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Weekly News Update

Giving Abundantly

I am not sure we even knew how much food we have to give to our neighbors this Saturday,

at our Food Pantry. Let us give thanks!

Let us give heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank (LARFB) for making it possible to provide our neighbors with an abundance of food for their families; and we give thanks to our church and community volunteers for your labor of love. Jeffrey McLellan, Co-chair of the St. John’s Food Pantry, oversees ordering and delivery from the LARFB, drawing on professional knowledge and expertise. Then, the hands and hearts of our volunteers make everything possible through our Food Pantry ministry. 

Beginning early on the 3rd Saturday of the month before 7am, neighbors will line up in cars and on foot to receive fresh, frozen and canned groceries. On a typical month, a family member receives a bag of frozen meats, a bag of fresh vegetables, a bag of canned and packaged goods, along with an assortment of miscellaneous items. Within two hours, from 8am to 10am, it is typical to load 100 or more cars and/ or baskets, feeding 300 to 400 family members; and on special holidays, such as Thanksgiving this number can double.

This year for Thanksgiving, in addition to many of the fixings for a feast, including turkey, our neighbors will receive extra canned vegetables, with bags of pasta, rice, beans, nuts and more.

A ministry that has existed for decades now, the St. John’s Cathedral Food Pantry is our most vibrant outreach ministry to our neighbors. Co-chair, Canon Lurelean Gaines, has experienced it all:

"St. John's Food Pantry has gone through numerous changes over the years. At one time we provided hot meals (we had a volunteer who prepared the meals); we've proved brown bags of food on Sunday's during the time of the 10:00am service; we've provided food on the first and third Saturdays of the month and individuals would come in and select items that many were able to determine their own needs.  During the Pandemic I surveyed the group of volunteers, and a decision was made to provide food once a month. The onset of the Pandemic created a loss of six volunteer members from the congregation."  

This ministry continues today with the generous support of church members and community supporters. If you are interested in being involved, please contact Canon Gaines through the St. John’s Cathedral Office.

Thank you for blessing our neighbors, and being a part of this important ministry at St. John’s.

Happy Thanksgiving to you!

With love and blessings,



The Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, November 19th, 2023

Said Mass is at 8:00am | In-Person

Choral Mass is at 10:00 am| In-Person and Online

Livestream for 10am available via Facebook and YouTube | Service Leaflet

Ingathering of Pledges

8:00am and 10:00am

All of our pledge cards will be offered at the altar as we recognize that we are the hands, hearts, eyes, ears, mouth, and presence of Christ in our daily life inside and outside the church. We appeal to you for your stewardship gift as a blessing for the work we are doing and the work that still needs to be done to sustain and grow our St. John's community.

Pledge Today, Click Here!

Vestry On-Call

Ms. Roma Murphy

Vestry members are partners with clergy, encouraging the growth of community and the establishment of common ground in the spiritual life of the congregation. Parishioners are always welcome to speak with these individuals on Sunday morning; they assist in making sure our questions, comments, or concerns are heard.


Food Pantry

Saturday, November 18, 2023

8:30 am -10:30 am

Our next Food Pantry event is TOMORROW, November 18th. We are committed to supporting our community by providing fresh produce, canned goods, and frozen goods to families in need. The gates will open at 8:30am, and we will continue serving until supplies last. We invite everyone to come and take advantage of this opportunity to access nutritious food for themselves and their families. Turkeys will be distributed one per family, per vehicle.

Time, talent, and treasure are what we each have to offer in stewardship to support and honor our faith. St John's is looking to create a list of volunteers to form a “FIX IT CREW” to contribute their talent and time to projects that enhance our beautiful church building and grounds. As we look around our facility there are many large and small tasks that could be undertaken by parishioners sharing their energy, skills, and creativity. Whether it be painting, garden planting, woodworking, plumbing, or maintaining many of the beautiful objects that are part of our services. There is such a variety of tasks that there is something for everyone of all levels of skill and ability. Doing these kinds of projects enhances our church home and draws our fellowship closer. After searching your heart if you find a call to participate in your own way, reach out to volunteer as a member of the “FIX IT CREW”. By letting organizers put you on the list of those interested in helping, you can be contacted when a project comes up that fits your interests and skills. Let's all be a part of making St. John's a warm and wonderful house of worship.


You can give your contact information to Arnie Ree, Hamilton Yang, or the church office.

Fall 2023 Newsletter

Copies of our Fall 2023 newsletter are now available. In this issue you will find

  • Reflections from Canon Lurelean Gaines, Senior Warden
  • Walking the Camino de Santiago with Dr. Christopher G. Gravis, Canon for Music and cathedral Arts.
  • Greetings from Rosalind Vernon and the Stewardship Commission

Cathedral Life is the official quarterly publication of St. John's.

Click Here to Read More....

Contemplative Service at Kilgore Chapel

Tuesdays at 7:30 pm

Join us every Tuesday at 7:30 pm at Kilgore Chapel, USC for guided silent prayer and contemplation. No experience is necessary. The gatherings are quite a contrast to the typical worship offerings brought to the campus, and we are hoping that this quiet spiritual practice will be viewed as a welcome alternative. The service is open to all students, faculty, and staff, as well as to members of St. John's. 

This service is led by St. John's Cathedral and Canterbury USC.

For more information, contact The Rev. Mel Soriano at [email protected]

Advent Carol Service

Sunday, December 3, 2022 at 5:00pm

Prepare your heart for the season of Christmas. Come experience the ancient tradition and joyful expectation of Advent Lessons and Carols sung by the Choir of St. John's Cathedral. An annual tradition not to be missed!

Parish Office Holiday Closure

The Parish office will be closed for a traditional two-day holiday for Thanksgiving on Thursday and Friday November 23-24, 2023.

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