Welcome to the
BC 15 Minute/Smart City Coalition
August 27, 2023
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Subscribe To Our BC 15 Min/Smart City Coalition Newsletter To Receive Weekly Updates and Zoom Meeting Invitations
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What's Going On With Canadian Fires?
BC’s Armageddon Fires & The Next Pandemic - Laura Lynn show with Andrew Kaufman featuring alarming footage of fires in Kelowna and Shushwap and interview with Kyle Kardinal who speaks about the Government' mismanagement. The visuals and interview begin at the 40 Minute Mark. Watch Here
Canada Fires- Why Was A Back Burn Planned But The Local Residents NOT Informed? Interviews with Kyle, Stephanie and Bjorn RE: fires in the Shushwap
Watch Here
Locals should be included in wildfire efforts, not shamed or ousted: BC United MLA
Watch Here
A climate connection to Alberta wildfires? Smith says most in province caused by humans Watch Here
We’re Under Globalist Attack! But We're Fine - Kelowna Wildfires and Climate Change
Off Grid with Curtis Stone Watch Here
B.C. restricts travel in southern Interior as wildfires force 30,000 out of homes Watch and Read Here
Arson Driven Wildfires Being Used As Catalyst For Canadian FEMA Watch Here
Why are Canada’s Forests Burning Watch Here
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Please Read the Emergency Act that has been passed in BC, Canada. Pay special attention to the lands in BC affected by forest fires???
The government has given itself unprecedented power in the event of an "emergency". This is already law and can now be implemented.
Some of the new powers of the Minister are listed below but please go to the document for full review! EMERGENCY PROGRAM ACT
Some of the powers of the Minister in declared state of emergency:
(a) acquire or use any land or personal property considered necessary to prevent, respond to or alleviate the effects of an emergency or disaster;
(b) authorize or require any person to render assistance of a type that the person is qualified to provide or that otherwise is or may be required to prevent, respond to or alleviate the effects of an emergency or disaster;
(c) control or prohibit travel to or from any area of British Columbia;
(d) cause the evacuation of persons and the removal of livestock, animals and personal property from any area of British Columbia that is or may be affected by an emergency or a disaster and make arrangements for the adequate care and protection of those persons, livestock, animals and personal property;
(e) authorize the entry into any building or on any land, without warrant, by any person in the course of implementing an emergency plan or program or if otherwise considered by the minister to be necessary to prevent, respond to or alleviate the effects of an emergency or disaster;
(f) cause the demolition or removal of any trees, structures or crops if the demolition or removal is considered by the minister to be necessary or appropriate in order to prevent, respond to or alleviate the effects of an emergency or disaster;
(g) construct works considered by the minister to be necessary or appropriate to prevent, respond to or alleviate the effects of an emergency or disaster;
(h) procure, fix prices for or ration food, clothing, fuel, equipment, medical supplies or other essential supplies and the use of any property, services, resources or equipment within any part of British Columbia for the duration of the state of emergency.
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Print and Serve:
The Smart Cities Notice of Liability to Elected Officials
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Print and Share: Smart Cities Flyer
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Upcoming BC Wide 15 Min/Smart City Coalition Zoom Meetings
September 5, 2023 @ 7-9 PM PST Featuring Farrell Segall, West Kootenays, Former City Councilor
September 19, 2023 TBC Stay Tuned
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BC 15-Min City Zoom Meeting Featuring:
Farrell Segall, Former City Councilor, Engineer
Date: Tuesday September 5, 2023
Time: 7:00-9:00 p.m. PST
Pre-requisite: view Part 1 and 2 of Investigating 15 Minute cities presentations (see below)
Join the Meeting By Opening This Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84919819246?pwd=ZDRjalU4S2s4eGs0cHQ5dnMvYzJIUT09
or Dial-in 778-907-2071 Canada
Meeting ID: 819 1669 1842
Passcode: 258850
Meeting Format
Thank you for joining this Provincial Action Coalition
The Meeting Format provides a framework to facilitate best practices as it relates to staying on topic and being respectful of our time.
- Most of our time together will be dedicated to the agenda. We ask that you kindly keep your questions specific to the agenda topics. Comments and thoughts on other topics, unrelated to the agenda item being presented, can be posted in the chat.
- Once the agenda is complete, should time allow, there will be time for open discussion. The open discussion portion of the meeting is fluid and organic and meant to facilitate community and relationship building and exploring ideas.
If you would like to be added to the agenda for a future meeting, please email: BC15Min@proton.me
- At the start of the meeting, feel free to post your group email, the area you live in, along with your contact details in the chat. This will facilitate meeting “neighbors”. At the end of the meeting be sure to download the chat to retain contact information.
- The Q&A following each agenda item is meant to be focused and to the point to allow as many people the opportunity to comment as possible.
- A heartfelt thank you to our presenters. You are all courageous leaders and unsung heroes of our time.
- In order to facilitate open and frank discussion we request that these meetings not be recorded.
- To facilitate openness and trust, we would appreciate you keeping your camera on during the meeting.
**A Note About Privacy
By registering you agree to participate in a Zoom call open to subscribers and their contacts. Information shared during the Zoom call is available to all participants, including images, your name, chat or oral comments and questions. Please use your own discretion since we cannot guarantee your privacy. Suggested steps you can take if this is a concern: please consider using your first name only or an alias; keep your video off; and refrain from sharing personal identifying details in the chat.
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Must Watch
Investigating 15 Minute Cities
Watch Geoff Snicer and Adrienne Richards present Investigating 15 Minute Cities Videos Part 1 & 2.
Learn, disseminate and show these 2 excellent power point presentations at events and Town Hall meetings!
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Watch Goeff's interview on Action4Canada and download Investigating 15 Minute Cites Part 1 power point. Click on the links in the power point to learn more. | | | |
15 Minute Smart Cities - The Pig Problem
Smart City technology promises to change our world and offer citizens access to clean, sustainable urban environments.
However, when one looks at the whole picture it becomes clear that the development of these policies and systems without any guard rails to prevent government overreach and abuse will result in a loss of freedom for 90% of society.
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UN Creative Cities Network: Global Governance, Critical Theory & Anti-Culture
The Creative Cities purport to be incubators of innovation and best practice for "culture" - But what does that even mean? As soon as you peel back the layers and read what they are all about its clear this organization is using Marxist techniques of analyzing culture through oppressor and oppressed frameworks, and disguising the Sustainable development goals with a thin veneer of local culture.
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Geoff Snicer Speaks about 15 Minute Smart Cities - John B Wells LIVE
In this interview with John B Wells, Geoff did an exceptional job presenting the research he has found on 15 Minute Smart Cities and has successfully awakened many, many people, worldwide.
Geoff has done a phenomenal job in reaching his goal of uniting our countries by traveling across the US, building relationships, meeting with government officials, spreading the message, interviewing the public and educating the masses!
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Check out and download the excellent resources on 15 Minute Cities and 5 G at Get Awake Crowd Sourcing the Narrative | |
BC 15 Min-Smart City & RDCK Actions
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Visit C.O.A.P. website & check out their actions & events & subscribe to receive COAP Substack articles and newsletter to learn more. | |
Citizens Oversight & Accountability Project
Learn More about Diverse Strategies Which Address Community Concerns From Long Standing COAP
C.O.A.P.'s mission is to establish themselves as community stakeholders, ensuring that the underrepresented citizens have their values, vision, and voices heard for community planning.
By establishing themselves as community stakeholders they gain access to features and services that aren’t available to the general public. This allows them to influence and present concerns and feedback that would otherwise go unheard.
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Kelowna 15 Min-Smart City Actions | |
Join The Kelowna 15 Minute/Smart City Action Planning Meeting
Topic: Kelowna 15-min
Next Meeting Date: Monday, Aug 28, 2023
TIme: 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. PST
Join Zoom Meeting
or Dial-in: 778-907-2071 Canada
Meeting ID: 840 4598 5370
Passcode: 556500
Get informed!
Learn about the strategies currently taking place at the City of Kelowna, by reading their Climate Action Plans & initiatives!
Find Kelowna Community Climate Action Plan Here
Find Climate Action Plan- City of Kelowna Here
Find Smart and intelligent city initiatives - Kelowna Here
Find Kelowna 2040 Transportation Master Plan Here
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Central Kootenay RDCK Actions | |
Attend The Next RDCK Climate Action Open House
Spread the Word!
All residents of the Central Kootenays are asked to attend their local RDCK Climate Action Open House to ask questions and voice their concerns and solutions.
All Open House Meetings Are Listed Below
Try Wearing Black and White clothing so we can identify each other
Questions You can Ask At The Next RDCK Climate Action Open House
- Download the 2 lists of questions. These questions were emailed to all RDCK directors and to Paris.
Paris confirmed publicly at the RDCK Open House in Slocan Park on Aug. 25th, that the RDCK will answer all the questions in writing. We need to hold them to account.
All are welcome to ask any of these questions at Open House, Town Hall and City Council meetings. Feel free to copy and email the questions which you'd like answered to all directors with cc to: climateaction@rdck.bc.ca, shorn@rdck.bc.ca The more people who email these questions, the better.
RDCK Directors' Group email is found Here
Why is it important to get involved?
Aspects of Municipal and Regional District Climate Action plans are of great concern. The plans include costly home renovations, restricted transportation and mobility, increased surveillance and subversive changes to land use by-laws and zoning which could herald in 15-minute cities and the social credit system. The climate action plans can have severe economic consequences for businesses, farmers and home and land owners with possible bankruptcy and loss of residence.
Everyone's participation is required to ensure their official community plans are not abused and to achieve mutually benefiting outcomes for everyone.
To prepare for the Town Halls, please open and read:
Climate Plan Work Book and Momentum Booklet
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Full Hall at the First Climate Action Open House
Area H community and supporters filled the Hall at the first RDCK Climate Action Open House in Slocan Park on Thursday afternoon.
The RDCK had organized the event to consist of a "walk about and read their posters" meeting, but the community clearly communicated at the very beginning of the event that their format did not constitute "public consultation" and they repeatedly requested to be heard.
The RDCK staff then adjusted the meeting to actually act as a forum allowing community members to speak. Director Popoff was present and heard very clearly from residents that government is overreaching, and that the majority of participants do not support these actions.
For any other meetings that will proceed, if community members want community input rather than RDCK "walk about and read poster meetings", this should be stated at the very beginning of the meeting to ensure that residents are actually heard.
The meeting was recorded and at this time is only available on Facebook until it is downloaded.
Watch Part 1 Here
Watch Part 2 Here
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Kootenay Actions
Kaslo Community members have drafted a Covenant that declares the commitment to their community and what they expect from local governance. Please review the covenant and if you are in agreement, follow these instructions.
A template that Cheryl Graham, Area E Director is using for collecting feedback on the Climate Action Plan is found Here. Feel free to fill out and send to your Director.
RDCK Financial Review Request
The meeting with RDCK Chief Administrative Officer, Stuart Horn, and Directors Cheryl Graham, Area E and Gary Jackman, Area A occurred on Wednesday. The meeting was recorded and the submitted questions are posted on kootenaytribe.ca
The video is Here
The financial review questions are Here
Two significant requests have been submitted to Stuart and Cheryl:
Currently, Director votes are only recorded as a total number of yay or nays. A request has been made that each Director's votes are recorded and documented in the agenda minutes. If this is refused, a
suggestion will be made at the meeting where the Climate Action is voted on, that helpers video tape each Director during the vote so there is documented evidence of who voted what.
A request has also been made that unless the RDCK can obtain documentation from the BC Government evidencing that capacity and demand calculations for energy demands can actually be met by 2030, the RDCK has no business in implementing any of this proposal.
As each Director will be required to vote on the above, a suggestion is that as many people possible submit similar requests to their Director to ensure that these requests are considered.
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Climate Change? What Really Happened In Mau?
Watch Here
Lahaina, a Modern-Day Pearl Harbor Watch Here
Maui Directed Energy Weapon assault, like 9/11, Paradise, CA., Malibu and Boulder fires Watch Here
Maui Wildfires and the Theft of Sacred Hawaiian Land Watch Here
What the Media Won't Tell You About the Maui Fires Watch Here
Shelby Thompson Interview - Locals Convinced Maui Fires Not Accident Watch
Maui Fires = Maui Land Grab? - Dews? - Agenda 2030? Smart Cities? P1 Watch
Maui Fires = Maui Land Grab? - Dews? - Agenda 2030? Smart Cities? P2 Watch
Donations Lahaina
Donate to the Villagers of Lahaina who have lost their homes and families. Donations Lahaina is a cash app which allows you to send cash to the people of Lahaina by phone. Read More...
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A classic presentation by Henry Lamb on the protected areas (Wildlands Project) depopulation scheme and decoding what "sustainable" really means
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COUNTDOWN 2030 - PART 1 & 2
By 2030, you will OWN NOTHING and be HAPPY. Or will you? Not if we find out the truth, resist, and co-create a world for US, The 99%!
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Controlled Banking System Demolition? Whitney Webb on CBDCs, WEF & Internet Privacy, CEO Jamie Dimon | |
Exceptional Presentations Before City Council By Concerned Citizens | |
Local Council REJECTS 15 Minute Cities
Rachel Matthews destroys the local council "Green agenda " by exposing some very real inconvenient truths
Christine Anderson MP Welcome To Your Future 15 Minute Cities
Smart Cities - The Untold Reality & Deception:
The Hard Truth About The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals SDG 11 - Sustainable
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Learn how the globalist policies are being pushed into your local community | |
New members appointed to BC Climate Solutions Council
The Province has appointed three new members to British Columbia’s independent Climate Solutions Council.
The Climate Solutions Council provides advice to government on actions and policies contributing to emission reductions and sustainable economic development.
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Federation of Canadian Municipalities
The Municipal Asset Management Program is an eight-year, $110-million program, funded by the Government of Canada.
Find out how the Federation of Canadian Municipalities is training municipal planners to transform prioritized projects and municipal budgets to meet the Climate Change agenda.
Resilience Hub
Making Cities Resilient 2030
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The BC Council for International Cooperation is an organization pushing globalist
policies into your local level. It gets its funding from the Canadian Federal Government and doesn't represent voters and it doesn't represent the community. It only represents the United Nations, and its goal is to get the community and local government to be in-line with the Global Agenda.
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Gravitas Plus: The dark side of Electric Vehicles
Toxic Cost of Going Green | Unreported World
Health Canada issues lithium battery warning
'Fire! Fire! Fire!’ The Perplexing, Deadly Electric Bike Problem.
The Hidden Bloodshed Of EVs, Cobalt Mining, & Modern Slavery (w/ Siddharth Kara)| Change Agents Ep2
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Aman Jabbi worked more than 20 years in Silicon Valley. As an engineer he worked in the field of camera technology and face recognition! In this video, Mr Jabbi explains and demonstrates how tracking can be done with streetlights. He also explains how these lights can become lethal weapons. Watch Here
More information on Streetlights from Geoff Snicer’s PP on 15-Min Cities. Start watching at 28:55 to learn more about how cameras on lights can potentially be used for tracking us. Watch Here
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The following is taken from the Castlegar, BC
Official Community Plan, page 25:
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Agenda 21 - Rosa Koire - Behind the Green Mask
"Behind the green mask UN Agenda 21" Rosa Koire was the executive director of the Post Sustainability Institute. Impacting every aspect of our lives, UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is a corporate manipulation using the Green Mask of environmental concern to forward a globalist plan. Rosa was a regular speaker across the world before her death in May 2021. Her website has much information. Her book, BEHIND THE GREEN MASK: UN Agenda 21 is available on Amazon.com, Kindle, and Nook, and at her website.
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Dr.Ball who was a professor from the geography department at the University of Winnipeg, is one of the leading voices against the anthropogenic global warming fear. He has been studying climate for half a century and has published multiple books on the subject, investigating why this propaganda is shoved onto the populace and what it will lead to.
This interview with Dr. Ball is 2 hours long and is well worth watching right to the end.
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Dr. Tim Ball, PhD discusses the vast propaganda forced on the public via the media and the government regarding climate change (or global warming, or global cooling, whatever it is this week).
"This all goes back to the United Nations, the IPCC and The Club of Rome with Maurice Strong, Gro Harlem Brundtland and others plotting to restrict industry, create a problem, a reaction and a solution and force the populace into complete dependency which we are seeing today with the green agenda".
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Dr Richard Lindzen exposes climate change as a politicized power play motivated by malice and profit
Atmospheric physicist. former emeritus professor of meteorology at MIT and veteran climate expert Dr Richard Lindzen made a name for himself before the fundamentally flawed field of climate science that we know today was invented. In this interview, he recounted events that occurred in the 1980s, which gave birth to the all-consuming climate change narrative that prevails today.
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CSIS warns ‘smart city’ technology could open door to attacks, foreign interference
OTTAWA - Canada’s intelligence service warns that technological innovations adopted by municipalities could be exploited by adversaries such as the Chinese government to harvest sensitive data, target diaspora communities and interfere in elections.
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Climate change is the new Covid (ft. Marc Morano)
Canada’s public health officials have recently added “climate change,” “capitalism,” and “colonization” to an ever-growing list of public health threats, in a report written for Dr. Theresa Tam. In this interview, Climate Depot's Marc Morano discusses the potential consequences of this move, including the possibility of climate lockdowns and authoritarian restrictions.
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The Climate Change Story Told by Ice Cores
Jorgen Peder Steffenson, from Niels Bohn Institute Department of Geophysics:
This is the most important climate change clip you will ever watch
“The problem is that we - and I agree completely that we had a global temperature increase in the Twentieth Century- Yes. But an increase from what? Probably an increase from the lowest point we’ve had in the last 10,000 years.
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Bombshell Study: 96% of Climate Data Is Fraudulent
Most of the panic-inducing claims of a “climate emergency” is based on “96% fraudulent data”, according to a bombshell new study. Veteran meteorologist Anthony Watts of the Heartland Institute recently concluded the massive study on the weather and the climate in general. Watts had travelled around the country inspecting meteorological equipment and studying historical weather data from around the globe.
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The most extensive research on Geoengineering and Weather Modification experiments worldwide, with articles, maps, and timelines to fully expose the hidden world of Weather Control.
Jim Lee is tracking The Climate Changers, Pollution, Privacy, and Propaganda with over a decade archiving the history of Weather Modification and Geoengineering.
Watch The Chemtrails Cover-Up: Rosalind Peterson
Watch Dane Wigington with The Alliance of Indigenous Nations
The Passcode To Watch This Recorded Interview is: Lwe6RJ=%
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Agreement Between Canada and the United States of America Relating to the Exchange of Information on Weather Modification Activities
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UNSUSTAINABLE: The UN's Agenda For World Domination
(Full Movie)
Agenda 21 -- "sustainable development" -- crops up in thousands of federal, state and local government laws, regulations, policies and documents.
So is Agenda 21 really just a "theory" or is it a forced inventory and control of all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, building projects and human beings on the planet? In other words, a blueprint for what many fear could morph into a totalitarian World Government.
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Monopoly - Follow The Money
Must Watch
This informative video gives an overview of what is currently happening in the world in just 1 hour. The video shows the modern global systems, and focusses on the situation in the Netherlands, however people from all over the world will recognize this situation.
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The Great Global Warming Swindle
The Great Global Warming Swindle is a documentary film that suggests that the scientific opinion on climate change is influenced by funding and political factors, and questions whether scientific consensus on anthropogenic global warming exists. The film presents scientists, economists, politicians, writers, and others who dispute the scientific consensus regarding anthropogenic global warming and asserts that man-made global warming is "a lie" and "the biggest scam of modern times.
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13 Nations Agree to Abolish Farming to ‘Save the Planet’
EU Times
The global climate cult is getting ready to kick its war on food into overdrive with 13 nations – many of them major cattle and food-producing states led by the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Spain – signing onto a commitment to place farmers under new restrictions intended to reduce emissions of methane gas. What does this mean and why should you care? This article breaks it down.
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SNP admits to felling 16 million trees to develop wind farms
Almost 16 million trees have been chopped down on publicly owned land in Scotland to make way for wind farms, an SNP minister had admitted amid a major drive to erect more turbines.
Mairi Gougeon, the Rural Affairs Secretary, estimated that 15.7 million trees had been felled since 2000 in land that is currently managed by agency Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) - the equivalent of more than 1,700 per day.
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Energy reality vs. energy propaganda
4 decades of global warning lies
Contrary to headlines claiming we’re rapidly transitioning away from fossil fuels it's just not happening. Two decades and five trillion dollars of governments “investing” in green energy and we’ve barely moved the needle. This was supposed to be easy. Why is it so hard? In a word: rocks.
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Action4Canada 15 Minute Cities Resources
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Great Resources and Action Ideas at: | | | |
CO2 Coalition
Providing the facts about CO2 and climate change
CO2 Coalition is the nation’s leading organization providing facts, resources and information about the vital role carbon dioxide plays in our environment
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View And Download More Kootenay RDCK Resources
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Non Violent Strategic Actions Training | |
Why Non-Violent
Strategic Actions?
Learn Its Power From History
Watch how the emergency act, social distancing, lockdowns and other oppressive measures have been used over the last century and learn how Non-Violent Strategic Actions were used to overcome tyrannical control in these 2 award winning films.
Watch Both films and you will be Inspired!
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5 Broken Cameras
Academy Award nominee for Best Documentary Feature. An extraordinary work of both cinematic and political activism, 5 Broken Cameras is a deeply personal, first-hand account of non-violent resistance in Bil'in, a West Bank village threatened by encroaching Israeli settlements. Shot almost entirely by Palestinian farmer Emad Burnat, the film shows what it takes to win back freedoms when lost.
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LibriVox recording, by Gene Sharp.
From Dictatorship to Democracy, A Conceptual Framework for Liberation is a book-length essay on the problem of how to destroy a dictatorship and to prevent the rise of a new one. The book was written in 1993 by Gene Sharp, a professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts. The book has been published in many countries worldwide and translated into more than 30 languages.
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The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude - by Etienne de La Boetie
(Part 3) Listen Here
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James Duane explains why you should NEVER talk to the police in this classic presentation. It is your Constitutional Right.
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