Notch, Office Manager & Childcare Coordinator
515-244-8603 ext. 107
Tuesday - Friday: 1:00 - 5:00 pm
To have an event or meeting added to the church calendar, email Hannah at calendar@ucdsm.org
Faithyna Leonard, Communications & Rental Coordinator
515-244-8603 ext. 106
Available by appointment only
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Intercom Weekly Submissions
Deadline: Wednesday @ 12 noon
In the body of an email, please include a title, relevant dates and times, contact information, and a brief description of your event or announcement.
Please proofread your article before submitting (or ask a trusted friend to proofread if you need help!) We try to check every article, but we still miss things.
An image can help make your article stand out! Please feel free to attach an image to your email. (JPG or PNG files are preferred.) Note: images that violate copyright laws will be rejected.
The Intercom Weekly is sent out to our mailing list on Friday at 12:00 p.m.
We run announcements for no more than three consecutive weeks, so please plan accordingly.
Per church policy, we do not share private email addresses or phone numbers in our communications. We will set up an @ucdsm.org email address for you as the contact person for your group which will automatically forward to your private email, so you won't have to do anything special to view it. (Please allow a few extra days for us to set up the email when you submit your announcement.)
Please email communications@ucdsm.org to submit your information.
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