November Board Meeting Summary and Minutes

The ASBCS November Board Meeting was held on Monday, November 20, 2023. Thank you to all those that attended!

To see all Board actions taken at the November 2023 meeting, please view the link below.

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3rd Financial Subcommittee Meeting Rescheduled

The 3rd Financial Framework Subcommittee meeting has been rescheduled to December 4th at 9:00am. This will be a fully virtual meeting!

The Board has compiled feedback from stakeholders, including Charter Holders, these past few years; however, the Board would greatly appreciate hearing comments from stakeholders throughout the Subcommittee process. The Subcommittee is less formal in nature than the Board's typical meetings to allow for a more robust discussion and for stakeholders to provide Subcommittee Members more feedback. The Members would welcome any feedback you may have!

1st Opportunity for Public Comment- Change in Net Assets Used for Framework

Based on procedures in place when the initial financial framework was first implemented in 2012, Board staff has considered the total change in net assets. Since implementing the current framework, Board staff has talked with various individuals regarding the appropriateness of considering donor restrictions. 

At its November 8, 2023 meeting, the Subcommittee voted to recommend the financial framework consider the change in net assets without donor restrictions instead of the current practice of using the total change in net assets. Further, the Subcommittee recommended that the Board implement this change, for those charter holders that would be positively affected, with Board staff’s review of the fiscal year 2023 audits; this would not affect schools that are negatively impacted by this change for fiscal year 2023. The Subcommittee took this action to provide for the opportunity to solicit public comment from charter holders that the full Board could consider at the December 14, 2023 meeting and if, after considering the public comment, the change is approved by the full Board, to allow Board staff to gather data on how this change impacted performance based on the fiscal year 2023 audits. 

You may access the information presented to the Subcommittee here. Please note that this document inadvertently uses “total net assets” instead of “total change in net assets” and “net assets without donor restrictions” instead of “change in net assets without donor restrictions.”

The window for the first opportunity for public comment will be open November 13, 2023 – December 4, 2023.

All public comment received by December 4, 2023 using this Google form will be presented to the Board and Members of the public will have an additional opportunity to provide comment to the Board at the meeting during which the Board considers this possible change to the financial framework.

The next Financial Subcommittee meeting is on December 4th at 9:00am.

Compliance Statement of Assurance Release

The Compliance Statement of Assurance (CSA) has been released for completion and submission. Charter representatives should check their emails for the document and submission information. The CSA is due January 17. 

This year, in an effort to provide a more comprehensive listing of statutory provisions pertaining to charter schools, the 2023-2024 Compliance Statement includes additional statutory references that are not new requirements but were not included in previous years. Please note that these additional provisions were not added as new requirements that will be monitored by Board staff, rather, they are added with the intent of ensuring charters are as informed as possible about the requirements in statute.

News from Arizona State Board of Education

October 24, 2023


Below are highlights from the State Board of Education’s October 23rd meeting. Recordings of prior meetings are on YouTube.


The Board welcomed new Board member Anna Tovar. Member Tovar is a former teacher, former State Legislator, former Mayor of Tolleson and currently serves on the Arizona Corporation Commission. The Board is thrilled to have Member Tovar join them.


Earlier this year, the Board opened a nomination window for the Arizona State Board of Education’s Student of the Month. The Board was excited to recognize Sarah Israel and Markayla Shirley as the Arizona State Board of Education’s Students of the Month for October 2023.


Consent Agenda Items

The Board took action to approve items on the consent agenda. 


A-F Letter Grades

The Board approved using the Prior Year Cut Scores to determine the 2022-2023 A-F Letter Grades. The approved cut scores are below.


The Board also approved the 2022-2023 Accountability Appeals Process and Procedures. The approved Appeals Process and Procedures is available on the Board’s website here along with the appeals application link, appeals timeline, and other helpful resources.

Ad Hoc Special Education Evaluations Advisory Subcommittee

The Board took action to create the State Board of Education Ad Hoc Special Education Evaluations Advisory Subcommittee. 


Certification Actions

The Board took action to approve the voluntary surrender of educator certificates and the negotiated settlement agreements of relevant educators. Additionally, the Board adopted the findings of fact, conclusions of law, and recommendations of the Professional Practices Advisory Committee (PPAC) to revoke the certificate of relevant educators, suspend the certificate for a period of one year with a requirement to undergo a fitness to teach evaluation of relevant educators, and table the disciplinary action against an educator until the December 2023 Board Meeting. Additionally, the Board denied the request for hearing and request for rehearing of relevant educators. 


Educator Discipline Lookup

Prior to hiring both certified and non-certified educators, schools are required to check the Arizona Department of Education’s (ADE) public-facing and internal systems for possible discipline or open investigations for immoral or unprofessional conduct.

To assist schools, the Board is providing a list of many of the educators who were disciplined at the most recent meeting. Please note that this information is only a snapshot of most educators who were disciplined at the most recent Board meeting and does not, in and of itself, satisfy the requirement for schools to check ADE’s systems described above prior to hiring. Because educators have the right to appeal their disciplinary action, there may be an approximately 30-day lag in reporting some disciplinary action. To view the list please use this link: 


Meeting Schedule

The next regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 4th at 9:00 am. 

Horne announces Department of Education's Arts Supply Grant

Money available for "consumables" such as sheet music, paint, theatre props and more

PHOENIX - State schools Superintendent Tom Horne has announced a $10 million grant for public schools to purchase art supplies through the Arts Consumable Grant. These funds will provide successful district and charter school applicants with $1,000 per full time arts teacher to purchase arts consumables such as paints, brushes, sheet music, dance props, theatrical costumes, and much more. These materials will not only enhance the learning environment but also inspire students to explore their artistic talents and discover new passions.  


Horne said, “I am a passionate supporter of arts education; it is an essential part of any successful school. There are studies that show learning how to play stringed instruments helps students do better in math, so there are both aesthetic and academic benefits to arts education. I am pleased to encourage schools to apply for these funds to support arts education throughout Arizona.”


All district and charter schools throughout Arizona are eligible to apply for this grant opportunity. The deadline for submissions is December 31, 2023. 


For more information:

Department of Educations announces student contest celebrating good character in citizenship

PHOENIX – State schools chief Tom Horne has announced a drawing, painting and poster contest celebrating Citizenship, which is one of the Six Pillars of Character, in the Character Counts program offered in many Arizona schools.


Horne said, “I am a strong proponent of the Six Pillars of Character which are, Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship. I am very pleased to announce this contest promoting Citizenship, which emphasizes volunteering, cooperation, being informed and voting, knowing and obeying laws, choosing to protect the safety and rights of others and doing your share to make your home and community better.”


He added, “I believe every school in Arizona should be using the Six Pillars of Character program to help students understand these basic characteristics that, when followed, result in students having overall strong character and classrooms that have students who respect others. This is foundational for a healthy society.”


The contest has two levels, one for students in grades Kindergarten through 8 who can create a drawing, painting or poster that conveys the trait of Citizenship. The second level is for high school students to create a poster that supports character values on social media using the good Citizenship pillar. The competition is open to students enrolled in district, charter, private, and home schools. The deadline for submissions is December 31, 2023.


The winners will be recognized at the Character Education Celebration Event to be held in January in Phoenix.


For more information and to apply: Go to the “2023 Character Education Contest” Tab.

McKinney-Vento Homeless Liaison Contact List

Did you know that all LEAs are required to have a designated McKinney-Vento Homeless Liaison, and their contact information is to be published on the Arizona Department of Education’s website? Please check the McKinney-Vento Homeless Liaison Contact List on the ADE Homeless Education Program webpage to ensure that your LEA is in compliance by providing complete and accurate contact information for your designated McKinney-Vento Homeless Liaison. For LEAs with missing contact information, please complete the McKinney-Vento Homeless Liaison of Record Form. For LEAs with contact information already provided, but needing to be updated, please complete the McKinney-Vento Homeless Liaison Contact Change Form.

  • LEAs to Designate an Appropriate Staff Member as the McKinney-Vento Homeless Liaison: The local educational agencies will designate an appropriate staff person, able to carry out the duties described in paragraph (6)(A), who may also be a coordinator for other Federal programs, as a local educational agency liaison for homeless children and youths (42 U.S.C. §11432 (g)(1)(J)(ii)).

  • SEAs to Publish the List of All LEA McKinney-Vento Homeless Liaisons: State Coordinators established under subsection (d)(3) and local educational agencies shall inform school personnel, service providers, advocates working with homeless families, parents and guardians of homeless children and youths, and homeless children and youths of the duties of the local educational agency liaisons, and publish an annually updated list of the liaisons on the State educational agency's website (42 U.S.C. §11432 (g)(6)(B)).

Happy Thanksgiving from the ASBCS team!

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The next Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 10:00am.