The Magic of the Flow...

Chi Gong (now), a Poem, Mugical-Morocco Tour.

In this society, we often are looking for someone else's confirmation re ourselves.

Some of it makes sense:

Better that you study surgery and get a license before you cut somebody up :)

Or, receive a driver license so it is safe for everyone...

What about when it comes to cooking? You can do it without a license.

Or, did you ever fix the light bulb in your car? even though you're not a mechanic?

Or swim in the ocean? Most people will not call you a swimmer even though you swim...?

But they will call you a "breast man " if you prefer chicken breast over thighs...:)

There is so much more we each have in us.

There is so much more awareness and confidence we can enjoy...

I wrote this on social media in a second of inspiration, I thought you will appreciate.

I know nothing about Music and I play Music,

I'm not a Dancer and I Dance,

I'm not A Singer and I Sing,

I'm not a Chef and I Cook,

I'm not a Guide and I Guide,

I'm not a Driver and I Drive,

I'm not a Teacher and I Teach,

I'm not a Philosopher and I explore perspectives,

I'm not a Doctor and I help People Heal,

I'm not a Spirit and I fly,

I Am not and I AM….

(Dror Sinai)

Whatever you are today, or whatever you feel you are today,

A dancer, a singer, a chef...

We always have the need to "Elevate".

I'm always here to support you best I can with offering Tools and Activities that support Health, Growth, Expression, Inner Peace, Joy, Love...

Through my Hand Drum Lessons, workshops and concerts, Chi Gong Plays, Healing sessions, Mugical-Morocco Tours.

Happy to support your New Year Resolution.

For you individually in person or online, for communities, Schools and universities... Contact me

Next Mugical Morocco Tour is March 17-26/2023

Time to register now!

Do you feel the need to enhance your life experience?

To widen your world?

To Expand your perspectives?

To get exited again? To have more fire and passion?

More Joy?

Here is what past travelers have to tell about their experience

EVERYTHING I offer is about that. about Thriving...:

An amazing explorations into magical culture, beautiful geographical nature, inviting people, delicious food, colors to no end, Music, Dance...

Also an exploration deep into oneself...

It is an Adventure of a Lifetime!

A way to enhance life experience, to have joy and love...

Lets make 2023 so much better!

So, if you're in need of thriving, if you like exploring then this is an opportunity for you...

For the right people, email me with any questions/

Life is Now...


I cant express the wonders Chi Gong contributed to my life.

With relatively minimal effort, no tools needed, no experience...and the Results are Felt right then! and for later...

Body, Mind and Spirit.

Join us Making it for the Better, Chi Gong play with Dror.

Come and invite friends, Chi Gong with Dror, on Zoom Tues and Thurs 9am Pacific ,19:00 Tel Aviv, 18:00 Marrakech & Barcelona, 17:00 London
You may want to Join Dror Chi Gong Community on FB
so to receive last minute updates
Click Link to Chi Gong w Dror, on Zoom

Meeting ID: 724 3789 7106
Passcode: 040708

It feels like magic!
It is accessible to each and every one and often immediate results...

Suggested donations $15-$25 a class or $100 monthly.
Join us, yourSelf will be happier...

No experience necessary!
Everyone is welcome.
Offerings are by donations of love and resources!

Paypal to:
or venmo- @Dror-Sinai
or Send a ck to Dror Sinai, po box 3226, Santa Cruz ca. 95063

Blue Morocco tour

Why to winter break in Morocco?

You're correct,! no more words needed.

Life enhancement always needed-

Register now here is event on facebook

Email me with any questions

and LETS GO!

Love , Light ,Inner Peace, World Peace and Harmony...

The Magic of the Flow...


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