Capitol Update

November 22, 2023

I had the pleasure of being one of ten legislators who traveled to Dallas, Texas this month to attend the pro-Family Legislative Conference. The time was packed with great speakers, discussion and inspiration. We each returned home with many legislative ideas and a renewed hope in our constitutional republic.

Several of us also had the opportunity to drive to the location where the assassination of John F. Kennedy took place. We toured the museum that houses part of his story called The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza and drove the same route his motorcade followed on that dreadful day... November 22, 1963 - exactly SIXTY years ago today. I purposed to send out this newsletter on November 22, 2023 so that I could dedicate it to the memory and life of JFK. The corner in the above photo with all the cardboard boxes is the exact location where the alleged gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, stood, however, a small portion at the end of the tour examines some of the other theories that surround his death.

Every state... a border state

Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced these staggering numbers regarding the southern border:

"Special Interest Aliens" list so far since Joe Biden has taken office. Reports show we’ve encountered:

6,400 Afghanistan Nationals 

3,200 from Egypt 

1,200 from Iran & Syria

60,000 from Uzbekistan, Turkey, Pakistan, and Lebanon

These numbers DO NOT include over 1.5 million “gotaways” who have snuck past agents without detection. 

This number is higher than any year since before 2016. 

Do we know how many of those 1.5 million people could’ve been on that watchlist?


ESG: An Attack on Liberty

Many thanks to Senator Sandy Salmon for granting permission to share this well laid out explanation of ESG's. Senator Salmon has been a tireless fighter in the fight for freedom. This is important issue for all of us to understand!

What is ESG? 

ESG stands for environmental, social, governance. Large corporate directors and business investors, with “indirect” input from the federal government, designate these scores based on how well the person or small business or company adheres to a number of policies, such as “green” climate change-inspired policies, opposition to the use of fossil fuels, opposition to production agriculture, opposition to gun manufacture, beliefs about racial equity informed by Critical Race Theory (CRT), including anti-racism, white privilege, etc., support for abortion on demand and/or adherence to LGBT ideology.


Is this really an issue? 

Yes. It has become a trend to deny loans or investment capital if a company’s ESG score is not high enough, meaning the company does not adhere strongly enough to the aforementioned policies. This poses a significant threat to individual liberty and the free market economy, seeking to impose progressive and liberal beliefs and values on other businesses and eventually families and individuals. A 2023 report by the International Federation of Accountants and the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants found that 95 percent of large global companies produce ESG reports each year. I met with a manufacturer recently who is seeking to raise its ESG score, indicating pressure from other companies they work with. This manufacturer is having to increase its expenses to meet these ESG demands. This should not be happening.


Where are we at in Iowa addressing ESG?  

We have a bill SF 507 that was passed in the Iowa Senate last year and was sent to the House and was amended there. It was sent back to the Senate and awaits action on the Senate floor. I am hopeful we will get that passed out next year.


What does the bill do? 

This bill requires managers of public funds such as IPERS to consider only financial factors when making investment decisions (as has always been) and not ESG ratings. This bill prohibits these ESG scores from being used in decisions regarding investments of our public funds. A number of other states, such as Texas, have taken this exact type of action.


What about ESG affecting me as an individual? 

What about my local bank? Am I protected from my bank using ESG scores to determine whether I get a loan? First, you should check with your local bank/credit union. Some do use them; some do not. Right now Iowa law is silent on that. This is a protection for consumers we need to require. Some states have proposed regulations that would stop banks and/or insurance companies from using ESG when making determinations about access to banking or insurance services. This is because a number of the world’s most powerful banks and insurance companies have, to varying degrees, weaponized ESG to screen out businesses and even some individuals who refuse to comply with those institutions’ social justice or environmental policies.


Although there are many examples of financial institutions flexing their muscles as a tactic to create larger social changes, perhaps the most economically important is that virtually every large bank in the United States has committed to forcing the businesses they work with to phase out their use of fossil fuels—even if it causes economic harm to customers and business.


If fulfilled, these pledges would necessitate that banks eliminate all or nearly all lending and banking activities with customers who use fossil fuels, including individuals who drive gasoline-powered motor vehicles, significantly impacting virtually every family and industry in the United States.


On May 2, 2023, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law historic legislation that restricts banks’ use of ESG metrics, the first time such a ban has been established at the state level. Some have claimed that states, including Florida, have no right to prevent banks from imposing ESG standards on their customers. They have claimed state policymakers do not have authority to regulate many of the largest banks operating within their state’s borders, because federally chartered banks can only be regulated by federal agencies. Supreme Court rulings reinforce existing federal law which does grant states the power to regulate banks’ use of ESG and other forms of social credit scoring under federal consumer protection laws. Iowa should follow Florida’s example.


The ESG social credit scoring system is very similar to what is used in Communist China to control its people and coerce them into adopting government-preferred beliefs and behaviors. Our federal government uses various financial incentives and other forms of economic and social pressure to get private business to do the same thing. It is unacceptable and outrageous and should not happen.


Recently I was invited to speak at the high school that I graduated from, Tri-Center in Neola, Iowa to several dozen iJAG students. iJAG stands for Iowa Jobs for America’s Graduates and is a program that partners with Iowa schools to deliver career development programming that includes leadership training, career education, individualized guidance and employer services.

Each class began with each students approaching me, shaking my hand, and introducing themselves. Then several students in the class presented on how iJAG had been influential in their development, followed by a fifteen-minute presentation of my time in office and concluding with all those burning questions students dreamed of asking a politician one day. Here are some of the questions followed up by a short answer from me:

Has your life ever been threatened?

"Yes" but not really legitimate threats. Mostly ones that came via email and from out of state but local law enforcement was notified.

What bills prompted that?

A constitutional marriage amendment bill.

What are the names of your children?

Molly, Allen and William

How much do you get paid?

$25,000 annually plus per diem during session days.

What kind of training or education should you have?

Life experience seems to be the most usual but certainly previous knowledge of law and justice certainly helpful. Most of the people I serve with come from many walks of, small business owners, truckers, pastors, stay at home moms, retired military, law enforcement and many more backgrounds.

What is your favorite part of the job?

By far, the people! People everywhere, people all the time!

Resilancy and Preparedness

This may not be a topic you would expect to see in a "politicians" newsletter, but it is one that I have been meaning to address since I was elected. Due to the reams of books, websites and articles on emergency preparedness, I will not go into any detail here about how and what you should prepare for your home, but I will take this opportunity to tell you that you should be making you and your family prepared to withstand any natural or man-made disaster in the future. Make it your New Year's Resolution to research the topic and start the process of family resiliency; include items on your Christmas wish list and start talking to your family and friends about their ideas.

I want to encourage you to NOT follow the CDC's advice on the one... they recommend you have enough food, water and other items to last you at least 72 hours. Yes, 72 hours... That's all... A mere three days... I am sorry but that is almost laughable and is terrible advice to all Iowans let alone any American. Many of us are old enough to know what it's like to live without running water or electricity and we could readily adjust without either. I am not even fifty years old yet and we still had an outhouse on our family farm but for many Iowans, they have not considered how to live without any electricity or running water or how to prepare food for long term storage.

I also remember when my oldest child was just a toddler and a terrible ice storm moved through Central Iowa, knocking down powerlines to thousands of Iowans. No powerlines, no running furnace. No furnace, no heat. We ended up staying an entire week with relatives who still warmed their house with a woodstove, and it was a real treat. Three days preparation in a case like that is not adequate.

Please take the restful time of the winter season to think about how you and the rest of your family can be independent, resilient and safe under all possible emergencies.

Thanks for going to the polls!

Thank you to the registered voters who went to polls on November 7th! There were many school board races and city council seats up for grab. In Oskaloosa, the struggle over ballot measure OM was WON and residents will continue to have the initiative and referendum portion in the city charter at their disposal. Here are the results of that election:

Shall the following public measure be adopted?

An ordinance to amend the city charter of the city of Oskaloosa, Iowa by removing Article VI and modifying Section 7.2 to comply with Iowa law and making conforming changes?

No: 651

Yes: 420

*Refer to my October newsletter for all the details!

What a precious privilege we have to vote with our children! Please be sure to teach your children the value and duty of being a registered voter! Thanks to my two sons, Allen and William, for joining me in our first trip together to vote in our local school board election.

Changes in Taxpayer Filings

Iowa Department of Revenue seeks to remind taxpayers that changes are coming next tax season for those who file individual income tax returns. Individuals who file Iowa income tax, fiduciary, and inheritance taxes can now make payments and manage their accounts through GovConnectIowa, the State’s secure online tax and licensing portal.

GovConnectIowa replaced the previous system called eFile & Pay. The Iowa Department of Revenue is in the third rollout of a multi-year effort to modernize and simplify the tax paying process for individual taxpayers and businesses in Iowa.

On November 13, The State added additional tax types and increased online service functionality through GovConnectIowa. This third rollout includes:

· New features for making payments and account management for individual income tax, fiduciary, and inheritance taxes

· Administration of the State of Iowa Setoffs Program. The program is a way that public agencies collect past-due (delinquent) debts (for example, child support payments) that are owed.

· Expanded functionality for the Department of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing.

Learn more about the modernization effort and GovConnectIowa at

How you can support me in the Iowa House

What do people like me need for support as elected officials in a state office?

* Prayer (the key!)

* Volunteers

* Yards for signage (both yard sign and barn signs/4x8)

* "Word-of-mouth" support by expressing your approval to others

* and of course, financial donations:

Hayes for House, Treasurer

1240 170th Street

Pella, Iowa 50219

Thank you all!!

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As always, please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have. I love to hear from you and want to represent you accurately! 



Phone: 515.281.3221

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