A Word from our Transitional General Presbyter
As many of you know, I spent most of the two weeks between April 29 and May 10 traveling. I attended the Synod of the Trinity’s EP Forum and the Board of Pensions’ Season of Rebuilding event, both in Philadelphia. I also attended the Association of Mid Council Leaders’ Presbytery Leader Formation Residency in Schuyler, Nebraska. It is not surprising that the words of one of the constitutional questions for ordination – as minister of the Word and Sacrament, ruling elder, and deacon – surfaced in conversation and worship multiple times. All those being ordained and/or installed are asked, “Will you pray for and seek to serve the people with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love?” (Book of Order, W-4.0404h) There were times that I was asked to consider deeply and seriously what these words mean as I seek to serve Jesus Christ as your Transitional General Presbyter and Stated Clerk. There were times that I was asked to think about the work of all Presbyterian leaders as they seek to serve the people with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love. There were times when this phrase evoked laughter amongst those gathered; there were times when it evoked tears. The Spirit was definitely at work in these conversations.