November 2023 • Issue 73 • California Association for Bilingual Education

Important Upcoming Dates in this Newsletter:

November 8Workshop Proposal Deadline for Parent & Paraeducator Regional Conference in Sacramento

November 9EDLTA Module 3, Part 2: Best Practices for Teaching Critical English Language Skills through

Designated ELD (Register for one or more modules)

November 14—Deadline for CABE 2024 Awards

November 28—Session 1 of Fall 2023 Virtual Racial Equity Series

December 8Parent and Paraeducator Regional Conference in Sacramento

More videos from our new series...

As we look forward to CABE 2024 in Anaheim, we also take a look back at "Testimonios" conversations from CABE 2023 in Long Beach. These videos* feature inspiring narratives, in-depth interviews, and remarkable experiences shared by the bilingual education community. We believe that highlighting these stories can foster a deeper connection within our field and inspire one another in our respective journeys. This video series was filmed and produced in collaboration with Summit K12, a CABE 2023 sponsor. We hope you enjoy this next set of videos from the CABE TV 2023 playlist on YouTube!

CABE 2023 Keynote Speaker Richard Carranza discusses education's post-pandemic inflection point regarding the use of technology and the importance of distinguishing between equal and equitable practices.

Bao Phi talks about his journey from Vietnamese refugee to writer, his latest children's book, and how anti-Asian violence is being erased from discussions and what we can do about it.

Silvia Dorta-Duque de Reyes explains the importance of keeping Spanish instruction authentic to its linguistic features and not just blindly adopting strategies meant for English instruction.

Carlene Thomas from NABE describes how she became a believer in bilingual education, how to create additive programs, and how to convince people of the value of dual language programs.

*The opinions shared herein do not necessarily reflect those of CABE or Summit K12.

What's new in Sacramento that impacts education? Find out here...

CABE Legislative Advocate Report

by Jennifer Baker

  • IRS Tax Extension
  • Economic Shadows Emerge
  • 2024 Legislative Calendar Released
Read Report

CABE is growing and we're still hiring!....

Join us for Module 3—ELDTA on Nov 2 & 9 and DLTA on Nov 4...

Come hear what Enid Lee is saying about racial equity on Nov 28...

Parents and Paraeducators—Join us in Sacramento on December 8th...

November 8th is the deadline to submit for the Sacramento conference on December 8th!

Submit Proposal
Conference Information

CABE 2024 awards and new events...

CABE congratulates our EWIG ELAP EPICC partners...

CABE is thrilled to congratulate our statewide EWIG ELAP EPICC partners for the two-year grant that will help continue and expand the work of EWIG 1.0 MCAP (that sunsetted in June 2023) in implementing the EL Roadmap Policy. For three years (2020-2023), CABE and the five COEs carried forward the work of MCAP to implement the English Learner Roadmap.

We are grateful to continue this impactful work with our new grantees from the four zones: Sacramento County Office of Education, Los Angeles County Office of Education, San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools, and the Orange County Department of Education. This work together will support the 1.1 million multilingual students we serve by building educator capacity across the state to meet the four principles of the English Learner Roadmap.

Questions about EPICC? Please contact Dr. Alma Castro at

Meet Anya Bobadilla...

Anya Bobadilla was born in Portland, Oregon, to parents who immigrated from Tijuana, México. Her father was a maintenance worker, and her mother was a food service manager working in the same school district. Anya grew up in the LA area and the San Gabriel Valley, and her family returned to Tijuana often to visit extended family. They spoke mostly Spanish at home, but the children did speak some English with their father.

As the oldest of four sisters, Anya's role was to interpret, translate documents, and support the learning of her younger siblings. She describes it as "my first teaching job." Anya shares that her parents' recent divorce has shifted her perception of family and how she grew up. She's learned how difficult it is to navigate a divorce, even as an adult child. "It has made me more sensitive to the challenges that my students from divorced families face." 

Anya started kindergarten as an English learner who was excited about learning with other kids who were not her cousins. She remembers that "learning English was just part of being in school." The only time she felt different than other students was when she was pulled out of class for an English oral proficiency assessment, "It felt odd, and I didn't understand what was going on." Her high school was predominantly Latino (mostly Mexican) and Asian, but there were very few other Latinos in her AP classes. These classes introduced her to the idea of college attendance and helped her with writing application essays, but she had to learn to navigate the FAFSA process on her own. She played the trumpet in the band and noticed that her band friends who were not in AP classes were not provided any information or guidance regarding college. 

Because she always loved learning and wanted to explore opportunities away from home, she studied at UC Santa Cruz, where she majored in American Studies (ethnic studies) and minored in education. Through an undergraduate program, she volunteered as a teacher aide in the local farming community of Pescadero. Through this program, she worked two to three times a week in classrooms with students whose parents were field workers. This experience not only introduced her to teaching strategies but also highlighted the educational inequities that existed for the kids in her classes. She also studied abroad in Paris for one quarter, and even though she had taken French in high school, it was a humbling experience that offered her a much broader world perspective.

After college graduation, she wasn't ready yet to commit to teaching or begin a master's program, so she returned home and began working as a substitute teacher in the same school district as her parents. Through the Ministerio de Educación de España, she worked for a year as an auxiliar de conversación (basically, a teacher aide) in a town outside of Madrid. The dual language immersion (DLI) school offered some content courses in English and the student body included Portuguese immigrants. The students, who were accustomed to British and Irish teacher aides, were quite amused by Anya's American and Mexican vocabularies and accents in English and Spanish! 

When Anya returned home, she entered the master's teaching credential program at UCLA and did her student teaching in elementary and middle schools in East LA. While finishing her degree, she worked in the Glendale USD as a Spanish DLI kindergarten teacher. She recalls that "teaching in a first-year DLI program as a first-year teacher while completing my master's was quite a challenge. I honestly don't know how I did it." She eventually also taught 1st, 4th, and a 4/5 combo for a total of 7 years, and the school's DLI program grew to include Spanish, French, Italian, and German strands. As the district grew more affluent and less diverse, she began feeling the desire to work with diverse students in order to address educational inequities and social justice issues. So, she accepted a position at the Bellflower USD where she taught 4th grade in a Spanish DLI program for four years. When the pandemic hit, she began teaching online and was also hired by CSU Dominguez Hills to support and mentor student teachers in STEM fields. Shortly afterward, she joined CABE in 2020 as a professional learning specialist. 

Anya was introduced to CABE by attending the annual conferences and when a CABE consultant worked with her school for a year. She decided to join the CABE Team to support students and teachers in DLI programs. "I enjoy more than just presenting and training. I also do demonstration lessons with students, mentor and support students, teachers, administrators, and DLI programs. I love building long-term relationships and helping administrators to support their teachers and programs. My work with CABE is immensely fulfilling and definitely not just a job."  Anya's life experience has taught her that everyone's cultural or multicultural identity is important, and she highly values the fact that everyone's cultural identity is unique, self-defined, and not determined by the perceptions of others. 

In her free time, Anya enjoys taking walks with her two pups, Rocco and Marty, and going to the beach and riding bikes with her husband, Tae. They both enjoy eating out at local bars and restaurants, as well as cooking (Tae) and baking (Anya) at home. Anya likes taking classes to try out new hobbies, such as painting, tennis, and ceramics. As a newly married couple, Anya and Tae also love nurturing their expanding collection of house plants. 

Find out what's happening in our statewide chapters...

Important Dates and Reminders for Chapter Leaders

Deadline Extended for Chapter of the Year Award!

The new deadline to apply is November 10th.

Chapter leaders, check your inbox for the link and more information.

Questions? Contact Evelyn Briseño at

Have you updated your chapter webpage lately?

Your chapter's webpage on is where the CABE community goes for chapter information.

  • Click here to see if it needs updating.
  • Send your webpage updates to us here.

MCDL celebrates La Calenda in Madera!

La Calenda is an Oaxacan bienvenida celebrated for visitors and families. Our MCDL Chapter donated water, hot food, and a variety of homemade cookies for our volunteers and guest dancers and musicians.

CABE Ventura holds successful Mini-Conference!

Highlights from Recent Membership Meetings

October General Membership Meeting

October General Membership Meeting

CABE Chapter 76 participation at the Douglass Middle School Math Club's Día de Muertos celebration

Check out our latest chapter newsletter...

  • Follow SFABE on Facebook
  • SFABE Board Report & Calendar
  • CABE 2024
  • Celebrating Native American Heritage Month
  • Connect with CalTog
  • American Indian Film Festival
  • Indian Country News
  • UESF 
  • UTR
  • Palestine
  • Abolitionist Teaching Network
  • Cultural Survival
  • Links from past newsletters
  • SFABE Board Info
Read newsletter
Click for more info and to RSVP

Other items of interest to the CABE Community...

Click the image above to go to the website.

Apply for Alma Flor Ada Award for Social Justice by Dec. 15th

State Seal of Biliteracy Assembly Bill 370 Webinar

The California Department of Education (CDE) Multilingual Support Division is offering a State Seal of Biliteracy Assembly Bill 370 Webinar: New Requirements and Resources on November 8, 2023, from 3 to 4 p.m. via Zoom. This webinar will be recorded and will be posted to the CDE State Seal of Biliteracy web page following the webinar.


Please see the attached flyer for details and share this information with State Seal of Biliteracy coordinators, counselors, world language teachers, administrators, and other interested parties.


Please download the State Seal of Biliteracy Requirements Flyer that outlines the updated requirements for the State Seal of Biliteracy, effective January 1, 2024. These new requirements apply to 2024 graduates.


If you have any questions, please contact Gina Garcia-Smith, Education Programs Consultant, Multilingual Support Division, by email at or by phone at 916-319-0265. 

Comic Corner...

Contact the editor: Laurie Miles, Communications Coordinator,

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