How to Upload Confidential Documents for Federal Funding Account Objections
Effective immediately, objectors (and applicants responding to objections) seeking to submit confidential files to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) related to Federal Funding Account application objections must use the Kiteworks File Transfer Protocol (FTP) method to submit confidential data, such as Personal Identifying Information (PII). Objections can be submitted until Monday, November 20, 2023, at 5 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.

Process: All Objections must be filed in the Broadband Grant Portal. Objectors already registered in the Broadband Grant Portal may use their existing login to file an objection. An objector who is not also an applicant, or is a first-time user, must register in the Broadband Grant Portal. Objectors will select the application they wish to challenge from the list of applications on the Objection page (click on the Public Applications tab at top to access), then follow a series of prompts, which will allow them to upload nonconfidential documents supporting their objection.

Documents containing PII must not be available to the public. If an objector wishes to submit ANY evidence which includes PII (for example, un-redacted customer statements needed to prove service in an area), the documents with PII must be uploaded via the CPUC's Kiteworks secure FTP system. ONLY information containing confidential PII should be uploaded in the Kiteworks system. All other information, including the reason(s) for the objection(s) and non-confidential supporting documents, must be uploaded using the Broadband Grant Portal. Objections submitted only using Kiteworks, without an associated submitted objection through the Broadband Grant Portal, will not be accepted.

Using Kiteworks: A user guide on how to register for and use the Kiteworks FTP systems is available on the CPUC website.

Objection files uploaded to Kiteworks should be addressed to and must specify in the text to which application and to which applicant they are objecting. Please be specific, as many applications have similar names. For example, “I am objecting to [Project Name] from [Applicant Name]. Attached is [Type of confidential evidence].”

For questions, please contact

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