Door Opener Society Award at our Annual Celebration!
Click on the photo of Julie Gorman (above) to see videohighlight
Resilient Communities FALL Grant Cycle Info Session
with Gloria Coicou
The 2022 Resilient Communities FALL Grant Cycle will provide unrestricted support to organizations meeting community needs, some longstanding, some new, or revealed in the aftermath of the pandemic.
Grant application deadline: October 12th, 5pm. Grant range: $500 - $10,000
Join Gloria Coicou, Chief Inclusion and Community Engagement Officer, virtually on Wednesday, Sept. 7th at 11 am for an informational session. A recording will be available post-event.
A recent analysis of grantee reports from our 2021 Spring grant cycle which provided unrestricted funding, revealed 5 key themes:
Funding allowed increased community needs to be met by stabilizing or growing staffing
Funding Supported equitable work by eliminating barriers
Funding increased community collaboration
Funding allowed flexibility
Funding fostered increased community outreach
We were inspired by the amazing work being carried out by local mission-driven organizations! It was recommended that we continue to provide unrestricted support in upcoming grant cycles.
We will continue to share more of what was learned from this important analysis and will use it to strengthen future grant cycles.
Diversity, EI, and J Corner
Gloria Coicou, our new Chief Inclusion and Community Engagement Officer, was featured on WHCU's All Things Equal podcast on July 26th.
$1,908,583 in 438 Grants to 214 Organizations, with Current Assets of $22.3 Million Thanks to the Generosity of $631,227 Donated to date by 157 Donors in 252 Gifts
Community Foundation, Human Services Coalition, HSC's Executive Exchange (ExEx) & Park Foundation
co-sponsored a Nonprofit Networking Event on July 28th. New faces have appeared in recent months and this was a fun, energizing, easy way to introduce and connect the passionate people of our mission-driven sector and to share about programs and projects. Thank you to all who came out to Cass Park to make this event a success and to the Park Foundation for their inspiration!
Free Museum Pass Kits Supporting Equitable Access
Summer adventures continue at your local library! Heidi Eckerson of the Finger Lakes Library System is excited to announce that the Museum Pass Kits are here and ready to check out!
Each kit includes a household pass to the Sciencenter, the Museum of the Earth, or the Cayuga Nature Center as well as books full of experiments and explorations to try at home.
Visit any of the Finger Lakes Library System's 33 member libraries to borrow one today! READ MORE
Museum Pass Kits are made possible with funding from the Myrtle Dee Nash Memorial Fund of Community Foundation of Tompkins County.
Still haven't made your will?
August is Make-a-Will Month
Do terms like "Power of Attorney", "Health Care Proxy," "Bequest" and "Living Will" make your head spin?
Join this free virtual Estate Planning Basics webinar with Mariette Geldenhuys, attorney, to learn the basics in simple, clear language. Mariette is highly skilled at making the complicated, simple. Nancy Massicci, Community Foundation, will also share tools on how to make charitable giving easy and rewarding.
Legacy Society member, former board member, Rick Banks' audio invite here
Is there someone you know who has made a lasting difference in the lives of other women living in Tompkins County?
Is there a volunteer at your work, business, school or organization who you’d like to thank for sharing their time, talent, and treasure? We want to help you recognize that person!
Nominations are now open for the 2022 Laura Holmberg Award, presented by the Women’s Fund of the Community Foundation.
To submit a nomination, we ask that you fill out this form. Nominations are due August 31.