1085 E. Genesee Street
Office: 324 University Ave
Syracuse, NY 13210
315-475-7277 | Email:

Here is your weekly news from UUMC.

August Highlights:
  • ACR Health hosted its “No Hitch” to-go lunch on 8/11 and 8/25/22. Wonderful three course hot lunches were served to-go to our neighbors and staff. 
  • VeganCNY created and distributed 2 lunch distributions this August. They provided a wonderful, homemade vegan hot to-go lunch to our community on 8/13 and 8/27/22. 
  • All Saints Catholic Church begins efforts to join with UUMC’s Food Center @ 324.
  • The Food Center @ 324 passes all annual inspections
  • with the Food Bank of CNY
Looking forward, September:
  • UUMC and the Food Center @ 324 pauses efforts on September 1, 2 and 5, 2022 in acknowledgement of the Labor Day holiday.
  • UUMC launches a new effort to sell UUMC’s parking lot spaces to attendees of Dome events through the 2022-2023 football, basketball and concert season in fundraising efforts for our Food expenses.
  • 9/19/22 will bring Upstate’s students of the “Food as Medicine” class to our Food Center to learn of food insecurity, the Emergency Food system and our efforts for the people of Syracuse. 
  • 9/22/22 is the annual CNY Food Bank Conference. Pastor Beth DuBois and myself will attend to further our efforts and networking in the Emergency Food Systems. 
  • Volunteer opportunities are open and available. Please contact Galyn at to be added to our volunteer listserv. You will receive two mailings a month informing you of all of the volunteer opportunities at UUMC.
150 Years & Counting!
“How Do We Function and Thrive?”
Join us for a Fellowship Luncheon
Sunday, September 11, 2022
(right after worship)
·      Hear about bold new initiatives for the future.
·      UUMC Committee updates and opportunities
·      Acknowledgement of Past Supporters
·      Legacy Circle Launch
Hosted by: UUMC Legacy Committee
Do You have Friends or Family Heading to the Dome?

This Saturday, September 10, 2022, Elton John will be at the dome from 5-8 pm performing his farewell tour.

Please let your friends and family know that UUMC will be renting out our parking lot (the fenced in lot and spaces near the building) for game days and events! The cost is $20 per space and the proceeds go directly to support our Outreach efforts.

If you are a member and you usually park at UUMC, please contact the office so we know to expect you. You are always welcome to make a donation, but payment from members is not expected.
Sunday Worship | 10:30 a.m.
In-Person and on Facebook Live

Click Below to Join Worship on Sunday
Please note: Every worship service remains "live" on our Facebook page. You are able to watch every one that has been done since we began online worship. They never go away. If you are unable to begin at 10:30, you can watch it at your leisure another time.
Today is the 21st anniversary of 9/11. Our world changed significantly because of this event. Let us take a moment of silence to remember those who lost their lives on this day 21 years ago, those who died due to the inhalation of the toxins at the site and all the families affected.

Worship Music

Prelude “Cleanse Me from Sin, O Lord” by Robert Hebble

Offertory “Walk with Me” Words & Music by John S. Rice

Postlude Postlude “Variations on “CWM Rhondda” by Raymond H. Haan
Kids Corner
Check out one way to connect with your children as you all connect with scripture. Click Here
Volunteer Opportunity

NEW- Friday, September 23, 2022, 4:30-8pm, Assist with Game Day Parking. Approx. 3.5hr. Volunteer opportunity. Assist our staff in directing parking
and collecting payments in UUMC parking lots for Dome game attendees.
Outside effort. Some moving of cones and signage. 
Ongoing Requests

Hygiene Products Needed: Shampoo,
Soap, Deodorant, Tooth Brushes & Tooth Paste
Contact Galyn at the church office,
to arrange drop-off time.
UUMC Announcements

September 11 at 10:30am during Worship: Welcome back/New Member day!
Fellowship Luncheon hosted by the Legacy Committee following worship
and ending about 1:30pm. Light lunch provided. Learn more about what our Committees are planning this Fall.
September 14-28: Pastor Alicia will be continuing her education 
learning about "Celtic Christianity” in Scotland and Ireland.
September 17: @324 Park and Give: We will be offering parking for $20 a slot for the Saturday SU football game on 9/17 from 9AM to Noon. Please let your friends and colleagues know! This effort helps directly support our food ministry.
September 18: Pastor Beth leading worship exploring Celtic Christianity,
and connecting the congregation with Pastor Alicia’s experience.
Beginning September 18 at 6 pm: we will explore the issue of Christian Nationalism for two weeks on zoom. The link is:
Meeting ID: 881 4414 0415 | Passcode: 112507
In October, we will begin a series of Christian responses to food insecurity. Please let the office know if you will be attending.
Beginning September 21 at 5:30 pm:  We will gather a group of folks who identify as Queer to fellowship and deepen our understanding of Christianity. Please email Pastor Beth at to participate.
September 25: Pastor Beth leading worship. When the cat’s away, the dogs will play.
October 2: World Communion Day. UUMC challenges the congregation to bring in 250 boxes of Jiffy Corn Bread Mix, 250 Boxes of Cake Mix & 250 Containers of premade Frosting. What will you bring to help us meet this goal?
Men’s Group: We would like to start a men’s group in September. Please email Mark Letham if you are interested in joining or would like more information at
Weekly Prayer Requests
Please note: Prayer requests and comments submitted in the chat during our online service are public knowledge, as the church’s Facebook page is open to all.

As a caring church, we hold one another in prayer. The names in the next sentence are selected each week from the church directory, generally in alphabetical order. This week, please pray for:

Sophie, Emily, Claire, Elliott Fisher

The requests list below come from the previous Sunday’s worship and those received during the week.
Ann O.: Continued prayers for Dave H., with serious health problems.

Ann O.: Prayers for all school children and teachers returning to another school year.

Anonymous: Please pray for the people of Jackson, Mississippi who do not have access to clean water – another example of environmental racism that needs to be fixed.

Anonymous: People in Pakistan who are suffering from major flooding caused by our climate crisis.

Anonymous. Please pray for Beej H., a single grandmother who is In the ICU in Elmira.

Anonymous: Praying that staff, clients & the community allow for healing & forgiveness so that Vera House can continue its important work in our community.

Anonymous: Peace and light in Ukraine & Ethiopia.

Anonymous: Healing for Paramita J. who has Covid.

Anonymous: Prayers for Ann P. with recurring Cancer.

Claudia and Carolina: Praying that Carmen and Diego find fulfillment and adventure in their freshman college journey.
Connie: A friend and her husband who recently had a stroke.

Ginny & Paul: Prayers for family & friends of Barb K., who passed away at 76.

Karen B.: Prayers for friends illnesses. Prayers for family and their relationships. Prayers for friends and family with marriage issues.

Kim: Prayers for Miss M and her family. She is one of my "work kids" and is medically fragile.

Kim: Safe travels for friends visiting from out of state.

Mamie: Good morning family. I know I’m absent quite a bit. Please know my health issues are a greater deal further. Please keep me in prayer, know & accept that the God I serve is awesome & wildly grateful for all.

Stephanie: Prayers of gratitude for all we have. Prayers for the strengthening of faith and the building up of people and community. Prayers for wisdom in how to balance COVID safety with other essential needs especially in schools.
If you would like to join our prayer circle, please contact Carol Boll at
Westcott Street Cultural Parade & Fair

September 25 at 12-7 pm. Syracuse United Methodist Ministries, Erwin First and UUMC would like to invite you to join them in marching in this year’s parade! If you would like to march in the parade, please meet the SUMM collective at the Westcott Community Center at 11:45. SUMM, Erwin First & UUMC will be sponsoring a table and is asking for volunteers to hand out SUMM reusable shopping bags, rainbow streamers & church brochures.
Annual Church/Charge Conference

November 9th at 6:30 at St. Paul's UMC.
100 Black Men of Syracuse

Each year, 100 Black Men of Syracuse sponsors the Winston Gaskin Community Walk for Wellness & Stroke Prevention, which honors Winston Gaskin, an African-American Syracuse resident, pharmacist, Army veteran and community leader who passed away in 2009. The Gaskin Walk has been sponsored by the 100 since 2009 when it was part of Syracuse’s Juneteenth Festival. It is also dedicated to raising awareness about the signs and symptoms of stroke.
Proceeds from the annual event benefit the 100 Black Men of Syracuse, Inc. health and wellness initiatives. Donations are always welcomed if you are unable to participate in the walk.
The next Gaskin Walk is scheduled 9am-2pm Saturday, Sept. 24, 2022 at Onondaga Creekwalk & Kirk Park. Consider sponsorship or become a volunteer. Call us at (315) 443-8749 or email us at 

“Living on Purpose in the Pursuit of Racial Justice” is the subtitle of “Better, Not Bitter.”

Yusef Salaam has a message to be heard by all concerned with the travesties of our criminal justice system…in the context of the larger schemes of personal commitments.  

The ACTS Race Matters Book Club will gather Monday October 3 @ 7 PM on zoom to discuss Salaam’s work.
Syracuse residents will also have an opportunity to hear him on Tuesday October 11 in the Civic Center.  He will be the 2nd speaker in the annual Authors Lecture Series sponsored by the Friends of the Central Library.  Go to  

Tickets are still available to hear Brit Bennett, author of best-13 selling “The Vanishing Half” on Tuesday September 13. Book Club members felt that her novel on racial identity is one of the best books they have ever read.
Save the Date, Sat. Nov. 19, Bishop Webb's Farewell Gathering

You are invited to Upper New York (UNY) Area Resident Bishop Mark J. Webb’s farewell/retirement gathering on Saturday Nov. 19 from 1-4 p.m. at the Upper New York Conference Center, 7481 Henry Clay Blvd. in Liverpool. Join others throughout the Conference to celebrate Bishop Webb’s 10 years of ministry as Bishop of the UNY Conference. More details will be released once they become available.
Young People Needed for Church Study 

The United Methodist Communications Research Team is looking for 15- to 22-year-olds to participate in a three-day online discussion board. United Methodist youth from the U.S. will be asked about their spiritual journey, values, goals, desires, and more. The study offers a $150 incentive.

UMC Communications is partnering with Aspen Finn, an independent market research company, to host a 3-day online discussion board from Sept. 13-15. Participants will see and respond to questions at their convenience each day.
Each day's interaction will take about 30-45 minutes.

If you qualify, you will receive a $150 prepaid gift card for your time and complete participation. Click here for a five-minute survey to determine if you qualify.
Daily Anti-Racism Prayers

Discipleship Ministries of the United Methodist Church offers anti-racism prayers emailed to you Monday through Friday. To sign up to receive them, click the link below.
UM News Digest
Please click the link below to read United Methodist news from around the country and world on UM News Digest.

Contact Us
Alicia Wood, Pastor
Beth DuBuois, Pastoral Accomplice
1085 E. Genesee Street, Syracuse, NY
Email |
Facebook | uumcsyracuse
Twitter | @uumcsyr
Instagram | uumcsyr