August 4, 2022
Determining Water Main Replacements Based on Breaks Per Mile Per Year
Sterling Carroll PE
FRWA Professional Engineer

We recently found this report, “Water Main Break Rates in the USA and Canada: A Comprehensive Study,” at:

This important and detailed survey asked participants if they utilized a target break rate at which pipe replacement was implemented. Only 28% of the respondents said that they had a specific value. The average response was a target rate of 11 breaks/(100 miles)/year. Most respondents commented that they do not have a specific target break rate. However, break rates are a very important factor when locations for critical services are considered and when roads are being reconstructed.

North America’s water infrastructure is in decline. The signs of distress surface daily as water mains break creating floods and service disruptions. The loss of service is more than an inconvenience, causing significant social and economic disruptions. Economic impacts include loss of treated water, increased maintenance budgets, overtime hours for service personnel, traffic and business disruptions, and damage to private property.

Overall, break rates have increased 27% in the past six years. Utilities should be concerned that break rates for cast iron (CI) and asbestos cement (AC) pipes, which together represent almost half of the installed water mains in North America, have increased 46% and 43%, respectively, since 2012. Together, CI and AC pipes are mostly responsible for the spike in pipe failures. CI and AC pipes are no longer manufactured and are now reaching the end of their expected lives.

In the report, Figure 26 provides some insight to when pipe needs to be replaced, the most appropriate metric to making this decision should come from looking at break rates at sections of pipe with a similar age and material.
EPA Announcement
Release of LSL Inventory Guidance
See the announcement below about the release of the Lead Service Line Inventory guidance and webinar. Please let me know if you have any questions.
This EPA guidance for communities and water utilities will help identify lead pipes that connect drinking water service to homes and other buildings and to develop and maintain inventories of these service lines. This action marks a key milestone in implementing the Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan and it will help water systems comply with the requirements of the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) that went into effect in December 2021. EPA is harmonizing regulatory requirements with unprecedented funding through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to make rapid progress on removing harmful lead from America’s drinking water. The LCRR requires water systems to prepare and maintain an inventory of service line materials by October 16, 2024. This new Guidance will assist water systems in developing and maintaining service line inventories and will provide states with needed information for oversight and reporting to EPA.
Specifically, EPA Lead Service Line Inventory guidance:
1.      Provides best practices for inventory development and communicating information to the public.
2.      Includes a template for water systems, states, and Tribes to use or adapt to create their own inventory.
1.      Contains case studies on developing, reviewing, and communicating about inventories.
2.      Highlights the importance of prioritizing inventory development in disadvantaged communities and where children live and play.
This Guidance will also provide water utilities with information to develop lead pipe replacement projects. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) provides $15 billion for lead service line replacement through the Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (DWSRF). BIL funding can be used for lead service line replacement projects and associated activities directly connected to the identification, planning, design, and replacement of lead service lines, including development of service line inventories themselves.
EPA will hold a webinar on the service line inventory guidance as well as service line replacement eligibilities under DWSRF and BIL. The webinar is currently planned for August 10 and information on the webinar is posted here.
Utility Restoration Efforts
Marion, KY - Circuit Riders Nathan Gassaway & Cody Kirby discussed emergency response with Governor Andy Beshear at the distribution site for bottled water to Marion's residents.

Crucial Emergency Management and utility restoration efforts are ongoing in Marion and eastern Kentucky, where historic flooding has ravaged the region.

As of Monday morning, the Governor's office reported that in eastern Kentucky:

• 25,325 service connections were without water.
• 44,119 service connections were under a boil water advisory.
• 22 water systems have limited operations.
• 17 wastewater systems have limited operations, primarily due to flooded infrastructure.
Registration is Still Open!!!
110 N Atlantic Ave
Daytona Beach FL 32118

August 8-10, 2022

You can still register for this year's FRWA Annual Conference and have your nametag ready for pickup at the registration desk so click here to register today!

Still not decided? You can also stop by the registration booth and register onsite.

This year's conference is shaping up to be one of the biggest in FRWA history. With over sixty topics from exciting speakers to choose from along with a chance to earn 1.5 CEUs for your license, and a lot of fun in the sun, what do you have to lose?
There will be over 100 exhibitors this year for you to visit and see the latest in industry technology! We hope you will participate in our open forum round tables we have to discuss issues that everyone is facing today. 
If you have any questions, please email or call 850.668.2746.

100kW Caterpillar MEP007B Military Generator with 1098 hours run time. Military Serial Number Rz00394. 3306 Cat Engine on an Olive Drab green military trailer in good shape, the trailer has a pintle hook connections for towing the generator. The generator has a 91-gallon fuel, belly tank and 50” of 1 (one) awg conductor wire attached.
For more information, click on the links below:
For further information please email or call 850.668.2746.

100kW Caterpillar MEP007B Military Generator with 1181 hours run time. Libby Co (serial number RZ01408). Brand new tandem axle trailer with 3500-pound axle and 2” ball. The generator is bolted down to the trailer with a 91-gallon fuel tank on the trailer as a belly tank below the generator.
For more information click on the links below:
For further information please email or call 850.668.2746.
Articles of Interest
Cybersecurity Tips for Water and Wastewater Systems of All Sizes Critical infrastructure is defined as an asset that is so essential and vital to the United States and the people of this country that any ripple, destruction, or incapacity to perform would have a significant impact on physical, economic, or public health and safety. more

White House aims to close gap in rural wastewater services The Biden administration announced plans on Tuesday to leverage financial and technical tools to ensure that historically underserved communities can access wastewater sanitation resources. more

Feds offer $1B in grants to tackle climate disasters Vice President Kamala Harris called climate change an “immediate” and “urgent” crisis Monday as she detailed more than $1 billion in federal spending to respond to disasters such as deadly flooding in Kentucky and wildfires ravaging her home state of California. more

Harris announces resiliency money for South Florida | WLRN Vice President Kamala Harris announced Monday that $50 million is headed to South Florida to help protect low-lying neighborhoods from sea-level rise and storm surge. more

Misconceptions About U.S. Water Infrastructure The U.S. has more 148,000 drinking water systems which distribute 39 billion gallons of potable water to homes and businesses nationwide. For those who work in the drinking water and wastewater treatment industry, the size, scope, and challenges to the country’s water infrastructure are well known. more

Drinking Water, Wastewater Treatment Systems Fear Federal PFAS Limits Will Create Cost Issues Though advocates have been pressuring federal regulators to impose stronger limits on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water and the environment, recent efforts to do so are raising questions about who will pay for the costs. more

Study highlights rising threat of invasive species Frogs, lizards and other amphibians and reptiles living in places they don't belong cost the world at least $17 billion between 1986 and 2020, a group of international researchers concluded in a new study. more

Study Provides Framework for Prioritizing Investment in Drinking Water Systems A team of researchers led by Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, has published a study that aims to assist state and local water authorities in making decisions about where to prioritize funding for infrastructure improvements on drinking water lead service line replacement programs. more

ASDWA Submits Comments on Build America Buy America Waiver ASDWA recommended that EPA extend similar adjustment period waivers across all water infrastructure programs to ensure consistency and clarity for both applicants and States. more

OMB Completes Review of Guidance for Lead Service Line Inventories The Office of Management and Budget completed its review of EPA’s lead service line inventory guidance on July 25th, according to the website. more

EPA Releases Updated Questions and Answers on BIL Implementation EPA’s Office of Water recently released an updated set of questions and answers on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) implementation to help states and borrowers understand BIL State Revolving Fund (SRF) process. more

Ky. flood response hindered by damaged infrastructure Damage to critical infrastructure and the arrival of more heavy rains hampered efforts Sunday to help Kentucky residents hit by recent massive flooding, Gov. Andy Beshear said. more

Storms bring flooding to Las Vegas After potent thunderstorms rolled through Las Vegas on Thursday night, portions of the iconic Las Vegas Strip were left under water as floodwaters poured into area casinos. more

As U.S. EPA's Influence Dwindles, Major Chemical Producer Fights Against Contamination Limits One of the largest producers of a chemical compound tied to adverse health effects is pushing back on federal regulation that would limit that compound’s presence. more

Fighting Lead In Drinking Water At The Source “Are you guys ready?” asks a voice, calling out to the operators of Denver Water’s Marston Treatment Plant on the other end of the speaker phone. "Hey Marston, are you guys ready?” more

Biden administration to make $1 billion available to states for floods, extreme heat | Times-Picayune The White House is making more than $1 billion available to states to address flooding and extreme heat exacerbated by climate change. more

Future storms will put parts of NYC underwater, endangering hundreds of thousands | WJCT As climate change warms the planet, drives up sea levels and energizes hurricanes, a big concern is storm surge. NPR has analyzed modeling from the National Hurricane Center for Miami, Washington, D.C., and New York City. more

When 'below average' is a good thing: Gulf's dead zone not as big this year, scientists say | Herald Tribune It’s not the happiest date on the environmental calendar, but this year’s Day of the Dead Zone was a bit cheerier than usual. more

NOAA: High-tide flooding is occurring more often Climate change is driving more flooding around the country, and the cost of flood damage to homes can be enormous, according to a pair of new analyses that look at the risks and costs of coastal floods in the U.S. more

Climate experts predict Southwest Florida will see daily tidal floods by the year 2100 | Naples Daily News There will only be one day in the year 2100 where nuisance high tide flooding isn't an issue in the Fort Myers area. more

Temporary lane closures during city manhole rehabilitation project | Naples Daily News Marco Island’s Water and Sewer Department is continuing a manhole rehabilitation project through Aug. 5. more

Sewer system problems prompt a construction moratorium for part of Wakulla County | WFSU Building work has been halted in a portion of Wakulla County. The 45-day construction moratorium came during Monday night’s (Aug. 1) county commission meeting. County Administrator David Edwards said the emergency measure only affects a relatively small area. more

Shining example: Tampa Bay's water quality is declining after a half-century of gains  After decades of pollution suffocated Tampa Bay and killed half its seagrass and much of its marine life, unprecedented political cooperation and hundreds of science-guided projects brought the estuary back to life. Tampa Bay became a symbol for the success of the Clean Water Act of 1972, but seagrasses and fish have begun to die again. more

Opinion: Lake Munson news story was fraught with questionable assumptions | Tallahassee Democrat OPINION I am writing regarding James Call’s article, and the assertions of Terry Ryan that leaking sewers are responsible for algae in Lake Munson. more

Miami-Dade increases fines for environmental violations | South Dade News Leader Miami-Dade County has significantly increased fines for environmental violations with the potential to pollute the county’s ground and surface waters, including Biscayne Bay. more
This Week in Water History
Emperor Justinian I and the Basilica Cistern
August 1, 527 CE: Beginning of the reign of Byzantine Emperor Justinian I, builder of the Basilica Cistern. “The Basilica Cistern (Turkish: Yerebatan Sarayı – Sunken Palace, or Yerebatan Sarnıcı – Sunken Cistern), is the largest of several hundred ancient cisterns that lie beneath the city of Istanbul (formerly Constantinople), Turkey. The cistern, located 500 feet southwest of the Hagia Sophia on the historical peninsula of Sarayburnu, was built in the 6th century during the reign of Byzantine Emperor Justinian I. This cathedral-size cistern is an underground chamber approximately 453 by 212 feet – about 105,000 square feet in area – capable of holding 2,800,000 cubic feet [or 21 million gallons] of water. The ceiling is supported by a forest of 336 marble columns, each 9 30 feet high, arranged in 12 rows of 28 columns each spaced 16 feet apart. The capitals of the columns are mainly Ionic and Corinthian styles, with the exception of a few Doric style with no engravings.” (edited by MJM)

Istanbul has always had limited water resources. Water supplies had to be transported to the city through long canals and aqueducts. Istanbul has also been the target of invading armies and has had to rely on stored water during long sieges. For these reasons, underground and open-air cisterns have always been a part of the city fabric. Sometimes stored water in local cisterns had to last the city’s population for months. There is no official count of the number of cisterns that had been built in ancient times, but dozens have survived and many can be visited. The Basilica Cistern is the grandest of them all.

Commentary: I recently read a novel entitled Inferno by Dan Brown. A significant part of the book takes place in this cistern. Great location of a movie shoot.

To enjoy more opportunities to take a look at the past in water history, go to this link.