Richard C. Peck Consulting, LLC & The Philanthropy Guy, LLC

"Changing the world of charitable giving by providing consulting and educational services to nonprofits, donors, and professional advisors"


Charitable Giving Newsletter

11/29/23 Edition

In This Week's Issue:

O Money, Where Art Thou?

Weekly Tips for Nonprofits, Donors, and Professional Advisors

O Money, Where Art Thou?

One of the most frustrating parts of working in a nonprofit is---you guessed it---finding ways to continue to pay for its mission and vision (and keep the lights and heat on, too, by-the-way). Nonprofits are always sourcing options to get paid: revenue from the goods or services provided, generous funders, and of course, grantmakers from foundations (and the like)! The good news is that there are very seasoned professional grantwriters who want to help nonprofits get as much money for their cause as possible. A few weeks ago, I sent a "call out" on LinkedIn and was fortunate to have all of these individuals below offered up. Just look at all the wealth of professional talent here…all fifteen people listed below are ready, willing, and more than able to help write grants to help nonprofits! Nonprofits need them, and they need nonprofits. See their LinkedIn profiles below:

Rachel Werner, MPA, GPC, PMP

Alison Yoder

Mary Demery

Lisa Winkler

Shavonn Richardson, MBA, GPC

DeaRonda Harrison

Julie Assel, CGMS, GPC

Pear Associates, LLC

Kyson Bunthuwong

Regina Bennett

Anna Bilyeu, GPC

Kerri (Fernsworth) Feazell

Shauna O'Toole, MA, GPC, CFRE

Fielding Jezreel, MSW, GPC

Isatou Bittaye-Jobe

A Tip for Nonprofits: When a donor makes a contribution, how do you formally acknowledge it? Donation receipts are important, and people give in more than one kind of way. Read more here: What Is A Charitable Donation Receipt? - Nonprofit Glossary (

A Tip for Donors: Do you think that donating is only for the very wealthy? Have you ever thought about what it would look like if everyone gave just ONE DOLLAR every month to the world of nonprofits? Well, Dollar Donation Club has really taken that concept to heart, and they are very solid on their mission to create "The World’s First Collective Super-philanthropist." Read more here: Dollar Donation Club

A Tip for Professional Advisors: Did you know that simple tools like the ones at 21/64 can help open up the philanthropic conversation in simple but profound ways? You are in luck, because now through 12/31, 21/64 is offering 50% off its wide variety of conversation-sparking tools. My favorites are the Motivational Values cards and the Picture Your Legacy cards. Read more and order your own tools here: Tools - 21/64 (

"It is every man's obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he takes out of it."

~Albert Einstein

Richard C. Peck Consulting, LLC and The Philanthropy Guy, LLC

About Rick

1373 Post Road, Unit 7E

Wells, Maine 04090

228 Park View Drive

Belmont, NC 28012

+1 (603) 387-3897

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