Hello, Bailey-

This week in worship, we will gather around the baptismal font to celebrate and baptize another child of God into this community. As I’ve been preparing for the baptism and thinking about the significance of these holy waters, I’ve also been thinking about the significance of water in our lives generally. 

Growing up in Missouri, I was not a big water person. Sure, I went to the local pool every summer and enjoyed swim lessons and jumping off the diving board, but I was never accustomed to grabbing a good book and sitting by an open body of water, taking in the beautiful sights and sounds around me. In fact, I never saw the beauty of the ocean until I went to Israel in January 2020 and I never swam in an ocean until I went to Puerto Rico this past June. 

It wasn’t until seminary when I was studying the sacraments that I realized the beauty in our baptismal liturgy, particularly the prayer over the water just before the person is baptized. In this prayer, we often give thanks for the waters that have influenced our faith like the parting of the Red Sea or Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan River before invoking the Holy Spirit to move upon the baptism water and our hearts. These seemingly ordinary bodies of water live on as important landmarks of our faith and our lives, and I’m sure there are other bodies of water that may be especially important to you and your particular faith journey. 

So, as we gather this Sunday to give thanks for the beauty and joy of a baptism, and pray over the waters that have influenced our Christian stories, I want to invite you to think about the waters around you that are special and important. Whether it’s a particular spot that you and your family always go to for vacation or simply the water that keeps you and your plants alive. Water is important in our lives and our faith journey, thanks be to God for that.

Grace and Peace,


  • In-Person and Livestream worship: 9:30am
  • Good News from the Pews Sermon Series - Tom Blewett, preaching
  • Sermon: "Experiencing the Presence of God" | Text: Isaiah 41:8-10
  • Music: Ben Welch, pianist; Martha Stoner, vocalist
  • Children's Time with Nick Von Bergen "Dr. Nick"
  • Baptism of Sebastian Alberto Abraham
  • Nursery Care (9:15-10:45 am)
  • Kaleidoscope Kids (during worship)
  • Bradfield Café (10:30-11:00am)
  • Visit our Worship HQ for everything you need to worship with us online!

If you missed a service or would like to watch a service again, all livestreamed services are saved to our YouTube channel. Or you can give the sermons another listen on our sermon podcast!

During the summer on Sundays, we have an arts or crafts display in the gathering space, all original art by Covenant members. This Sunday’s artist is Gary Bertram, who specializes in watercolor landscapes. Come take a look at his collection!

Join together with Madison faith communities for an interfaith event to celebrate and support the LGBTQIA+ community, sponsored by Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice. Organizations will hold an info fair at 5pm. The service is at 6:30pm. This service centers Queer voices and celebrates the LGBTQIA+ community and our allies. The interfaith service can be viewed online at Bethany United Methodist Church's YouTube channel. Also, RSVP on Facebook!

You are encouraged to join the Covenant Choir for a one-time opportunity (and potentially ongoing) to sing on Sunday, August 27. Singers will come together at 8:45am to learn an anthem to sing in worship that morning. You may find you like giving your voice and your heart the exercise and want to continue with this closely-knit, supportive group! Regular rehearsals are Wednesdays at 7pm (beginning Sept 6).

Sunday morning opportunities - WE NEED YOUR HELP!

Help us make Covenant a welcoming and fun place to be on Sunday morning!

Bradfield Cafe Volunteer:

Click HERE to sign up!

Greeter & Welcome Center Volunteer:

Click HERE to sign up!

New this week: Linda Wolf, sister of Lee Jones; Larry Larsen, Covenant member; Prayers for the people of Maui and the state of Hawaii.

Loving God, in your mercy hear our prayers for each of these your children. We pray for healing, for courage, and for peace, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

(click on the image header for full prayer list on Worship HQ)

A Program for Peace is a Benefit Concert for the people of Ukraine, in our continued efforts to support our brothers and sisters in need. You may recall that we held a benefit concert last Fall with beautiful music, raising over $20,000. We again will invite back Ukrainian musician Ivan Shmilo who plays the bandura as well as a dancing duo. A free will donation will be collected with all donations being split between Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and Wisconsin Ukrainians, Inc. Scan the QR code above to donate.

Our August Spiritual Stroll will be held at Ice Age Trail (Valley View Segment), and will be lead by Jane and Gary Bertram! These strolls are part of CONNECT, a program of deacon-sponsored events with the intention of fostering connection between Covenant and the community. We visit a different park/green space on the fourth Sunday of every month.

This Fall, we will embark on a sermon series and Fall theme - Building Blocks...

for LIVING: In September, we’ll focus on a themes for building a solid Christian foundation, inspired by the ordination question: “Will you pray for and seek to serve the people with ENERGY, INTELLIGENCE, IMAGINATION, and LOVE?”

for the CHURCH: October will focus on the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Book of Order section on “The Ministry of Members.”

Small Groups will follow along with this series as well, with 4 to 6-week long studies (beginning mid-September). Look for sign-ups soon!

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