August 17, 2022


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Hello Newsletter Readers,

Can you believe it is already the middle of August? This week, we welcome back thousands of CU students to our beautiful town. Speaking of CU, don't forget to mark your calendars for the return of Pearl Street Stampedes on September 1! Cheer on your favorite hometown football team every evening before they take on their opponents at Folsom Field. Sko' Buffs!

A reminder that August is also the time to ride any RTD bus for free thanks to the Zero Fare For Better Air program. Help reduce carbon emissions by hopping on public transportation whenever possible - at no cost to you!

If you haven't brought your kiddos downtown to ride the Tebo Train yet this summer, make plans to come soon! Free train rides are offered weekdays from 9:30 - 11:00 am now through September 2. Board outside Wells Fargo at the corner of 13th and Pearl. Parents have even been rumored to enjoy the rides, too...

Keep reading for all the latest downtown news!

Last newsletter we asked about your Boulder happy place - the top answer was dining downtown! This week, we are thinking about back to school and fall...

What are you most looking forward to about the fall season?
Cooler weather
Fall holidays
Autumn food & drink
CU football

News You Can Use

Boulder Creek Hometown Festival

August 19, 20 & 21, 2022

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This weekend, head down to the Boulder Bandshell for the Boulder Creek Hometown Festival, featuring arts and crafts exhibitors, live performances, a craft beer garden and food court and more. Plus, enjoy Hometown Festival specialty events like the Great Zucchini Race and LETR StarLite Classic Car & Motorcycle Show

All Hometown Festival performances are FREE to the public. Check out the full lineup of musicians here. Soak up summer weekends while we still have them!

Let's Party

Happiness Happens Month

August 2022

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August is Happiness Happens Month - the best time of year! With mountain views and over 80% locally owned and operated businesses, there is plenty to be happy about when it comes to downtown Boulder. And the best part about happiness is that it's contagious, which is why we want to hear what brings you joy!

Participate in our social media giveaway to win a $50 Downtown Boulder Gift Card. Between now and August 31, share a photo of your happy place downtown with us via email or on social media (@downtownboulder).

All month long, keep an eye out for our happiness challenge. This week, tag us in a photo or story on social media (or email us) sharing your favorite place downtown to enjoy a bite to eat. Each week the challenge changes! Participation will enter you into a drawing for a $100 Downtown Boulder Gift Card at the end of the month. 

Get Happy

Tulip Bulb Giveaway

August 24, 2022

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The annual Tulip Bulb Giveaway is back on Wednesday, August 24! Each year, the City of Boulder Parks & Recreation department provides free tulip bulbs to the community.

Interested residents may visit any one of the participating locations to pick-up a free bag of bulbs, which will be available on August 24 when each shop opens. A donation to the PLAY Boulder Foundation will be strongly encouraged at pick-up! Tulip bulbs will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis and limited to one bag per family.  

The tradition of tulips started in the late 1970s, when Boulder’s then sister city, Meppel, Holland, would send 5,000 tulip bulbs annually to be planted along the Mall. Originally, the tulips were celebrated with an annual event called Boulder In Bloom. Now, that event has morphed into the beloved Tulip Fairy and Elf Festival. A form of this tradition continues to this day when every fall the City of Boulder’s Parks Department plants 15,000 brand new tulip bulbs that are imported directly from Holland.

See Participating Businesses

Arts in the Park - Boulder Philharmonic

August 26 & 27, 2022

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Image: Arts in the Park

What better way to enjoy a Colorado summer than spending evenings outside? Stretch out on a picnic blanket and watch live entertainment in the Civic Area all summer long at Arts in the Park. This initiative supports local performing arts organizations like the Boulder Ballet, Boulder Opera, Boulder Symphony and Boulder Philharmonic. 

On August 26 and 27 from 6:00 - 8:30 pm, enjoy live performances by the Boulder Philharmonic. Come hear percussionists in a thrilling musical adventure that spans the globe. No surface will be safe in this fun, quick-moving show. A night for the ages! Get your tickets early. 

If you're looking for even more summer activities including a new exhibit at the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, check out our August blog about Things To Do Downtown. Happy exploring!

Attend the Show

Downtown Boulder Vision Plan Survey

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This summer, Downtown Boulder Partnership (in conjunction with the City of Boulder) embarked on a five year vision planning process leading up to the 50th anniversary of the Pearl Street Mall in 2027. Considered Boulder's 'living room' since its inception, the mall and surrounding district is a gathering spot for locals and visitors from around the world. As we move together towards this milestone, the Boulder community has a unique opportunity for thoughtful conversations about the future of downtown’s identity, programming and projects.

We want to hear from you. What do you love about your downtown? What could be better? Share your visions/ideas/thoughts/concerns with us by taking a community survey on the city's Be Heard Boulder platform now through Thursday, August 31, 2022. Learn more about the Five Year Vision Plan at

Community Survey

Job Openings

Interested in working downtown? Many businesses are hiring! Check out open positions at Brasserie Ten Ten, My Neighbor Felix, Brewing Market Coffee and more!

Find Jobs
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Shopping Specials

Ready to stock up on a fall wardrobe? Check out our monthly shopping specials page to discover deals at your favorite downtown stores!

Let's Shop!
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Foodie Friday

If you love local coffee shops, rooftop bars, good eats or food specials, then check out Foodie Friday! Updated weekly, this food blog gives you all the latest news about where and what to eat downtown. Dig in!

Time to Eat!
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This colorful ceiling can only be found in one place...know where to find it downtown?

Email your answer to with the subject line "Found Downtown" by August 30 for a chance to win a $25 Downtown Boulder Gift Card. Congrats to Kelly, our last Found Downtown winner! The correct answer was: Mountain Sun Pub & Brewery!