A Message from Pastor Carolyn

Friday, January 20, 2023

Dear Saint Mark Family,


Blessings on you.

There are three things I want to lift up to you today for you to consider as you enter into the weekend.

First is our children's ministry, and the need for growth in this vital area of the life of our church. I believe we all know how important it is for children - infants, toddlers, and pre teens to be a part of our congregation. When children are in our congregation and are thriving, the entire church will thrive. Without a thriving children’s ministry in a church there will be stagnation, and where there is stagnation there will automatically be decline. We are in the season of rebuilding, and one of the primary areas of our church we need to rebuild is our children’s ministry.

We can only rebuild this vital ministry with your help. We need persons to volunteer to serve in our children’s ministry immediately. You can serve on a rotation basis, once every four weeks, or once every six weeks. You can serve more regularly if you desire, but we need persons to serve in this ministry to rebuild what was once a thriving area of ministry in our church, and even to take it to a higher level than it has ever been.

Please contact Sheila Stephens, our children’s minister, and let her know you are willing to serve. Her email address is sstephens@stmarkumc.org. You can also talk with her Sunday before or after worship. We need your help for this pressing need in this most vital area in the life of our church. Thank you.

Second, we will be launching a series of Disciple study classes, beginning in Lent. The Disciple Bible course is a life-changing study that enables participants to know the Bible, and to be transformed by the power of God’s word. It is transformative and will shape those who participate in ways that long outlast the classes. There will be multiple opportunities to participate, both online and in person, weekdays and Sundays.

We will share more about this great opportunity in the coming weeks. You will also hear the personal testimony of one of our members, whose life was significantly transformed because of this study. Mark your calendar, and plan to grow in discipleship through this opportunity.

Third, I would like to invite you to join me on a journey of the Holy Land, October 10-19, later this year. Before I had gone to the Holy Land, I remembered someone saying, “When you go to the Holy Land, you will never read the Bible the same again, but will see it in a new and exciting way.” After coming back, I realize it was true. If you have ever wondered what it would have been like to witness the events of the Gospels, or imagine what it was like to be in the boat with the disciples on the Sea of Galilee when Jesus spoke to the storm, or to be on the Mount of Olive beside Jesus as he wept, you can have a more concrete idea as you walk in the places where Jesus walk.

The brochures with detailed information about the journey, and the places we will go are in the narthex and other areas throughout the church. Please take one and pray about going. There will be an informational session in February by a representative from the Educational Opportunity Tours company that create these trips specifically for churches.

I am so looking forward to going on this journey of a lifetime with Saint Mark, and I pray you will be a part of it, too. 

I look forward to seeing you Sunday as we continue our series (Re)Building a Legacy.

Blessings and peace,

Pastor Carolyn. 

Saint Mark United Methodist Church

Rev. Carolyn Stephens, Senior Pastor

781 Peachtree St NE

Atlanta GA 30308-1205



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