Welcome to The Healthy Nudge. Each month, we'll get you up to speed on the latest developments in policy-relevant health behavioral economics research at CHIBE. See our 5 top stories below. | |
A STAT article featuring CHIBE Scientific Director Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA
In recent years, the number of vaccinations adults are being asked to get has expanded substantially. As a result, keeping track of which vaccines are recommended — and avoiding paying for them out of pocket — has grown increasingly convoluted. “We’re absolutely making it too hard,” Alison Buttenheim said of the current patchwork system for adult vaccination. Read more in STAT.
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A NEJM Catalyst paper by CHIBE Director Kevin Volpp, MD, PhD; and Alisa Camplin-Warner, AM OLY, BIT, HonDUniv, GAICD
"The integration of coaches in an innovative care delivery team that supports a patient in setting goals, identifying and overcoming challenges, improving behaviors and choices, aligning social support inside and outside the physician’s office, and sustaining effort through to goal achievement, can enhance value-based care that improves processes and outcomes for patients, health plans, and the health care system." Read the article here.
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An American Heart Association story featuring CHIBE Associate Director Christina Roberto, PhD
Nearly 1 in 8 of new mothers may develop hypertension in the year after delivery – with about a fifth of them developing it more than six weeks after giving birth, according to a study published last year in the American Heart Association journal Hypertension. Dr. Christina Roberto was one of many thousands of women every year who develop high blood pressure postpartum, even though they never had a history of high blood pressure. Read more to hear Dr. Roberto's story and to learn the signs of postpartum preeclampsia.
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CHIBE and the PAIR Center hosted the Roybal Retreat this year at the Hershey Hotel with conversations on safe driving, health inequities in Philadelphia, medical cannabis, critical care disparities, opioid prescribing, and much more. This year's keynote speaker was Kenneth E. Freedland, PhD, FABCT, Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. He spoke about pilot trials in health-related behavioral intervention research. Read coverage from the event here.
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CHIBE hosted its Behavioral Science and Health Symposium, a two-day event that welcomed economists, clinicians, and academics from around the globe to Penn. This year, the symposium featured three keynote speakers: Uri Gneezy, PhD; Michele Gelfand, PhD; and Ziad Obermeyer, MD. Read coverage from the event here.
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CHIBE Associate Director Dr. Christina Roberto has been honored with the William Osler Patient Oriented Research Award, which is one of Penn Medicine's Awards of Excellence. The award recognizes achievement for research in which an investigator directly interacts with human subjects. Read more here.
CHIBE-affiliated faculty member Dr. Matthew Press and Dr. David W. Oslin won Penn Medicine’s Luigi Mastroianni, Jr. Clinical Innovator Award, given to physicians who make significant contributions toward the invention and development of new techniques, approaches, procedures, or devices that change medical practice and are of major benefit to patient care. Read more here.
Dr. Jordy Cohen, a CHIBE-affiliated faculty member, won Penn Medicine’s Marjorie A. Bowman New Investigator Research Award, which recognizes achievements in the health evaluation sciences, with a particular emphasis on patient-oriented research that addresses fundamental clinical problems as well as the organization and delivery of health care. Read more here.
Dr. Alexander Fiks, a CHIBE-affiliated faculty member, won Penn Medicine's Samuel Martin Health Evaluation Sciences Research Award, an honor for a faculty member who has a body of work with an emphasis on health services research. Read more here.
Congratulations to Kevin B. Mahoney, MBA, CEO of the University of Pennsylvania Health System and a CHIBE external advisory board member, for being named one of 150 most influential Philadelphians by Philadelphia Magazine. Read more here. Mr. Mahoney was also recognized in Becker’s Hospital Review's list of 60 health system CEO influencers in 2023. Read more here.
| CHIBE Scientific Director Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA, will be speaking about behavioral economics and its policy impact and future directions on November 16 at noon EST. Dr. Buttenheim served as a co-chair of NASEM’s consensus report on behavioral economics and policy impact and will be discussing highlights from the committee's recent report. This event is hybrid. In person: Steinberg-Dietrich Hall, Room 1203, 3620 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104. Register here. This event is co-sponsored with the Population Science Research Programs at Abramson Cancer Center, the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, and the Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy. |
December 5, 2023 – February 5, 2024*
Behavioral Economics and Decision Making (HCIN6020a and 6020b -001)
Kevin G. Volpp, MD, PhD
Behavioral economics offers a framework for understanding how people make decisions, and how people’s decisions are predictably irrational in ways that can help us improve their behaviors. In this course, learn how deliberate decisions about choice architecture and incentive design can help us improve workplace health incentives, physician practices, and patient health behaviors.
Penn staff, faculty, and graduate or professional students with approval from their program, as well as individuals with health care or relevant work experience are invited to take this 6-week long, online graduate course. Each week follows a pattern of asynchronous learning through brief videos, readings, written discussions with classmates, and real-world projects and assignments, plus a 1-hour synchronous class. Penn employees may use tuition benefits toward this course. This course is part of the Master of Health Care Innovation (MHCI) curriculum. A 4-course certificate is also available.
*Note: This is a multi-term course that spans from the fall term to the spring term. Students must take BOTH parts of the course. Students will earn 0.5 cu in each term for a 1 cu total for the course. Student will earn 1 letter grade for the entire multi-term course.
To register or for more information, contact Caitlin O'Neill at: MEHPonline@pennmedicine.upenn.edu.
Learn more at: improvinghealthcare.mehp.upenn.edu/certificates/academic.
Project Manager
The Division of Health Policy is seeking a highly motivated Project Manager B (PM-B) to be responsible for the day-to-day research operations for a new program in which we plan to test the effects of utilizing behavioral economic principles to increase healthy food purchasing behavior among an urban population at high-risk of ASCVD and food insecurity across Penn Medicine. The PM-B will be responsible for oversight of all grant activities for this study including management of day-to-day research activities, IRB and regulatory requirements and the training and supervision of research staff. The PM-B will be responsible for managing and tracking study budgets as well as managing the timely submission of grant reporting to the sponsors. The PM-B will meet regularly with study leadership (internal and external) to provide study updates but will function independently in carrying out most responsibilities. Apply here.
Health Economics Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Postdoctoral Fellow will join The Parity Center, based in the Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy in the Perelman School of Medicine. This new interdisciplinary team of experts will be led by Amol Navathe, MD, PhD, as Center Director, and will include Paula Chatterjee, MD, MPH; Austin Kilaru, MD, MHSP; Kristin Linn, PhD; Ravi Parikh, MD, MPP; and Eric Roberts, MA, PhD, as Associate Directors. The aims of The Parity Center are to advance the redesign of payment and policy to promote health care equity; build partnerships with payment and delivery organizations to translate and test in real world settings; and train future leaders who can address payment-related drivers of inequity. Apply here.
Postdoctoral Fellow
The Penn Program on Precision Medicine for the Brain (P3MB), co-located in the Departments of Medicine, Medical Ethics and Health Policy, and Neurology at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania seeks a full-time postdoctoral fellow. The highly collaborative and interdisciplinary P3MB research lab seeks to identify and understand the interrelated clinical, ethical, and policy implications of applying precision medicine to the brain and to translate these discoveries into practice. A particular focus is the movement of gene and biomarker tests from research into practice, including testing remote, video, or telephonic methods of disclosure; the role of neural correlates of consciousness as biomarkers of disease; establishing the value of a “preclinical therapy” and translating that into clinical practice; and advancing the concept of supported decision-making across the trajectory of cognitive decline. Project methodologies are qualitative and quantitative data sources and conceptual work. Apply here.
| The Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics (CHIBE) at the University of Pennsylvania conducts behavioral economics research aimed at reducing the disease burden from major public health problems. | | | | |