Christ the King - St. Stephen Parish

Parish Newsletter

"Staying Connected"

March 4, 2025

Ash Wednesday | March 5


CTK Mass Times:

6:30am, 9:15am,12:05pm & 7pm

RE Prayer Service:

4pm (Ashes Distributed)


St. Stephen Mass Times:

8am & 6pm 

Greetings Fellow Parishioners:


This week we are providing our annual summary of Christ the King – St. Stephen Parish financial performance for 2024 and our budget for 2025.  You will see our financial summary in the bulletin or click here if you are reading this in our email newsletter.

As you know, Christ the King and St. Stephen parishes were merged in 2023. We started reporting as one parish with two campuses in 2024. Our financial summary has charts that show the history of our combined operating income and expenses.

In 2024 we were able to end the year with a small surplus. In looking at the financial summary you will see that, thanks to your donations and hard work by staff to control expenses, we ended last year with a net surplus of just under $17,000 or less than 1%.

We are thankful for this as we had significant inflationary pressure on expenses while our operating income remained largely flat. Last year we asked if you could find space in your budget to increase donations to our parish and you responded. While our operating expenses did increase by around 3%, thankfully our operating income also narrowly increased by just over 3%.  We are most grateful for your generosity. Please keep up the good work!

We depend on your continued generosity to our parish as well as solid expense management on the part of our pastor and parish staff to keep this net result positive. 

You were also very generous to our St. Vincent De Paul Society and our Social Justice charities with around $357,000 donated.  This is the highest amount we have seen in many years. Thank you! Our SVDP volunteers are successfully partnering with Hillcrest Congregational church to serve the many needy families of our community with food, services, and limited rent assistance. 


For capital investments, our largest project was the successful replacement of the HVAC system at the St. Stephen church. We also added HVAC zone controls to the Christ the King Church and started work on our roofing repair project.

One of our major expenses in 2024 was for maintenance and repairs on the roof for Christ the King Church.  You may recall that last year we had water leaking into the sanctuary and onto the piano. We fixed that leak but discovered that the roof had serious hidden damage from a major design flaw.  

A team of experts in architecture, structural design, and commercial roofing examined the problem and recommended that we reconstruct the roof with a new design. You can find a more detailed explanation of the issues in our newsletter dated November 13th and found here.

Simply put, the church roof was designed and built with inadequate ventilation. Over the 45 years since this church was built, moisture has collected between the ceiling and the roof and dry rot damaged some of the plywood and cross beams. While the structure is safe, we need to make a major investment in the roof to fix the damage and correct the design to prevent further deterioration.  

Last year, at this time, I was grateful that we had completed all the items on our 10-year plan for the Christ the King campus, and we did not need to worry about major investments for a few years. Sadly, my optimism was misplaced. Preliminary estimates for the work in November have been revised as the design and analysis have progressed and the current estimate for this work is $950,000.  

To cover this cost, we need to ask for your financial help. We are setting up a pledge campaign to raise the funds for this investment.  Fortunately, we have already received many donations and have collected over $200,000 towards the project.

You will be receiving a letter in the mail (and/or an email) asking you to pledge, over the next year, an amount you can afford that will help us cover the cost of this investment. You can also go into Realm now to make a pledge. Click here to open the pledge form. Once you make a pledge don’t forget to schedule the payments to satisfy this pledge.

Work on this project is expected to begin this summer and will take about 3 months. Scaffolding will be set up inside and outside the church to reach the problem areas. Daily and Sunday masses will be affected and may need to shift locations. Fortunately, our parish has another beautiful church, St. Stephen, which is just 8 minutes from CTK. Stay tuned for more information on mass schedules and locations during the construction period.

We are grateful to God for the commitment and generosity of our parishioners.  We are also grateful to our parish leadership, under Father Paulson, and our parish staff who are diligent in professionally managing our money. Regardless, with your generous support, we will continue to thrive, and our many ministries will continue to serve the diverse needs of our parish.

On behalf of the Christ the King - St. Stephen Finance Council, thank you for your commitment and generosity to our parish.


Greg Thornbury

Chairman, Christ the King - St. Stephen Finance Council


This year, we are seeking to welcome five new members to our Parish Pastoral Council.

The council is a dedicated group of parishioners who collaborate with the pastor in discerning the vision and goals of our parish, helping to guide its growth and future direction. Rather than taking on every task themselves, these members serve as a representative voice for our parish community, offering insight and support as we work together to strengthen our parish family.

I invite you to take a moment to consider joining the Parish Pastoral Council. If you feel called to serve in this way, please find the application form here.

Birthday Blessings

Happy Birthday to

Fr. Gerry Moran!

 Many Blessings as you celebrate your birthday!

Wednesday, March 5th


From Fr. Gerry’s Homily during Lent:

What to give up in Lent

 Give up complaining….focus on gratitude

Give up harsh judgments...think kindly thoughts.

Give up Divine Providence.

Give up bitterness...turn to forgiveness.

Give up more patient.

Give up pettiness...become mature.

Give up gloom...enjoy the beauty that is all around you.

Give up gossiping...control your tongue.

Give up giving up...just hang in there!

Spring Forward or You'll be Late for Mass

Guidelines for Fast and Abstinence in Lent

  • Catholics must fast and abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
  • Additionally, they must abstain from meat on all Fridays during Lent.
  • The norms on fasting are obligatory for members age 18 until age 59.
  • People over 60, and children under 18 are not obligated to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, but all Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence (no meat) for those 14 and older.

As You Journey Through Lent

Resources for your Lenten Journey:

USCCB/What is Lent?

Dynamic Catholic

CRS Stations of the Cross

One Prayer a Day for Lent

Stations of the Cross Begin This Friday

Christ the King Church

Please join us Fridays in Lent to pray

The Stations of the Cross

 5:30pm - In the Church

 (Except March 21 - Stations held at St. Stephen)

This Friday only - March 7 (First Friday)

4:30pm - Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

5:30pm - Stations of the Cross

6:00 pm - Mass


St. Stephen Church

Please join us on Fridays at 12pm for outdoor guided meditation during Lent.


We are also open for self-guided outdoor stations on Fridays 12pm to 6pm

and Mon. & Wed. 11am-2pm

Lent - Save the Dates

 Parish Retreat led by Fr. Michael Moore

March 17 - 20, 9:00 am (CTK) repeated at 6:30 pm (St. Stephen).


Fr. Raymond E. Brown’s “A Crucified Christ in Holy Week”

Mondays, March 24 and 31, 10:00 am in the Brian Joyce room at CTK

a discussion led by Jeannette Holmes.


Judas-the bottom of the List

A meditation led by Fr. Paulson. Friday, March 21, at St. Stephen Church:

5:30 pm Stations of the Cross, followed by a soup supper and Father’s meditation.

Read more here.


Jesus and His Trial

A meditation led by Fr. Paulson.

Tuesday, April 1, at 10:00 am in the Ministry Center chapel.


Hole-y, Whole-y, Holy.

“Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy.” Lev. 19:2  

A presentation by Kathy Roberts on

Monday, April 14, 10:00 am and repeated at 7:00 pm at St. Stephen Parish Hall.

Available This Weekend

CRS Rice Bowls will be available this weekend in the back of church at both at CTK and St. Stephen.

For more information on CRS Rice Bowls click here.

The Little Black Book is

back again for Lent.

You can find them this weekend in the back of the church

at both CTK and St. Stephen.

 $1 donation is appreciated.

Spiritual Reading for Lent

A note from Jeannette Holmes...

Are you looking for something special to guide you through Lent? The first three books are daily reflections and the last two focus on the passion. They are my companions through every Lent, always providing new insights.

"Jesus, Friend of the Soul: Reflections for the Lenten Journey" by Joyce Rupp. 

"Wondrous Encounters; Scripture for Lent" by Richard Rohr. 

"Pope Francis: Living Lent with Passion: Encouragement and Prayer" by Mark Neilsen. 

"The Way of the Cross: The Path to New Life" by Joan Chittister.

 "The Passion and the Cross" by Ronald Rolheiser.                    

Eucharistic Minister Training at CTK this Saturday

We are planning a Eucharistic Minister training on Saturday, March 8th at 9:30am in the Church at CTK and all are welcome. This is a wonderful, rewarding ministry and perfect for those too busy for another commitment. Once you have attended the training, you’ll use a signup app to choose which Mass and how often you’ll serve as a Eucharistic Minister. Please contact Kieran Chan at with questions. 

Religious Education News

Religious Education Info Day, Sunday, March 16, 2025.

Outside after all Masses on Sunday


Come check out the tables of our Kindergarten thru 6th grades classes. See what our youngsters are learning. If your child is a diverse learner, come talk to us. We will be rolling out new programs for pre-K, family catechesis and others.

We are taking surveys, please help us out. We need your feedback, your opinion, your suggestions. We need catechists, parent volunteers, assistants...Early bird registration available and encouraged.. THANK YOU!

The Christ the King-St. Stephen Religious Ed team and Catechists attended the L.A. Religious Education Congress on February 21-23.

Please see pictures and more information here

CTK School News

Weekly School Newsletter click here

Children's Stations of the Cross

Children’s Stations of the Cross


Are you a 2nd through 8th grader who is looking for a way to grow in your faith this Lenten season? 

Participate in the parish Stations of the Cross!


When: Friday, March 28, 2025

Time: 5:30pm

Where: Christ the King Church

Who: 2nd - 8th grade boys and girls

How: reading or singing

Please contact Lynn Guidi at:

to sign up and for more information.


Deadline to sign up is Monday, March 17.

Men's Retreat

Christ the King - St. Stephen Men’s Retreat

Saturday, April 26, 2025

St. Stephen Parish Hall, 1101 Keaveny Ct., Walnut Creek

8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Cost: $25.00 ($30 if you register after March 31.)

 Retreat Director: Rev. B. Kwame Assenyoh

Registration is now open. Click here to register.

See Flyer

Filipino Society

Young Families Ministry

Medicare Information Meeting

Medicare Informational Meeting

Thursday, March 6 - 10am

CTK Parish Hall- Rooms A/B


Are you turning 65? Or just want to know a little bit more about Medicare? Join us for an information meeting.

Weekly Reflections

First Sunday of Lent

Welcome to our weekly reflections on

the Sunday Scriptures.

Few of us look forward to Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. We prefer the joy and bright lights of the Christmas and Easter Seasons. The word, lent, refers to spring—new life, a revival of hope. Read More

Weekly Church Bulletin

40 Days For Life

Thank you for your Financial Support

Give On Line
If you do not wish to give on-line,
you can continue to contribute using your offertory envelopes.

Offertory Envelopes and

Paper Checks

Can be sent directly to:

Christ the King Church

195A Brandon Rd.

Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

Offertory Envelopes and

Paper Checks

Can be sent directly to:

St. Stephen Church

1101 Keaveny Ct.

Walnut Creek, CA 94597

Upcoming Second Collections

Upcoming Second Collections

Mar. 9 - Bishop's Appeal

Mar. 16 - Hospitality 

Mar. 23 - Catholic Relief Services

Mass Schedule - CTK & St. Stephen

CTK Weekday Masses

Monday - Friday

9am Mass

(9am Masses will be livestreamed)

CTK Weekend Masses


9am and 4pm Vigil

(Saturday 4pm Mass will be livestreamed)

CTK Sunday Masses

7:30am, 9am, 10:30am and 4pm

(10:30am Mass will be livestreamed).

St. Stephen Church

1101 Keaveny Ct.

Walnut Creek 94597

Saturday - Mass at 5pm

Sunday - Mass at 9:30am

St. Stephen Daily Mass:

Monday - Friday at 8am

Readings for Sunday Mass Here

Links to our services (livestreamed or archived) can be found at

or by clicking the Facebook or YouTube images below.

Ongoing Services at CTK & St. Stephen

Sacrament of Reconciliation - Private Confessions every Saturday from 3pm to 3:30pm at CTK and Saturday before the 5pm mass at St. Stephen.

CTK Thursday Morning Mass - 9am - Honoring our Mother of Perpetual Help, Worship Aide Here (Also livestreamed).

Closing Prayer

A Prayer When I Am in the Desert

Lord Jesus,

I know that wherever I am, you are with me—

guiding... protecting... providing.

You make a mountain into a road.

You make streams flow in the desert.

You cause a root to grow out of dry ground.

Thank you for the opportunity to see your work...

and remain faithful... especially when all hope seems lost.

I pray this in your holy name,



"To Hear the Gospel and Make a Difference"

“To Live and to Love in Christ”