Festivals and Juggling Championships
Now more than ever children and youth in Afghanistan need to have fun. In September 67 children and youth from 18 different circus teams across the country gathered in Kabul for our annual festival. Inspired by creating and making shows in streets and parks for thousands of audiences in Kabul, the teams returned to their provinces and organized local festivals with public shows in Ghor, Mazar-e-Sharif, Nangarhar, Helmand, Noristan, Badakshan, Herat and Laghman. More than 7,000 audiences participated in the festivals and fun. In October the teams with their best jugglers returned to Kabul for the 2023 National Juggling Championship and once again made remarkable results. To see a video clip of the championship click here: www.instagram.com/p/Cy3w5j0PJNH