JAG-K isn’t just preparing students for the future. It is empowering them to make an impact in their communities today.
There are examples of students making a difference all over the state. Here are just a couple from last month:
Kiowa County High School:
When Kiowa County School District found itself short on custodial staff due to illness during the month of December, JAG-K members volunteered to stand in the gap. They volunteered to clean up the cafeteria after lunch for several days to take the burden off the school staff. They also unloaded a truck of items delivered to a local goodwill facility.
"We have several selfless students within our program, and they love to serve whenever their services are needed,” said Kiowa County Career Specialist Marcus Mitchell. “They understand they’re a piece to a bigger picture.”
Junction City High School:
The Junction City High School JAG-K program created gifts to give to young children in the community. Tyra Marteen, career specialist at the school, was particularly impressed by the group’s members who volunteered to deliver the gifts on a day off from school, in bitter cold temperatures.
Among the gifts students delivered were JAG-K Career Puzzles, hobby horses and unicorns - all items made by the group.
“These students learned servant leadership,” Marteen said. “They are doing selfless acts that gives them purpose. These acts of generosity bring happiness to both the ones giving and receiving.”