November 15, 2023


National Native American Heritage Month Celebrated at BSU

Members of the Kiawa, Piscataway, Lumbee, Pocomoke, Haliwa-Saponi and other Native American tribes gathered at Bowie State University for a Pow Wow to celebrate their culture during National Native American Heritage Month. It was the first Pow Wow held at the university but will not be the last according to Dr. Keadrick Peters, coordinator of multi-cultural programs. Read more >

BSU Honored Service Members on Veterans Day

BSU honored active and former military members during an on-campus Veterans Day program on Nov. 10. Uniformed veterans gathered in the Student Center Ballroom to reflect on their service to the nation and remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. Read more >

Bowie State Announces First Lady Dawn Moore as Fall Commencement Speaker

Maryland’s First Lady, Dawn Flythe Moore, will deliver remarks to over 400 graduates at Bowie State University’s Fall Commencement on Thursday, December 21, at the Leonidas S. James Physical Education Complex from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.  Read more >

"Buy Black" Play Addresses Challenges of Gentrification

Buy Black, a play about how Black Americans cope under the threats of gentrification, opens tonight with performances through Saturday in the Black Box Theatre in the Fine and Performing Arts Center at Bowie State University. Tickets are available online for this BSU Theatre production. 

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Bowie State Celebrates International Education Week

The ambassador of Côte d'Ivoire, a country on the southern coast of West Africa, will visit Bowie State University as part this year’s International Education Week, which runs from Nov. 13-17.  Read more >

Freshman QB Receives All-Conference Honors

Redshirt freshman quarterback Jordan Morse believes in always staying prepared, and that lesson was crystalized for him when he took over as the Bulldogs’ signal caller during the final three games of the year. Read more >



Thursday, Nov. 16

2:00 - 5:00 p.m.

President Breaux Welcomes Ambassador and Delegation from Cote d' Ivoire >

Thursday, Nov. 16

5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Empowering Futures: HBCUs - A Philanthropic Pipeline >

Friday, Nov. 17

10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Bowie BOLD Wellness Day >

More calendar items


  • Nov. 9, 2023 – Baltimore Sun

Aggravated assaults drove higher violent crime rate at Maryland colleges in 2022

  • Nov. 10, 2023 – BVM Sports

Bowie State Bulldogs Make Program History, Earn Spot in CIAA Women’s Volleyball Tournament

  • Nov. 11, 2023 – WTOP News

Native American Pow Wow celebrates veterans and culture at Bowie State University


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