“To teach in a manner that respects and cares for the souls of our students is essential if we are to provide the necessary conditions where learning can most deeply and intimately begin.”
– bell hooks
Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom

Updates For Our Community

Dear Hallett Families,

I hope the summer has been fun-filled and relaxing. I am excited for the 2022-2023 school year!

You have been subscribed to this newsletter as a Parent/Guardian of a Hallett Academy student. The newsletter is sent weekly throughout the school year, and is a way to stay informed about all that's happening at Hallett.

Please complete your online registration by Wednesday, August 10th. All families, both new and old, must do this every year.

Be sure to have the school dates on your calendar so you don't miss anything, you can view the calendar for the 2022/2023 school year here.


Enjoy the last few weeks of the summer. I can't wait to see everyone at our Meet and Greet on Thursday August 18th!


Dominique Jefferson


Important Dates For Your Calendar

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  • Thursday, August 18th, 5-6pm - Meet and Greet on the Playground
  • Monday, August 22 - First Day of School
  • Thursday, September 1, 4:15-5:30pm - Back to School Night

Hallett Calendar for 2022/2023

Registration Information 

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Attention all families: please complete online registration by Wednesday, August 10th.

Online Registration - registration is the process of updating student and family information including emergency contacts, health information, and more. Registration must be completed annually by all families. To register online, sign into Parent Portal , click on "See All Apps," then click on "Online Registration." Online registration can only be completed by the Parent/Guardian listed in the primary household of the student record.

If you have questions about registration, please reach out to Yvonne Archibeque at or you may call the Office at 720-424-6070.

Free Lunch Applications

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After three years, the federal law providing pandemic-era child nutrition expired on June 30. This means starting this fall, students are expected to pay for their lunch at the time of service unless designated eligible for free or reduced-price meals. Free breakfast will still be available to everyone.

To be considered for free lunch, families will need to fill out an application to qualify their children for free, reduced-price or paid meals. Families please complete a meal benefits application as soon as possible to determine eligibility for free and reduced-price lunch. Applications must be submitted each school year. To apply, visit the Food and Nutrition Services website.

**If you completed Early Bird Registration, you must go back and complete this application separately. All families registering now will find the application in their online registration process.

Mental Health Support for Colorado Youth 

I Matter provides up to 3 free behavioral health sessions for youth in Colorado. Visit I for more information.

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Safe2Tell Colorado

Safe2Tell Colorado offers anonymous reporting for ANYTHING that concerns you, your friends, your family or community. If you have any concerns whatsoever, please call 1-877-542-7233 or submit a report online.

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COVID-19 Guidance

Per Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance, and unlike last year, students and employees who have COVID-19 do not need to test for the virus and then get a negative rapid at home test in order to return to school or work. We ask that symptomatic individuals please return on day six and wear a mask from day six to day 10. We still encourage vaccines and booster shots. As of June 30, COVIDCheck Colorado is no longer in existence. DPS is hosting two cost-free PCR testing sites. There are several other cost-free PCR testing sites in Denver county and in areas surrounding Denver.

Keeping Our Students Healthy

Families make decisions every day to protect their children, and now COVID-19 vaccines are available at no charge to protect all children six months and older. Medical officials have shared that vaccinations provide the best defense against serious outcomes related to COVID-19. Please share this information so families can ensure that their children have all immunizations that are required by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment before the first day of school. Families can get immunizations and sports physicals at Denver Health's 19 School-Based Health Centers located on school campuses.

“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.”

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
