
Issue 3, 2023

A Message from Teresa

I had the absolute pleasure of taking a family vacation to PEI this summer. It was a great adventure with long drives, ocean exploration, all things Anne of Green Gables, and family time. While there I did plenty of talking with strangers - I found someone who - like me - plays piano at a church, a lot of fellow Lucy Maud enthusiasts and many others who just wanted to talk about their beautiful homes on the island.

These discussions make me think of the summertime quarter that we are highlighting in this e-bulletin. Trips were taken, connections were made, new friends were found; new experiences and lasting memories were created and will be cherished. 

We turned a corner and for the first summer in some time could again travel freely, rent cottages, attend events, and engage in summertime play. We had our Fall Frolic event in early September, and it was a great day. We played games, danced, enjoyed a zoo visit and BBQ. All of our communities were represented at the event, and great fun was had by all. 

Our Diversity, Inclusion, Culture & Equity committee continued this quarter to raise awareness of celebrations, cultures and days of significance that may be new to some. The Positive Vibes committee hosted a wonderful BBQ at the Peterborough Zoo and a Music Fest in Haliburton. 

Connections and conversations to learn about one another and what makes each of us proud has been a big part of the Community Living Trent summer of 2023. The Board of Directors has worked hard on a new structure for meetings and the exchange of information. Their prototype of more committees and fewer full board meetings began rolling out this September. Now we enter autumn, have our reviews, and hunker down to some good work on operational goals, quality improvement and making people’s lives more connected to community. 

On PEI, I was amazed at how the ocean was never too far away, and in it the tide was always on the move; it was a constant, but also ever-changing. CLTH is a constant, a place that can be relied upon; yet we too are changing, in so many ways, to ensure that when we know better, we do better. As Anne of Green Gables said, “It’s been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will.” Here's to wonderful next three months with so much more learning, adventuring, connecting and improving to do. Happy autumn.

Teresa Jordan, Executive Director Photo: Teresa (L) & Lisa Corp (R) at fall frolic

Out & about enjoying all that summer has to offer!

Get Involved: Volunteer

Volunteers are a vital part of our organization and help bring the people we serve and their communities together. We have a volunteer opportunity to meet just about any interest or talent including.

  • Board or Committee Members – Consider sitting on our Board of Directors or on one of our many Board Committees.
  • Friendly Visitor / Leisure Pal – Spend time with someone just being a friend. Share activities that you both enjoy – take a walk, go out for coffee or just visit.
  • Share A Skill – Share a special talent or skill with a person or people we support, their families or our staff and other volunteers. The sky is the limit!
  • Office Support – Help out at one of the Community Living Trent Highlands offices.

How to Become a Volunteer

To become a volunteer you must successfully complete the following steps. These steps have been put into place both to protect the people we support and to ensure the best possible volunteer experience for you.

Please note: If you are applying to do a student placement with Community Living Trent Highlands please fill out our Student Placement Form here.

Step 1 – Complete and submit our volunteer application form

If the online application is not accessible to you, alternative formats will be provided upon request within available agency resources. Please contact us at or call (705) 743-2411 for more information.

By filling in the application, you agree to:

  • Give us a Vulnerable Persons Check done by a local law enforcement agency.
  • Provide two references (not family members).
  • Sign a confidentiality statement (see Step 4).
  • Attend volunteer orientation and training.

Step 2 – After reviewing your application, we will call you to arrange a screening interview.

Step 3 – If you succeed in Steps 1 and 2, we invite you to attend volunteer orientation and training.

Step 4 – We require you to sign a statement of confidentiality. By signing a statement of confidentiality, you agree to keep confidential all information about staff, other volunteers, the people we support and the business of Community Living Trent Highlands.

Step 5 – You join our team and prepare yourself for fun, friendship and fulfillment!

For More Information

Lisa Corp, Student and Volunteer Coordinator

Community Living Trent Highlands

223 Aylmer Street, Peterborough, ON K9J 3K3

Tel (705) 743-2411, ext. 527

For More Information

Lisa Corp, Student and Volunteer Coordinator

Community Living Trent Highlands

223 Aylmer Street, Peterborough, ON K9J 3K3

Tel (705) 743-2411, ext. 527

Learn more

Always lots going on with Peterborough Connex!

Apply Online

Mark Your Calendar!

Be ready to share your #UNSelfie this Giving Tuesday by reading this booklet all about it!

Click here to plan your #UNselfie

Of course we keep busy in Kawartha Lakes & Haliburton, too.

Service Spotlight: Building Bridges

Building Bridges helps young people (17.5 to 21 years of age) living with a developmental disability to plan for the transition from high school to life in their community after graduation.

We all want to live, work and be a part of the community after we graduate. Building Bridges helps families, teachers and young people to plan for the future so that their wishes and dreams can come true.

Building Bridges supports young people and their families to:

  • Understand the need to plan early.
  • Voice concerns about transition.
  • Work to develop a plan, which includes achievable outcomes.
  • Make connections in the community.
  • Understand the need for and importance of work experience.
  • Apply for funding.
  • Navigate the social service, health and education systems.

To access the Building Bridges service you must contact:

Developmental Services Ontario (DSO), Central East

Fun times at the Fall Frolic!

All About Us

For Your Information

Holiday Closures

  • Christmas Day – Dec 25, 2023
  • Boxing Day – Dec 26, 2023
  • New Year's Day - Jan 1, 2024
  • Family Day - Feb 19, 2024

Past Issues

Past issues of our e-bulletin are posted on our website in the Publications sections. To go there directly just click this link.

Great times at Camp Zoo Day celebrations!

Visit the blog of our Executive Director, Teresa Jordan.

223 Aylmer St N
Peterborough, ON K9J 3K3
Tel: (705) 743-2411
Fax: (705) 743-3722
Kawartha Lakes
Suite 200, 205 McLaughlin Rd
Lindsay, ON K9V 0K7
Tel: (705) 328-0464
Fax: (705) 328-0495


73 Victoria St. Box 90

Haliburton, ON K0M 1S0

Tel: (705) 457-2626

Fax: (705) 457-9287

Toll-free 1-877-743-2411

Disclaimer: There are websites linked through our e-bulletin that are operated by groups or organizations other than Community Living Trent Highlands. These groups and organizations are totally responsible for the operation of and information on their websites. Community Living Trent Highlands is not responsible for the content on any website other than our own. Including links to other websites on our site does not mean that we endorse that website or its host.
Community Living Trent Highlands

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