Happy Thursday Dear Church!
I I sure do hope you are all experiencing a peaceful and meaningful week. I want to personally thank you for your hearts, expressed so dearly to me last Sunday. Isn’t it interesting the twists and turns our lives can make and the joyful assurance of God’s presence through it all? As I looked at your faces on Sunday morning, I saw the face of Christ. I felt the compassion, the empathy, the concern and the love in a very real way. The next several months are going to be interesting. Freddie and I covet your prayers as we make this journey together. Also, pray for our church as we enter into the spring and summer months. Historically, church attendance in mainline protestant churches, goes down during these months. Of course, “butts in the pews” are just a small part of our life here at CCPUCC. Times with family are important and necessary. Times of vacation, getting away from it all, are important. Times with your church family/community are important. I want to encourage each of you to have a great spring and summer but don’t forget your church. The church needs you and I am so grateful for your spirit and drive.
Sunday morning, we are looking at another post-resurrection Jesus story. Actually, it is a continuation of our story last week. You will hear this phrase a great deal! “Do You Love Me?” Peter, in a heartfelt, loving conversation with Jesus, is beckoned to Christ’s side; a chance for Peter to re-confirm his love and dedication to Jesus. Come Sunday morning to discover what Jesus is asking you! Until Sunday, know that I am praying for you, for us, as we enter this new season, this new journey in life. I love being your pastor.
Holding you close and lifting you high!
Pastor Greg