January 3, 2023
Dickinson Research Extension Center Updates

Western Dakota crops day synopsis

Ryan Buetow
Extension Cropping Systems Specialist
Dickinson Research Extension Center
North Dakota State University
1041 State Avenue
701 456-1106
Unfortunately mother nature got in the way of the 2022 Western Dakota Crops Day, but you can still find all of the great updates on agronomy research done in SW ND in the 39th Annual Western Dakota Crops Day Research Report 2022 at and you can find previous years reports on the Hettinger REC website at

Included in the booklet is a synopsis of our soil acidity research here at the Dickinson REC along with other highlights of work being done including variety trial results, planting date and seeding rate trials, preemergent herbicide trials, and fall herbicide application studies.

The report also includes some work we did in conjunction with USDA entomologist Dr. Jarrad Prasifka on sunflower and red sunflower seed weevil. Chemical management of red sunflower weevil has been shown to not be effective in some parts of the country. As pesticide resistance continues to impact many of our agronomic pests it is important that we not only rotate chemical modes of action, but also use all of the tools in our IPM toolbox. Our trial showed that by planting sunflowers early and by using earlier maturing varieties we were able to add a layer of avoidance to our pest management strategy.

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