December 28, 1918 Municipal Journal article—To Investigate Cost of Influenza. “Harrisburg, Pa.-An investigation is to be conducted by the state department of health into the cost of the epidemic of influenza, which has taken 47,000 lives. Dr. B. Franklin Royer, acting state health commissioner, has announced that every phase of the social and economic cost of the disease will be surveyed. Doctor Royer has sent letters to men and women in charge of the work of fighting the epidemic in various parts of the state and asked that the information desired be returned at once to the department. ‘Professor J. P. Lichtenberger, of the Wharton School of Finance, of the University of Pennsylvania’ he said, ‘has been engaged by the department to undertake this work, and a large corps of clerks, stenographers and other officers of the state department of health have been designated to cooperate in gathering the data….’”
Commentary: In the midst of a national construction push for more filtration plants, the U.S. was devastated by the influenza pandemic. It has been estimated that 500,000 to 675,000 people died in the U.S. alone and 20 to 50 million people worldwide.
2020 Update: I would never have guessed that 102 years after this article, the world would be in the grip of a raging viral pandemic. As of this date in 2020 in the US, deaths from Covid-19 are expected to reach over 470,000 by March 1, 2021. Vaccines are on the horizon but hundreds of thousands of lives could be saved if only people would wear masks, socially distance and stay home. Tragic beyond belief.
2021 Update: As of this date, Covid-19 has infected over 52,000,000 with over 800,000 deaths attributed to the virus. Vaccines have been available for over a year and boosters are now being encouraged. Those receiving the vaccine, may still develop COVID-19 but the symptoms are milder. Due to problems related to COVID, there are still shortages in many areas.
2022 Update: An average of 3,040 cases per day were reported in Florida in the last week. Cases have increased by 38 percent from the average two weeks ago. Deaths have increased by 306 percent. Since the beginning of the pandemic, a total of 7,269,428 cases have been reported. At least 1 in 257 residents have died from the coronavirus, a total of 83,606 deaths.