Attitude Is Everything

Starting the Week Off Right

April 22, 2024

Good Morning,

If you have been in any sort of leadership position, I am sure you have experienced this issue in some way or another. It usually starts out similar to the following: “This is a real problem. Someone needs to - - - “ or “You really should - - - “ I have even seen it as “So and so is doing this or that and you need to stop them.” When confronted with a response such as “What are you going to do about it?” The room goes silent or there is, often, some form of snarky response such as “It’s not my job”. “I don’t have time” or, I don’t know how.”.

In business, particularly if they are your employees, the answer can be a bit easier when you explain “It’s your job. If you wish to keep it, you will make it happen.” In volunteer organizations or community government, it can be a bit more difficult. 

Sometimes it merely takes empowering them and making them realize they can do something about it. Other times it may involve convincing them that solving this particular problem is not worth the time, effort, or money to solve. It might even require the “Why is it my responsibility?" response.

How do you handle the pointer-outers in your life? How do you turn them into problem solvers? This week, be a problem solver and send me an email explaining what you have found to work. I will print your answers so all of us can learn.

Enjoy the week ahead.


Jim Seymour

My Accounting Department

2400 South Ocean Dr. #6525

Fort Pierce, FL 34949

Office: 772-461-2018

Cell: 616-836-4346

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Providing Bookkeeping Services For Small Businesses