The Church of the Good Shepherd

231 North Church St.

Rocky Mount, NC

eShepherd November 15, 2023

This Sunday at Good Shepherd

The Twenty-fifth Sunday After Pentecost

November 19, 2023

8:00 AM

Rite 1 Holy Communion

10:30 AM

Contemporary Language Service of Holy Communion

with choir and congregational hymns.

Live streamed at

Happening this week at Good Shepherd

Thursday, November 16-4 to 5:30 p.m. Ripe for Revival Mobile Market in our parking lot. We invite you to come to shop at the Market---plenty of fresh food will be available.

We will be providing turkeys and vouchers to our neighbors in need. If you would like to donate, please indicate "Thanksgiving" on your check, or use the on-line giving button on the website, If you would like to volunteer, please contact Isabella Wagley at


We welcome Rev. Juliana Lindenberg to both services this Sunday. Children are invited to join Children's Chapel during the 10:30 service, returning in time for the peace.


  • No Morning Prayer this week.
  • No choir practices this week. All choir practices resume Nov. 29.

We welcome the following priests to Good Shepherd through Christmas Eve.

November 26

Rev. Bill Bennett

December 3

Rev. Juliana Lindenberg

December 10

Rev. Bill Bennett

December 17

Rev. George Greer

December 24

Rev. Bill Bennett, 8 a.m.

Rev. Shawn Schreiner 5 p.m.

Save the Dates!

Sunday, December 10- 5 p.m. Advent Lessons and Carols

Sunday, December 17- 10:30 a.m. Children's Christmas Pageant

Sunday, December 24- 5 p.m. Christmas Eve Eucharist

Every Member Response

We are grateful to everyone who submitted a pledge this year and thank each of you for your generosity and dedication to the continued ministries of Good Shepherd.

If you have not done so and would like to pledge, it is not too late! You can find the form on our website

Outreach Committee Update

Tis the season for Outreach projects! Thank you for your support of our Thanksgiving meal project which we’ve reinvented this year by collaborating with Ripe for Revival and our friends at St. Andrews. We hope you will come check out the Mobile Market on Thursday, November 16 from 4-5:30 in our parking lot. Donations can still be made to help with this project as we have had a last-minute request to help additional families.

We will also be launching our popular Christmas Stars project in the coming days. Once again we will be fulfilling some Christmas wishes for children ages 12 and under from area families in need. We hope to have received the list of children and have sign-ups available by the middle of next week. Stay tuned for more information on this meaningful project for participation by all ages!

Last week, the children in Children's Church decorated bags for our Thanksgiving meal project! We are sure that these carefully decorated bags will lift hearts in our community.

Parish Prayer List

For those in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity: especially Presiding Bishop Curry, Bobbi Weeks, Beth Oden, Debbie Dildy, Bill Hudgins, Randolph Reid, Ernest Jones, Martha B., Roy Thompson, and James Poole.

For continued health and healing: Lib Blackburn, Becky Bryan, Elizabeth "Sister" Cherry, Albert Ervin, Frances Gaither, Dwight Johnson, Corrine Landis, Reid McAuley, Boo White, and Brent Wilson

For the blessings of this life:

For those expecting the birth of a child:

For those who have died: Pam Wells, Mason Moore, Butch Moss, Emily Baker Hyatt, Al Hines.

To add or remove people on the Prayer List please contact Cheryl Coppedge at Please ask their permission before submitting.

In case of illness, a death in the family, for other pastoral emergencies, or to request a pastoral visit please contact church leadership via email at


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