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The Falcon Flyer - Website Edition

January 20, 2023

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Dear Rondout Families, Friends and Faculty,

We are excited to share the news about “The World of Work Program” created for our 8th graders. Connecting student learning to the real world is a powerful way to support students’ educational experiences.   This year, we are piloting a program unique to Rondout which connects the in-school learning experience to the world of work. During the second half of the school year our 8th grade students actively begin their transition to the high school with orientation sessions and course selections.  This is a time when students begin to think more deeply about their future and what lies ahead. We want to capitalize on their mindset during these last few months.  The “World of Work” Program has been designed to provide time for exploring future career possibilities and for reflection on their past, present and future experiences by creating a written time capsule. In addition, this work will complement their learning activities with Mrs. Kerrigan and in Lifestyle Literacy with Ms. Grossman.

From January through May, the 8th grade students will be taking a series of field trips to workplaces in Chicagoland and Lake County. During these trips they will be learning about various career opportunities, reflecting on their interests and the information gathered during each trip.  

The first workplace our 8th grade students visited was Impact Networking and Dot Security both of which are located in Mettawa and just down the road.  The students had a memorable and meaningful visit and we appreciate Impact’s willingness to support this new project and help our students learn more about the IT and Cybersecurity World of Work.  The students toured the Impact campus and heard from members of the Impact Team including one of the founding partners and had a chance to learn more about the vast range of opportunities within this corporate setting along with the pathways to careers in these related fields.

We are still growing this program and finalizing visits to other workplaces. We have already confirmed a trip in April to the Weigel Broadcasting Company in Chicago whose local stations are the CW, WCIU and national network MeTV. If you have a workplace visit opportunity that you feel might be a match for our program, please feel free to reach out to me.

Next Friday, the seventh grade will engage in a virtual program called “Engineers Teaching Algebra”.  This is the second year of the program, and it was exciting, fun and designed to support students at all levels of mathematics across the seventh grade. Engineers in the Classroom brings an engineer into the classroom virtually and students participate in an interactive and engaging design experience. This program has been around since 1994 and has engaged 5000 classrooms, 1800 schools in 38 states.  We look forward to this lively, hands-on relevant learning experience. 

The K- 5 students will be virtually visiting the Shedd Aquarium Behind the Scenes on February 3rd for a look at the Amazon Rain Forest. Just a reminder that that Friday is a half day for students with professional development for teachers scheduled in the afternoon. 


We look forward to seeing many of you at the Family Reading Night Spaghetti Dinner on Thursday January 26th. Sign up/reservations close tonight at midnight. We have had an overwhelming response to our newest Family Reading Night format which will focus on the Power of Family Dinner and Conversation and the impact on learning.

Thank you for your continuing support and engagement. Take care.

Have a great weekend. Take care…Until next time...

Dr. Jenny Wojcik


An Important Note

From Ms. Davis

Dear Parents, Students and Staff, 

It was another eventful week here at Rondout! A big thank you to our staff for safely and quickly enacting evacuation procedures on Wednesday. Our staff always keep student safety as a priority and it was a good test to our protocols. Congratulations, as well to all of our spelling bee contestants. Friday, we had a wonderful opportunity to hear some high quality spelling! Everyone should feel proud of their performance! 

As we move into next week, students who are part of the English Learners program with Ms. Sendejas will be starting ACCESS testing. ACCESS testing is a state wide assessment that helps to measure English language proficiency. We work to be as least disruptive as possible when scheduling testing for our EL students. Students will not be penalized for any work that they may miss while testing with Ms. Sendejas. If you have any questions about ACCESS testing, please reach out to administration. 

Have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone next week, 

Elizabeth Davis


Dear Upper School Families,

Rondout Volleyball will start February 1st and run through February 27th. Practices will be Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30-4:15pm. Pick up will take place at the front office due how dark it is in the parking lot.


We have 3 scrimmages scheduled so far. See below. We will provide a bus to the games and parents will be responsible for transportation home. Field trip and concussion forms will be sent home next week with those students who are interested in playing. Please update physicals with Nurse Kellie and the front office before February 1st.


February 9th @ Deer Path Middle School 4pm

February 16th @ Lake Bluff Middle School 4:15pm

February 27th Home scrimmage vs each other (parents welcome to watch) 4pm


Very best,

Mr. Williams

Individual Student Learning Improvement Plans will be mailed home this week. Please click below to sign up for a time to review your child's ISLIP data.

Click here to request an ISLIP Data Review Meeting
LAST CALL: Click here to RSVP for Family Reading Night
Student RSVP for the UPS Valentine's Dance

Purchase By End of Day: 

Friday, April 21, 2023

Click here to purchase your yearbook

Rondout Café

This Week's "Specials"

Student Lunch/Includes Salad Bar: $3.75

Milk AlaCarte: $0.50


Chicken Vegetable Stir Fried Rice


Chili Mac w/wo Cheddar Cheese Corn


Lasagna Roll Marinara Sauce Bread, Green Beans


Rondout Lunchbox Cubes of Salami, Cheese, Crackers, Grapes, Dessert


Italian Beef Sandwich Baked Tater Tots

Check out the student lunch menu!
Click here to add funds to your student's lunch account
Click here to complete the 6-8 Double Lunch Permission Form - 1 per student


February 15, 2023

April 19, 2023


7:30-8:00 p.m.

Click here to join the Parent "Coffee Talk" with the Administrative Team

Capturing Learning

Cybersafety Parent Presentation

World of Work-8th Grade at Impact

Kids at Work


Happy Birthday to our students who are celebrating 

birthdays in January!

Rondout PTSA

PTSA Parents Facebook Group
PTSA Directory Enrollment Form/ PTSA Pay Dues Link 
PTSA Website
PTSA Volunteer Interest Form
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Coronavirus Resources

Rondout School District COVID19 Protocols
School Guidance Decision Tree Updated 8.22.2022
Updated Public Health School Guidance
Click Here for Lake County Health Department Coronavirus website
Lake County Health Department Covid Support & Help
Click Here for 211 Lake County Website

Looking Ahead

January 23 Grades 5-8 Girls & Grades 7-8 Boys Basketball Game vs Solomon Schechter

January 24 Grades 5-8 Girls Basketball Game vs. North Shore Country Day School

January 26 Family Reading Night & Dinner

January 31 8th Grade Chair Project - Prepared Chairs Due to School

February 1 8th Grade Field Trip

February 3 K-5 Virtual Field Trip

February 3 Early Dismissal Grades K-2 @ 11:00 a.m. & 3-8 @ 11:30 a.m.

February 7 Early Dismissal Grades K-2 @ 2:00 p.m. & 3-8 @ 2:30 p.m.

February 9 Grades 6-8 Volleyball Game @ Deer Path Middle School @ 4:00 p.m.

February 15 Virtual Author Visit w/ Kelly Yang

February 15 Parent Coffee Talk 7:30- 8:00 p.m.

February 16 Grades 6-8 Volleyball Game @ Lake Bluff Middle School @ 4:15 p.m.

February 20 President's Day - No School

February 21 Board of Education Meeting 7:00 p.m.

February 25 Family Day of Service 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

February 27 Grades 6-8 Scrimmage Volleyball Game @ 4:00 p.m.

2023-2024 Calendar Highlights
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Community News

Village of Mettawa
Village of Green Oaks
Mental Health Resources

t: (847) 362-2021

f: (847) 816-2067

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