
Rondout School


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The Falcon Flyer - Website Edition 

September 16, 2022

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Dear Rondout Families, Faculty

Our first few weeks have flown by and the students are settling in to the routines and have been actively engaged in establishing a strong foundation for their educational experience in the year ahead.  We have a strong role to play in the lives of our students but we don’t do it alone. As we begin the school year, I want to recognize and stress the “Power of the Parent” in each student’s educational life. 

Creating a balance between school, homework, extra-curriculars and simple relaxation can be a challenge with so many demands on a family’s time.  Parents play a central role in their child’s success and happiness and that role is constantly evolving as children grow and develop over the years.  Making sure your children get an adequate amount of sleep, exercise and a chance to unwind will support their success in school. 

Combining the age groups in each cluster allows us to capitalize on the strengths of each developmental level while targeting opportunities for optimal growth during that stage. As students move up in the grades, we work to help them become more independent and less reliant on the adults in their lives to monitor and manage their work. Parents monitor behind the scenes and intervene when necessary.  By the time they leave us at the end of 8th grade, we hope they have developed a set of skills and a toolkit of strategies to support them as they continue their learning journey. 

The youngest students need our support to develop the foundation for learning and organization needed to begin their formal school experience. Teachers scaffold the expectations and experiences to build life success skills that are often hard to measure. Parents can help their children by setting up a framework for doing homework, reading nightly and organizing materials to be ready for the next day. With the many demands on time, setting up a daily routine may not always be easy but predictability and dedicated time for family engagement, homework, down-time, recreation and a good night’s sleep can make an enormous difference for most children.

As they enter the 3-5 cluster, we begin to shift the focus to greater independence. Building on skills developed in the primary grades (K-2) there is an emphasis on reading to learn versus learning to read, strengthening executive functioning and organizational skills along with focus and engagement as the content area expectations grow. Parents still have an active role in monitoring their child’s school work, growth and progress in all areas while continuing to set the boundaries for time management, supporting their students social emotional development  and making healthy choices.

The Upper School students move to the next level of independence as they take ownership of their learning experience, keeping track of work and grades on Teams and PowerSchool and strengthening their self-advocacy skills. On the flip side, this is actually a time when parental presence is exceptionally critical.  Teens and pre-teens still need clear boundaries, clarity of expectations and opportunities to take on more responsibility. Parenting students at this age is a delicate balance between providing just the right amount of structure and freedom to allow for developing confidence, applying problem solving skills and experiencing independence with enough guidance to support making good choices based upon their own families values. At the same time students are navigating the murky waters of adolescence, dealing with peer pressure and facing difficult decisions about life choices that can have long-term effects on their overall well-being and academic success. Keeping the lines of communication open between parents and students at this age is vital.

Home and school are on this road together and by working in partnership we can help each student reach their full potential. We encourage you to stay connected, to value our partnership, keep the lines of communication open and we will commit to doing the same so that each of our students can have the best experience possible. Thank you in advance for your on-going support, engagement and investment this year. You are a critical part of our mission for which we are deeply grateful.


Have a wonderful weekend. Be safe...Take care... Until next time...

Dr. Jenny Wojcik  


An Important Note

From Ms. Davis

Dear Parents, 

It has been another wonderful week with our Rondout Falcons. There are some exciting happenings on the horizon for this next week. Friday, September 23, students will be celebrating our newly restored wetland area. The Lake County Forest Preserve will provide some expert presentations, and students will have other opportunities to celebrate the nature of Rondout throughout the day. For the protection of our students, we ask that they wear long pants on Friday, as well as gym shoes. Students may also bring boots (such as a rain boot), if available. The proper gear will help protect students from bugs as we explore our Rondout wetlands. Weather permitting, students will be outside for large portions of the day. 

A few other housekeeping reminders: 

  • The Libertyville Fire Department is holding its annual Fire Poster Contest. See below for more information. 
  • There are some wonderful field trip opportunities in the upcoming weeks, so please be sure to sign and return permission slips. 
  • Our Law Enforcement Drill will take place on Tuesday, September 20. Please reach out to the office with questions. 

Thank you all for your continued support and partnership. 

Best wishes, 

Elizabeth Davis 

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Updated Calendar Highlights 2022-2023
 Updated Commitment to Excellence 22-23
Student Handbook Receipt 22-23

Shield Testing Program

The Shield voluntary COVID testing program is returning this year for all students and staff. Please feel free to reach out with any specific questions you may have at this time. The school-wide Shield saliva testing will take place once a week and tentatively will be done on Tuesday mornings. The permission form (available by clicking the link below) outlines the various ways your child may access COVID testing here at Rondout. Testing Start Date will be announced.

Click here to complete the Shield testing permission form - 1 per student

Notes from Mrs. Jacob

Our Cook Library field trips are coming up in two weeks. If your student does not have a copy of their Cook Library card on file, please send in their card to Mrs. Jacob in the Rondout Learning Center as soon as possible.

Interested in volunteering in the library? Volunteer your time reshelving, checking in books, assisting with books processing, etc. Contact Mrs. Jacob at if you’re interested in attending a library volunteer orientation meeting.

Mark your Calendars for this Fun Family Night

Woodland/Wetland Tours 6:00 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. In Rondout Woods

(Outdoor Activities Weather Permitting)

Open House (Indoors Rain or Shine from 6:30 p.m. to 7:40 p.m.)  

Mark your Calendars for Halloween Family Cross Country Fun Run 

It’s Fire Prevention Week:

“Fire Won’t Wait. Plan Your Escape.”

Contest Rules:

  • All entries must incorporate the 2022 Fire Prevention Week theme. This year’s theme is:

“Fire Won’t Wait. Plan Your Escape.”

• Entries may be submitted on poster board or paper. Maximum size 22" x 28". Any color is acceptable. No 3-D posters (flat only). Posters must be able to be hung on the wall without any material falling off.

• Each entry MUST have the student’s full name, grade, school name, and teacher’s name on the back of the poster.

• Deadline for entries is Tuesday, October 4, 2022.

• Preliminary judging will be held at each school on October 6th and 7th. Ribbons will be distributed for first- and second-placed winners. An Honorable Mention ribbon will be awarded in each grade in each school. The school with the most participation will receive a traveling trophy for the year. Judging is done by members of the Libertyville Junior Women’s Club and the Libertyville Fire Department.

• Trophies will be awarded to winners at each grade level for all posters entered. The poster that best depicts this year’s theme will receive the grand prize trophy. The grand prize winner will be named at the Libertyville Fire Department’s Open House festivities on Saturday, October 15th at Station #1, 1551 N. Milwaukee Avenue. All award-winning posters will also be on display at the Open House.

• Posters will be returned to the schools and may be picked up after October 15th.

• Ideas from parents are welcome, but all work should come from the children.


Hi everyone! It is that time of year again for our Libertyville Fire Department poster contest. This year’s theme is “Fire Won’t Wait. Plan Your Escape.” Each class will receive a First, Second, and Honorable Mention ribbon. A trophy will then be awarded to one person in each grade from each school. A Grand Prize will be awarded and delivered to the Grand Champion who made the best overall poster across all schools. The school with the highest participation rate will also receive recognition. 

Austin’s Saloon will provide gifts to award-winning posters. There are some rules and a theme that are to be followed, or the poster will be disqualified. The rules and theme are attached.

Please have your student’s poster dropped off at their school no later than October 4th for judging. For any questions, please call the Libertyville Fire Department at (847) 362-5664. 

Thank you! 

Rondout Café

This Week's "Specials"

Student Lunch/Includes Salad Bar: $3.75

Milk AlaCarte: $0.50


Burrito Bowl Grilled Chicken, Rice, Black Beans, Corn, Cheese, Chipotle Ranch Dressing


Popcorn Chicken Mashed Potatoes Gravy, Cookie


Lasagna Roll Marinara Sauce, Bread, Green Beans


Pasta w/wo Alfredo Sauce, Bread, Broccoli


Hamburger w/wo Cheese, Chips,Fresh Fruit

Student Lunch Menu Check It Out!
Click here to add funds to your student's lunch account
Click here to complete the 6-8 Double Lunch Permission Form - 1 per student

Rondout PTSA

PTSA Website
PTSA Parents Facebook Group
PTSA Volunteer Interest Form
PTSA Directory Enrollment Form/ PTSA Pay Dues Link 


October 12, 2022

December 14, 2022

February 15, 2023

April 19, 2023


7:30-8:00 p.m.

Click here to join the Parent "Coffee Talk"with the Administrative Team

Capturing Learning 


Happy Birthday to our students who are celebrating 

birthdays in September!

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Coronavirus Resources

Rondout School District COVID19 Protocols
School Guidance Decision Tree Updated 8.22.2022
Updated Public Health School Guidance
Click Here for Lake County Health Department Coronavirus website
Lake County Health Department Covid Support & Help
Click Here for 211 Lake County Website

Looking Ahead

September 23 Woodland Wetland Day for K-8 at Rondout

September 27 Board of Education Meeting 7:00 p.m. 

September 29 Grades 3-5 & 6-8 Field Trip 

September 30 Grades K-2 Field Trip 

October 4 Early Dismissal K-2 @2:00 p.m. & 3-8 @ 2:30 p.m. 

October 6 K-2 Fire Truck Rides 10:30 a.m. 

October 6 Grades 7-8 Field Trip 

October 10 Columbus Day No school 

October 11 Picture Retake Day

October 12 Grades 3-5 Field Trip 

October 12 Parent Coffee Talk viz Zoom 

October 13-14 8th Grade Field Trip 

October 15 8th Grade PSAT Testing @ LHS

October 18 Board of Education Meeting 7:00 p.m. 

October 20 Early Dismissal K-2 @ 2:00 p.m. & 3-8 @ 2:30 p.m. 

October 20 Family Woodland/Wetland Tours 6:00 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. In Rondout Woods

October 20 Open House (Indoors 6:30 p.m. to 7:40 p.m.)  

October 25 Grades K-2 Field Trip 

October 25 Candor Health for Grades 5 & 6

October 28 Early Dismissal K-2 @ 11 a.m. & 3-8 @ 11:30 p.m.  

October 29 9 a.m. Rondout All School Halloween Family Cross Country Fun Run

October 31 Early Dismissal K-2 @2:00 p.m. & 3-8 @ 2:30 p.m. 

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Community News

Village of Mettawa
Rondout PTSA
Village of Green Oaks
Gorton Center  
Mental Health Resources

t: (847) 362-2021

f: (847) 816-2067

Contact Us