The FUUSN Chime

Weekly Newsletter of the

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

May 15, 2024

Share Joys and Sorrows

Worship Service

RE Sunday!

Sunday, May 19, 2024 at 10:15am

Devin Shmueli

This year, our RE Sunday will explore what it means to have a multi-generational community and intergenerational relationships. We'll focus on the youngest among us by asking:  "What can we learn from children and youth?" and "How do we lift their voices and elevate their initiatives?"

We will hear from children and youth, and we will celebrate our volunteers who make sure their voices are heard throughout the life and ministry of this congregation. We will also celebrate and recognize college graduate Nathan Persampieri!

We will hear about one youth-led initiative from Skye Larson and Skye's friend Emily Riordan and their work helping Rosie's Place. They will tell us more about their work and what they have done so far, we will share the plate with Rosie's Place, and the youth group will sell baked goods and sandwiches during coffee hour to benefit Rosie's Place.

Join us in person or on Zoom:

Annual Pledge Drive Update

Thanks to everyone who has pledged! As of now, we are at $564,100 (90% of the $625K goal), and have received 210 pledges (91% of the 230 pledge goal). And thanks to the 14 people who have increased their pledge. Thirteen people/families have not yet responded to the stewards' emails/calls/texts; please let us know whether or not you intend to pledge, and if so, the amount! Unfortunately, we are still $15,000 short of last year's pledge amount. The Finance Committee is making its initial budget based on last year's pledge amount, and to maintain our plans the budget needs to at least attain the FY2023-24 pledge amount.

We still have t-shirts for those interested, sizes S, L, XL, 2XL.

The most accurate forecast we can generate for the Finance Committee (thanks Karen Bottar, chair, and Judy Curby, Laurel Farnsworth, Neil MacGaffey, Faith Kreider, & Urban Larson) will help the team formulate the FY24-25 budget which begins June 1.

The APD Team: Michael Costello, John Dundon, Kit Ryan, FY25-26 interns: Suzanne Buchko, Chip Highfield, Linda Ross


NEED REALM CONNECT HELP? Realm Connect is FUUSN's online Directory. If you would like help getting the Connect app on your smartphone or signing into your account come to the Realm Help table by the piano in the Parish Hall after the service.

Please Deposit Your FUUSN Checks!!!

If you have a check from FUUSN languishing on your desk, please deposit or cash it by May 15th - that's TODAY - so that we can close out our accounts for the year. Thank you!

Please Submit Your Annual Reports by TODAY, May 15th

We are hard at work putting together our Annual Report. If you have something to contribute, please send it in to Fran at no later than May 15th.

Curious about Co-Ministry?

We continue to get great questions about co-ministry at FUUSN, and we invite you to attend an hour-long question & answer session on this topic. Please RSVP for one of the sessions:


  • Thursday, May 16, 3-4 pm, over Zoom
  • Sunday, May 19, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, at FUUSN, in the Alliance Room (in person)

We encourage you to look at the Frequently Asked Questions About Co-Ministry which we have recently updated with more answers. As always, please email us if you have any questions. And click here to RSVP for one of the sessions. 

Thank you,

Melissa Kogut 

on behalf of the FUUSN Ministerial Search Committee (email us at

Erin O'Donnell (she/her), chair

Barbara Bates (she/her)

Eric Haas (he/him)

Julia Huston (she/her)

Melissa Kogut (she/her)

Eric Moore (he/him)

Cindy Orrell (she/her)

Upcoming Events This Week

Thursday, May 16

3-4pm: Co-Ministry Q&A Meeting - online, please RSVP

Friday, May 17

6-6:30pm: Zoom Vespers - online

6:30-9:30pm: Youth Cooking for RE Sunday - Kitchen

Saturday, May 18

Orchestra Without Borders Benefit Concert - 7:30pm

Luca Antonucci will be conducting the 16 string Orchestra Without Borders in a benefit concert for Communities Without Borders with a chamber orchestra repertoire of music by composers from underrepresented backgrounds in classical music.

The free orchestra program, borderlines east-west, will be a collaboration with soprano Hannah Shanefield, jazz pianist Jonathan Fagan and saxophonist Michael Rosen, tracing folk songs and folk culture across the world in a program that joins the Middle East, the African Diaspora, and the Caribbean

Intermission with refreshments and African artwork for sale to raise money for Zambia orphan education. $20 suggested donation.

While this is not an official FUUSN event, many FUUSNites are involved, and it takes place in our Parish Hall. Register or Donate!

Sunday, May 19

Co-Ministry Q&A - 11:30am-1pm

We continue to get great questions about co-ministry at FUUSN, and we invite you to attend an hour-long question & answer session on this topic. Please RSVP

Making It Official: Celebrating Rev. Erin Splaine's Ministry

Join us at coffee hour on Sunday, May 19th for a brief coffee/tea toast to Rev. Erin's ministry and view her portrait before it is installed in the Minister's Parlor!

UU Plant-Based Eating Club Potluck

Our next plant-based potluck will be held on Sunday, May 19, in small groups of approximately 8 people in the homes of PBEC members. Folks will have the choice to attend a 12:30 brunch or a 6:00 dinner. Invitations with further details will be sent to the PBEC email list closer to the time. If you would like to join the email list in order to receive an invitation, please send an email to

Monday, May 20

6-8pm: All8 Arts Facilitators Meeting - online

Tuesday, May 21

7-9pm: Operations Council Meeting - online

Recurring Events

Wed., 6:30pm: Tai Chi Class

Wed., 7:30pm: Choir Practice

Thurs., 4:30pm: CreationDance

Fri., 11am: Over 60s Walking Group - Hammond Pond Reservation/Webster Woods

Volunteer Opportunities

Help Youth Make Banana Bread - Friday, May 17 at 6pm

Our youth are making banana bread this Friday night and can use your help. These baked goods and other tasty things will be on sale to benefit Rosie's Place after worship this week. Through this bake sale and the Share the Plate during RE Sunday Worship this Sunday, May 19th, the funds raised will allow Rosie's Place to help women find support, opportunity, and the tools they need to make a new start.

Do you have bananas that are well past their edible date? Chances are they will make great banana bread. Please bring them to FUUSN by Friday at 6:00 PM so the youth can use them to make banana bread during the baking party from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM. We could use ten super brown bananas or we will use some molecular gastronomy tricks. 

Would you like to join the baking party? Let's make this baking party a multi-generational affair. Contact Devin if you'd like to join us in the kitchen. Your support and time will make this even more fun and successful. 

Community Lunch Helpers Wanted!

The Community BBQ Lunch is scheduled for June 9, 2024 to coincide with the Annual Meeting. Volunteer to help cook, set up, or clean up!

For these and ALL other volunteer opportunities, visit the Volunteer page on our website. Have a volunteer opportunity to add? Contact Jenise.

Save the Date

Sandy Island Retreat - Memorial Day Weekend

Meet our new Ministerial Candidates! Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner and Rev. Joel Miller will join us on Sunday, May 26th. Join us at Sandy Island for a chance to get to know this fabulous ministerial team.

Every Memorial Day Weekend our congregation is invited to Sandy Island Camp on a small island in Lake Winnipesaukee, NH, for an annual retreat (May 25-27, 2024). We stay in rustic cabins and eat shared meals (prepared by the Sandy Island staff) in the dining hall. Visit the link below for more info.

All FUUSNites and their families/friends (no pets) are invited to join in this opportunity for relaxation, enjoyment of nature and connection within our community. Newcomers are especially welcome, as the weekend offers many ways to meet and engage with folks of all ages and interests.

REGISTER HERE. And this year, you can PAY ONLINE HERE. Anyone having difficulties with any of this may contact Sandy Island Coordinator Denise Bousquet at <>.

We run our own activities during our weekend retreat. If you'd like to create a new activity, or repeat a previous one, please contact our Sandy Island Activities Coordinator, Emily Gelbert <>.

Poetry by Heart - Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at 7:30pm

Our next meeting will be at 7:30 on Tuesday May 28th. The poem to memorize is Emily Dickinson's I would not paint - a picture. Please also bring a poem of your own choosing to share with the group. Please contact Jonathan Lilienfeld ( if you plan on attending.

Climate Action Task Force: BERDO Education Forum

May 30, 2024, 6:30-8:30pm - Parish Hall

A coalition of Newton climate organizations (Green Newton, 350Newton, Mothers Out Front Newton, and the FUUSN Climate Action Task Force) are sponsoring a public education forum on BERDO.  We would appreciate it if you could attend, and spread the word about the event to your networks. Contact Demie Stathoplos if you have questions. Light refreshments will be provided by Green Newton.

In Newton, about 23% of our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions come from about 293 large commercial buildings. In order to meet Newton's Climate Plan goal of reducing GHG emissions to zero by 2050, the emissions from these buildings must be addressed. A draft Building Emission Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO) will be presented to Newton's Zoning and Planning Committee on Tuesday, May 28th. The ordinance pertains to existing non-residential buildings that are larger than 20,000 square feet in size, including houses of worship. The ordinance sets a timeline for building owners to begin measuring the emissions from the buildings, and for reducing emissions over time in a stepwise fashion. Come learn about this ordinance, why it is important and what you can do to support it in the upcoming public hearing.


Summer Chime Concerts

Music is in the air in West Newton! A chime concert is scheduled for Saturday, July 13th. Free to the public, the concert will begin at 5:00 PM and continue for about one hour. Additional concerts will be offered at 5:00 PM on July 20th and August 10th.

View the Flyer

Summer Services Schedule is Now Available!

Trying to plan your summer but don't want to miss that fantastic service? Check out our Summer Services schedule! View on our website or download the flyer.

It's Not Too Early to Plan for Ferry Beach: Friday, October 11-Monday, October 14, 2024

We’ve been invited to return to Ferry Beach for Indigenous People’s weekend this year, so mark your calendars! If you are new to FUUSN, here is more information about Ferry Beach: 2024 Ferry Beach Retreat: Friday, October 11 – Monday, October 14 – First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

Registration should be available sometime in May as we are moving to a new on-line system through Ferry Beach. Please don’t confuse this with the Sandy Island Retreat over this coming Memorial Day Weekend for which you can register now at this link: Sandy Island Registration – First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

Kudos Corner

We would like to thank all the marchers and all those who supported the team and who donated to the Mothers' Day Walk for Peace. We had 20 walkers, including 7-month-old Maya! So far we are up to $3500 and counting, which exceeds our original goal by $1000, and people can still donate until Father's Day. Special thanks to Valerie Miller and Kevan Hartshorn for organizing.

Submit News and Events

Have a news item you want to share? Want to schedule a FUUSN Event? Please use our web forms! Note that any event using physical space at FUUSN must be approved by Fran, and until you receive confirmation from her, that event will not be scheduled or added to our Events calendar.

Submissions to the newsletter must be sent in by the previous Tuesday at 9am. Submissions to the Order of Service must be sent in by the previous Thursday at 9am.

Submit News
Submit an Event

FUUSN Contacts

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton | 617-527-3203

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