"God is our refuge and strength [...] Be still and know that I am God."
Psalm 46

Do you have one of those minds that keeps on going?

I have one that rarely shuts down. It is both a blessing and a curse. It motivates me to get things done, but it makes me feel guilty when I sit down and try to be quiet, like I’m wasting time.  

I am distracted by calls, texts, noises and thoughts of things to do running through my mind. I worry about people and events that have happened or are about to happen. It is hard to shut out the distractions. Silencing my phone is the fastest way to cut down the interruptions. Another way is to sit in my chair and close my eyes. 

Jesus depended on prayer, took refuge in prayer, drew his strength and guidance from prayer. As Psalm 46:1 says: God is our refuge and strength. Meditation and prayer are quiet times when we still our busy minds. Though challenging, it is worth the effort to sense the calm and strength of our Lord.

I know that I should be still and allow more time for renewal. I need to have discipline to be calm so I can notice the nearness of God. He is my refuge and gives me strength when I pay attention. 

Faithful God, you wait in silence for us to refresh our spirits and strengthen our souls for service. Give us the grace to turn aside the distractions and seek your presence. Thank you for being there for us, may we be there to serve you. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen