January 2023
4-H Newsletter
Find your "Spark" with 4-H fun and learning!
Check out what's coming up! 
Sparks Club Presents: Conifer Creations
Staying home to beat the snow? Sign up by tomorrow, January 5th for a free virtual event with 4-H educator Jessica Reid, painting with conifers and creating colorful lanterns in a jar! Registrants will receive a Zoom link for the event along with a supplies list of household items to gather before the event on January 9th, from 6-7pm.
Produced In New York and "Art"cuterie Board Challenge!
Join Monroe and Livingston County 4-H at the Strong Museum of Play for Fit Kids' Day on Saturday, January 28th! Contact Renee Hopkins for more information and to register. Register by tomorrow, Thursday, January 5th!
Public Presentations Training
Public Presentations is a great opportunity to share knowledge about one of your sparks with other 4-H members! It's a chance for to have fun, meet new people, work on your organizational skills, and develop your public speaking skills. Youth ages 5-19 are welcome to take part.

New to 4-H Public Presentations or need a refresher? Plan to attend 4-H Public Presentations training on Monday, January 30th, 6-8pm at the Irondequoit Library in the double room downstairs (Rooms 114-115). Are you an experienced presenter? Please consider coming to share your knowledge as a teen leader! Please register by Wednesday, January 25th.
Day Old Pheasant Program
Day-old Pheasant Chicks are available to be raised and released this spring. For detailed information on how to raise these birds, please visit: Contact Moss for more information.
Resources for Teachers and Leaders
Volunteer Training Opportunity: Igniting Youth Sparks
Network with 4-H volunteers from all over the Northeast Region and learn how to be a champion for youth while they transform their interests into purpose and direction.

This workshop meets on Zoom on February 15th, 6-8pm.

Whether you're an event volunteer, a 4-H parent, a club leader, or share your skills and time with us in another way, we would encourage you to come!
Agricultural Literacy Week 2023

In celebration of New York agriculture, volunteers
throughout the state will read a book with an agricultural theme to second graders during Agricultural Literacy Week on March 20-24th.

The featured book for 2023 is Tomatoes for Neela by Top Chef host Padma Lakshmi.

If you would like to volunteer to read to a local 2nd grade class, please contact the 4-H Office at by Friday, March 10th.
Bringing In the Birds: Homemade Bird Feeders to Help Our Feathered Friends in Winter 
Not all birds fly south for the winter, which is lucky for us here in Upstate New York, as birding
can be a wonderful activity for the whole family all year long. Birding is the observation of
birds in their natural habitats. It can be done inside and outside of the home, through a
window, on a porch, or on a trail. Birding is a great way to connect with nature, even through windows on cold winter days!
Next time you are near a window or outside, take a moment to notice the birds. Connecting
to the natural world has numerous health benefits for all ages. It allows us to recharge,
decrease anxiety, reduce stress and loneliness, improve cognitive development, and not to
mention, it can be fun! Birds are wonderful and wacky creatures with stories to share, once
you begin to pay attention!
Can you share a memorable bird experience from your own life?

While winter birds can help us through our own winter blahs and blues, winter climate and conditions present intense challenges for them. Food is harder to come by—especially when there’s snow on the ground for a long time—and of course cold temperatures create stressors and hazards. The good news is there are many easy and inexpensive ways to give our feathered friends a hand in winter—for example, by making them home-made feeders!
Let’s make a Repurposed Jar Bird Feeder!
Supplies needed:
• clean jars (ex. Mason jar or pasta jar)
• wooden dowel ~10 inches long
• twine, yarn, or ribbon
• birdseed
• scissors
• strong glue (ex. Gorilla glue)
• optional: beads for decoration
1. Squeeze a line of glue down the center of one side of the jar. Stick the wooden dowel to the glue, with part of the dowel extending out past the opening/mouth of the jar. Also stick the end of the twine in the glue. Allow everything to dry completely.
2. Wrap the twine around and around the jar and dowel. When the jar is covered with twine to your liking, tie off the twine and cut the end.

3. Take two pieces of twine—about 36 inches or three feet long each -- and wrap them around the opening or mouth of the jar. Do this also at the bottom of the jar, wrapping the twin around the wooden dowel to help secure it to the jar.

4. If you wish, decorate the mouth of the jar with beads or other safe adornments! (You can do this at the bottom of the jar, too!)

5. Bring the twine from the mouth and bottom of the jar together, and tie a good, strong knot to create a place/way to hang up your feeder.
6. Fill the jar about halfway with some good wild birdseed mix. (Refill as needed!)
7. Hang your helpful creation in a place where you can easily see from inside and outside!
8. Say hi and hang out with the beautiful birds that visit the buffet you’ve put out for them! Keep a print or online bird guide handy so you can identify the visitors!

Birds are amazingly strong, tough, resourceful and independent despite looking small and fragile! But they can definitely benefit from human health over the harsh winter. Feeding birds is just one of many things you can do to have a wonderful give-and-receive relationship with our feathered friends! A simple search online for “4-H Bird Activities” will provide many other great hands-on birding ideas.
Grow With Us Grant
Applications are open for the Ag in the Classroom Grow with Us Grant! Earn a bundle of three Tower Gardens or a 2445 Organics SuperGrow System for your classroom to extend learning through agriculture throughout the entire school year. Submit your application by January 17, 2023:
Club News and Special Activities
4-H Friends experiments with slime
4-H Friends had a slime fest! We love this club's creativity. Youth engineered slime in four different base textures (pudding, fluffy, jello, and regular slime) for their investigations!
5th Graders visit Springdale Farm with 4-H Ag in the Classroom
5th grade students at Laurelton-Pardee Intermediate School visited Springdale Farm for a Dairy in the Classroom field trip, thanks to support from the New York Agriculture in the Classroom program and New York Dairy Farmers. Students were able to see cows milked by a robotic milking system, learn about what a cow eats, discover how farmers keep cows healthy, sample a cheese stick, and see other farm animals that you might find on a farm. Special thanks to Monroe County Dairy Farmer, County Legislator, and 4-H volunteer Robert Colby for spending the day sharing his knowledge with students and 4-H volunteer Darcy Colby for supporting the event.
Busy Bees Leader Honored with Golden Apple Award
News 8 WROC Rochester honored Special Education teacher and 4-H club leader Kathy Lee with their Golden Apple award! Busy Bees club member Dee and her mom nominated Kathy for this award, and Kathy's classroom therapy dog Albie was also recognized!
Sparks Club Celebrates Winter Solstice
Sparks Club 4-Hers celebrated Winter Solstice with some fabulous fun at Ellison Park's cozy Hazelwood Lodge! Youth made mini winter decorations from natural materials, tried out basic embossing with aluminum foil and oak leaves, and played a traditional Haudenosaunee winter solstice bowl game!
Extra Cheese, Please! A Hit in Monroe County Classrooms
What are the steps between milking a cow and eating a cheese stick? 4-H Educators have been sharing the story of cheese across Monroe County through a farm web activity and cheese stick samples!

Thank you to New York Agriculture in the Classroom and New York Dairy Farmers for their support of this lesson.
Cultivating Community Program Extends into School Year
A day in the life: Cultivating Community high schoolers made colorful, healthy, delicious wraps and salsa with Nutrition Educator Laurence Walker; practiced mindfulness through crafting; explored the beautiful Seneca Park via a nature scavenger hunt, and tried some smart phone photography techniques and tips!

Piloted in summer 2022, the inaugural summer program cohort is now meeting throughout the school year to continue their contributions to the community!
Statewide Opportunities
Join Cornell Online for a Deep Dive into New York State Fisheries
Learn about salmon, trout, sturgeon, and dogfish sharks with experts from Cornell University! The Deep Dive into New York State Fisheries Program is open to 4-H youth of all ages, their parents, and 4-H volunteers.

Want to dive deeper? The Youth in Nature & Outdoor Education Program Work Team is offering a virtual fish and shark art contest and a short story contest! The contests will be open to youth with several age categories and participants can be from anywhere within New York State. The contest begins December 11, 2022 and runs until February 7, 2023. Entries will be highlighted in the virtual learning sessions. Find the guidelines here.
4-H Outdoor Adventures Winterfest
The Cornell Youth in Nature and Outdoor Education Program Work Team is thrilled to announce its next camping program, Outdoor Adventures Weekend – Winterfest. This weekend long event will be packed with outdoor fun of snowshoeing, cross country skiing, skijoring demonstration, and so much more! The event will end with a friendly Winter Olympic competition. This event is being held at Amboy 4-H Environmental Education Center in eastern Oswego County from 7:00 p.m. Friday, February 17th to 12:00 p.m. Sunday, February 19th, 2023. The facility is in the foothills of the Tug Hill and is famous for its snow, so the weekend will be spent mostly outdoors enjoying the snow and the woodlands.

Registration for this event is limited to 50 people. Snowshoes will be loaned out for this event, as well as a limited number of cross country skis and shoes of varying sizes. The cost to attend Outdoor Adventures Weekend is $40 per 4-Her – there is no fee for chaperones.
Robots in the Orchard
Join the NYS 4-H Geospatial Team on Zoom to learn about digital agriculture with Robots in the Orchard on January 31st at 3pm! Contact Kat Leo with questions at, or at 845-344-1234. Register here.
  • January 9th Sparks Club Presents: Conifer Creations
  • January 28th Produced in New York, "Art"cuterie Boards: Dairy Edition
  • January 29th Mendon Ponds Winter Fest
  • January 30th Public Presentations Training
  • February 10th-12th NYS 4-H Horse In-service
  • February 15th Volunteer Training: Igniting Youth Sparks
  • March 4th Horse Extravaganza
  • March 9-12th 2023 National 4-H Youth Summit
  • March 17th World Food Prize New York Youth Institute 
  • March 25th District Public Presentations
  • April 16-18th Capital Days
  • May 6th Animal Crackers at Cornell
  • May 19-21st STARR (State Action Reps Retreat)
  • June 27-29th Cornell Career Explorations
  • August 23rd - September 4th New York State Fair